Nabídka pro post-doktorandy z laboratoře INSERM v Montpellier

Post-doctoral position INSERM – Institute of psychiatry Montpellier, France
Candidatures are being sought for a post-doctoral post as part of a collaborative research agreement between the Institute of Psychiatry, London and the French National Institute of Medical Research (INSERM). INSERM is the only French public research organization entirely devoted to human health and undertakes biological, clinical and population research. The Institute currently comprises 13 000 employees (of whom 6 000 are researchers) working within 335 research units throughout France. Eighty five percent of INSERM's units are implanted within University Hospitals. The Institute of Psychiatry is a postgraduate medical school associated with the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, and is a School of King's College, University of London. The Institute has approximately 550 students and over 900 staff. A formal collaborative research agreement has been established between the Department of Epidemiology and Health Services Research at the Institute of Psychiatry and INSERM Unit 888 ‘Pathologies of the Nervous System: Epidemiological and Clinical Research’ in Montpellier France. This collaboration, known as a European Associated Laboratory (EAL) aims to develop joint research projects and teaching programmes (including joint post-graduate research supervision). As part of the creation of the EAL a post-doctoral post (poste vert) has been funded by INSERM which is open to candidates from the United Kingdom with qualifications in either mental health or epidemiology. The poste vert contract is for a period of one-year which will be spent principally within the INSERM unit in Montpellier in the south of France ( A second year, to be spent principally at the Institute of Psychiatry, London may be offered to the candidate on termination of the poste vert. The candidate should have a doctorate in an area related to mental health or epidemiology, and should be able to work independently in study design and statistical analysis. He/she should also have some experience in attracting funding. The candidate will be required to work in collaboration with both the Department of Health Services and Population Research and INSERM Unit 888 in Montpellier towards the development of a study protocol for a new European study of late-life psychiatric disorder. The candidate will also be expected to further his/her own research interests using existing joint population data bases. The candidate may also develop a future project within the proposed European study. The gross salary for the post will be 2 400 to 2 900 Euros per month depending on the qualifications of the candidate. Return air fares for the candidate (including return trips to London for consultation with IOP partners) will be paid for by the INSERM Unit. Candidates should send a CV in English to @email by December 1 2007. Unit 888 Inserm ‘Nervous system pathologies: epidemiological and clinical research’ Head: Dr Karen Ritchie Hôpital La Colombie`re, 39 Ave Charles Flahault, BP 34493, 34093 Montpellier Cedex 5, France Phone: 33 (0)4 99 614 560 – Fax: 33 (0)4 99 614 579 @email

Vytvořeno: 9. 11. 2007 / Upraveno: 9. 4. 2018 / Administrátor 2. LF UK