Kurz Multidimensional and Analytical Electron Microscopy for Life Scientists


The Institute of Molecular Genetics ASCR, together with the research infrastructure Czech-BioImaging, would like to invite you to attend the 5-day theoretical and practical course "Multidimensional and Analytical Electron Microscopy for Life Scientists".

The course is designed for users of electron microscopes in the biomedical field, both from scientific laboratories and from core facilities. The aim of the course is to provide an orientation to basic and advanced techniques in biomedical electron microscopy in an application-oriented manner. Sample preparation under room temperature and cryo conditions will be covered, including special workflows such as cryo-sectioning, freeze-fracture replica, or cryo-CLEM workflow on FIB-milled lamella. Besides basic imaging, special techniques such as (cryo)FIB-SEM, STEM tomography and EDS analysis will be demonstrated, with an introduction to data processing and interpretation. Special emphasis will be placed on discussing how to choose the appropriate methodology for a specific scientific project. The course will be taught in English.

The course will be held at the Institute of Molecular Genetics ASCR in Prague on 3rd – 7th March 2025. Favorable registration fees are set due to the support by the Czech-BioImaging. For more information and link to the registration forms please visit the course website https://course.img.cas.cz/memls/

The registration deadline is February 10, 2025.

Vytvořeno: 16. 1. 2025 / Upraveno: 16. 1. 2025 / Mgr. Pavla Zídková