Career Development Fellowships in National Technology Centres and Gateways Programme

Informujeme o výzvě Career Development Fellowships in National Technology Centres and Gateways Programme.

Výzva je otevřená do 31. prosince 2020 a je určená pro zkušené výzkumníky ze všech výzkumných disciplín. V případě dotazů prosím kontaktujte přímo paní Micol Martinelli na @email.

Career-FIT PLUS is co-funded by Enterprise Ireland and the EU under the H2020 MSCA CO-FUND scheme, with the aim to attract 50 experienced researchers worldwide to work on industry-focused collaborative projects in Ireland for three years. Following a competitive process, the Fellows will be selected and hired by a host institution in Ireland (Higher Education Institution / Research Performing Organisation / Research and Technology Organisation) and they will be affiliated with a Technology Centre or Gateway. Every Fellow will have an Academic Mentor and a Company Mentor and be seconded to the partner company for a 6-12 months period.

The deadline for applications is December 31st.

We are currently recruiting 25 Experienced Researchers (PostDocs or equivalent research experience) from any country and discipline (25 were identified through Call One).

They will be hired for three years by a HEI/RPO/RTO to work on an industry-focused research collaboration project and must spend between 6 to 12 months at the partner company.

Další informace najdete na tomto odkazu.

Vytvořeno: 6. 10. 2020 / Upraveno: 13. 4. 2021 / Kristýna Pribilinec