Programme of Erasmus Orientation day 2013

Erasmus Orientation Day – 30th September 2013

from 10–12 a.m.

  1. LLP – Erasmus program and 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague
  2. Welcome note of the Dean doc. MUDr. Hrušák
  3. Tandem Motol – the possibility of Czech language ‘head to head’ learning
  4. An official inscription to the faculty and administrative issues + Discussion about a learning programme
  5. Student organization Motolák – Buddy program, Information tour on the Faculty campus and a visit of the Informational Center of the University (in the city centre) – ISIC Cards
Vytvořeno: 19. 9. 2013 / Upraveno: 19. 11. 2018 / BcA. Dominika Patrovská, DiS.