Kdo má zájem – konečný termín přihlášek je 15. 11. 06 !!
Dear Erasmus Partner Universities,
The Medical University of Graz now launches an English PhD Program in Molecular Medicine. The program offers cutting-edge education with respect to the molecular basis of human diseases and therapeutics. The thesis projects will focus on various aspects of metabolic diseases, inflammation, and cancer and integrate basic, applied, and clinical sciences, as well as a wide spectrum of experimental techniques.
All 20 admitted PhD-students will receive funding for three years. Applicants must hold a MD in Medicine, Chemistry or Life Sciences.
Further information and application forms are available at: www.meduni-graz.at/phd/
Applications must be submitted by email to @email and
cc to: @email
Christina Schoenbacher
International and Postgraduate Center (IPC)
Mozartgasse 12/2
8010 Graz/ Austria
phone 043.316.380.4078
fax: 043.316.380.9613
web www.meduni-graz.at