Novinky o právech k duševnímu vlastnictví – 6. FP

nabízíme vám informace o novinkách z ochrany práv k duševnímu vlastnictví (IPR-Helpdesk, 6. FP) a informace k Bulletinu IPR z této oblasti za srpen a září 2004. (

2004-10-01. World Intellectual Property Organisation. Member States agree to update trade mark registration procedures (IP)
2004-09-28. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Anti-Spam strategy and invitation for public contributions (IP)
2004-09-27. European Union. The ECJ gives a judgment on the issue of the registration of a common surname as a trade mark (IP)
2004-10-01. European Union. Corrigendum and contract notices recently published (RTD)
2004-09-29. European Union. Competitiveness Council meeting on various issues related, among others, to the European Research Policy and to Nanotechnology (RTD)
2004-09-30. PatGen, a tool that permits searches for genetic patent sequences (IP and RTD)
Brussels (Belgium), 2–3 December 2004: Paneuropean Intellectual Property Summit „IP2004“ (IP)
Geneva (Switzerland), 7 October 2004: Conference on the accession of the European Community to the Madrid Protocol (IP)
Vienna (Austria), 27–29 October 2004: eChallenges e-2004 Conference (RTD)
Rome (Italy), 8–9 November 2004: Consortium agreement and intellectual property (RTD)
Erfurt (Germany), 4–5 November 2004: BIOMATERIAL 2004 (RTD)
IPR Bulletin N. 16 (August–September 2004)

Vytvořeno: 5. 10. 2004 / Upraveno: 15. 1. 2025 / Mgr. Gabriela Hlaváčová