Ketogenní dieta pro lékaře a nutriční terapeutky

Program semináře

Pondělí, 13. října 2014 – FN Motol
(kinosál na ředitelství)

9.30 Welcome Address by Miroslav Ludvík, LLD, MBA, Director of the Motol Hospital
Prof. Vladimír Komárek, MD, PhD, Dean of 2nd Faculty of Medicine
Hall #1
Eric H. Kossoff, M.D., Assistant Professor, Neurology and Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins Children’s Center – Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet – Its current worldwide application and the effect of dietary therapies on patients.
Bobbie J. Henry, R.D., Adult Dietician, Johns Hopkins Hospital – What are dietary therapies and how are they applied?
Mackenzie Carpenter Cervenka, M.D., Director, Adult Epilepsy Diet Center, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Johns Hopkins Hospital – New applications of dietary therapies.
11.00 Coffee Break
Hall #1
Mackenzie Carpenter Cervenka, M.D. – Treatment of adults with the application of ketogenic diet.
Eric H. Kossoff, M.D. – Potential side effects of the ketogenic diet and ending the diet.
Hall #2 Bobbie J. Henry, R.D. – What kinds of diets are there? Calculations and providing nutrition support.
12.30 Official Lunch with the Representatives of the Hospital
2.00 pm
Hall #1
Eric H. Kossoff, M.D. & Bobbie J. Henry, R.D. – Three different cases and possible solutions to problems.
Discussion: Questions & Answers session

Seminář je zdarma, ale je nutné se přihlásit do 7. 10. 2014 na e-mailu: @email

Vytvořeno: 3. 10. 2014 / Upraveno: 15. 12. 2017 / Mgr. Jana Andresová