Technologické centrum AV ČR vám nabízí přehled o nových setkáních, akcích, nových publikacích ve světě apod. (www.ipr-helpdesk.org)
2004-09-01. Japan. Bill to patent law amendment aimed at reducing patent pendency (IP) |
2004-09-03. European Union. Contract notices recently published (RTD) |
2004-09-03. European Union. Documents related to bioethics published (RTD) |
2004-09-02. European Union. The Commission responds to the high-level Panel of independent experts concerning the new FP6 instruments (RTD) |
2004-08-31. The results of the conference „Research – Industry cooperation in EU RTD programmes“ have been published (RTD) |
2004-08-30. European Union. Publication of two new documents related to the matter of S&T (RTD) |
Boston (USA), 12–14 September 2004: IPO Annual Meeting (IP) |
Brussels (Belgium), 16 September 2004: European workshop on Information and Communication Technology (IP) |
Porto (Portugal), 26–28 September 2004: Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Annual Conference (RTD) |
London (United Kingdom), 6–7 October 2004: Strategically Managing Innovation in New Product Development (RTD) |
2004-09-03. The New European Law on Trade Mark Infringement (IP) |
2004-09-01. How to deal with IPR issues in the context of a unique legal entity created for the implementation of RTD projects (RTD) |