Mezinárodní studentská vědecká konference v Moskvě

The Student's Scientific Society of the Russian State Medical University invites students and young scientists (under 35 years old) from your university (college, academy) to take part in Second International (Eleventh All-Russian) Pirogov students scientific medical conference. The conference will take place on 15 of March, 2007, in Moscow, in the Russian State Medical University. All abstracts of scientific projects will be published in the special edition of ‘Vestnik Rossijskogo Gosudarstvennogo Medicinskogo Universiteta’ (Russian State Medical University Bulletin), which will be sent to the authors after the conference. The bulletin will also be available online, on the conference's web-site. Please forward all your questions about participation in the conference to, or you can also get in touch with the Committee via email: @email.

Sincerely, The Conference Committee

Vytvořeno: 3. 11. 2006 / Upraveno: 15. 1. 2025 / Administrátor 2. LF UK