Letní škola Biologie a Lékařských věd v Lausanne

The UNIL's School of Biology launches a call for applications to the 4th Summer Undergraduate Research (SUR) Programme in the biological sciences. This English-taught 8-week programme (July 4th to August 28th, 2013) aims at introducing Bachelor-level students to the world of biological and biomedical research: Individual students will be each integrated in a different experimental research laboratory of the School of Biology. This 4th edition of the SUR Programme will host around 20 participants from all over the world, including a couple of local students.
scholarship toward tuition costs, living expenses and justified travel costs will be awarded to all selected participants. Application deadline: January 31st, 2013.
Please note that this programme is completely independent from our student exchange agreement. Selected students will thus not be taken into account in the balance.
More information about the programme: http://www.unil.ch/ecoledebiologie/sur
Head of International Relations
University of Lausanne
Relations internationales
Château de Dorigny
Université de Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne
T.: +41 (0)21 692 20 26
F.: +41 (0)21 692 20 05
For international students, scholars and partners: www.unil.ch/international
Pour la communauté UNIL: www.unil.ch/echanges

Vytvořeno: 21. 11. 2012 / Upraveno: 15. 11. 2018 / BcA. Dominika Patrovská, DiS.