EEA grant – výměna expertů

National Training Fund (NVF)
the Intermediary of

The Research Support Fund (CZ)

financed by EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanism
and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic


announces 4th Call for Proposals

within the framework of

the Measure ‘B’

The Research Fund (CZ) was established within the allocation of the Priority Area No. 6 Academic Research of the EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanisms in the Czech Republic. The Fund shall support sub-projects in the field of academic research aiming to strengthen cooperation between the EEA EFTA states (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and the Czech Republic.
The Fund’s Measure ‘B’ is devoted to expert exchanges supporting short term study visits, attendance at conferences or actions organized or co-organized by the donor states to facilitate cooperation between Czech and EEA EFTA states’ experts.
The amount of grants available for 4th Call for B-Applications is € 150.000.
End-recipients of the sub-projects may receive grant assistance up to € 5,000 per expert, € 15,000 as maximum per application. The minimal amount of the grant is not limited.

Proposals can be submitted from December 27th, 2010,
the deadline for its submission is exactly at 12.00 a.m., January 31st, 2011.

(The given date and time are monitored by the Fund’s webpage

The proposal submitted at 12.00.01 of January 31, 2011 and later will be rejected by the default function of the Fund’s webpage. Each applicant is responsible for reserving enough time for the preparation of a proposal and its timely submission.)

Sub-projects shall not last longer than 1 month.

Please note that proposals for activities held between
February 15th and March 31st, 2011 are eligible only.

The final reports shall be submitted within 14 days after the end of the sub-project.
The following applicants are eligible:

Experts (or their employers in case the expert does not keep accounts according laws applicable in their country) doing research in the Czech Republic or the donor states, fulfilling the following criteria:

  1. The applicant’s nationality, place of residence or registered office is in the Czech Republic or in one of EEA EFTA states (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein);
  2. The applicant is not participating in any running project or sub-project granted by EEA/Norway FMs;
  3. The visited institution, exhibition, conference or seminar (workshop) is located:
    • in the Czech Republic where the applicant’s nationality, place of residence or registered office is in one of EEA EFTA states, or
    • in one of the EEA EFTA states – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway – (or is officially endorsed by governmental or research institution of one of the mentioned states – and held in EEA) where the applicant’s nationality, place of residence or registered office is in the Czech Republic;
  4. The applicant is working in one of the priority sectors of the Fund:
    • Conservation of the European cultural heritage
    • Protection of the Environment
    • Human resource development
    • Healthcare
    • Promotion of the sustainable development
    • Children's living conditions

The applicants would be aware that the Applications included woman, young, regional and/or physically disabled expert will be preferred within the quality assessment1.
Requirements for co-financing
A grant can be awarded up to 90 % of total eligible costs of the sub project providing that all eligible costs are spent for activities of non-economic character2.
Apart the Fund’s grant, the Final Beneficiary shall finance the sub-project in the share of at least 10 % of the sub-project’s approved budget (the total eligible costs).
Procedure for submitting Applications
The Application shall be submitted in English by filling in the specific web form: B-Application.
The B-Application shall be submitted on-line through
Therefore, a successful on-line registration is a necessary condition in order to obtain access to the system and fill in the B-Application.
Detailed information about the on-line registration and the B-Application as well as the Call for Proposals announcement and The Implementation Manual can be found at
All monetary units in the B-Application shall be expressed in EUR. Currency conversion shall be calculated according to the exchange rates:

CZK/EUR 24,8803
ISK/EUR 160,5880
CHF/EUR 1,3354
NOK/EUR 8,0149

(Please note: the rates mentioned above are valid for application phase only. When one will declare the actual expenditures related to the sub-project implementation the rates will follow the actual rates specified according the rules set by the EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanisms. All exchange rate risks are on the side of the endrecipient.)
The B-Application shall be filled in attentively and completely in accordance with The Implementation Manual and the instructions for users in the application form.
Appraisal procedure
The appraisal of the submitted Applications consists of formal and quality assessment (preferential criteria including):
Formal appraisal will be carried out by the Fund Intermediary (NVF). The applicant’s eligibility, correctness and completeness of the application will be taken into account. The Applicants whose application fails to meet formal criteria will be asked for additional information within the term of 5 working days.
Quality assessment will be carried out by the Fund Intermediary (NVF) according to the evaluation criteria set in the Implementation Manual.
The applications that reach at least 16 points (out of total 30) will be written down to the list of recommended applications, in descending order according to the score. The sub-projects will be financed one by one according their rank in this list – up to the total financial allocation available for this Call.
The Intermediary will inform all applicants whose applications are rejected about the reasons for the rejection.
The Applicant can appeal against neither the decisions of a quality assessment nor the final selection of sub-projects.
Questions & consultations
Questions and requests for consultations shall be sent by e-mail from the date of the call opening until 10 days before the published deadline. Questions will be replied within 5 working days and published on the web site
More information related to the Research Support Fund (CZ) and EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanisms are available at the web sites:, and
Contact to Fund Intermediary
Mr. Roman Vyhnánek
 – Národní vzdělávací fond, o. p. s. (National Training Fund)
Opletalova 25, 110 00 Praha 1
Phone: +420 224 500 532, E-mail: @email

1 See the Implementation Manual for the 4th call of the Measure B
2 Non-economic activities – see point 3.1.1. in OJ 2006/C 323/01: Community Framework for State Aid for Research and Development and Innovation

Vytvořeno: 30. 12. 2010 / Upraveno: 6. 6. 2019 / Administrátor 2. LF UK