Opening a Study Abroad Competition – Erasmus

Opening a Study Abroad Competition Within the framework of the Erasmus programme

The Dean's advisory board of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University has opened a competition for studies abroad within the framework of EU Socrates/Erasmus for the academic year 2003/2004.

The main criteria are outstanding study results, sufficient language capacity and a desirable study aim.

The list of associate universities, students can apply for, is referred to in the chart.

All full-time study and postgraduate students of our Faculty who comply with the qualification criteria determined by the Chancellor's Office of Charles University, specified in the appendix, can enter the competition.

The selective board appointed by the Dean of the Faculty has the final decsion upon including a student to the studies.

The studies abroad an the integral part of University studies and substitute partially for the studies at the home faculty, i.e. they cannot lead to a prolongation of the studies.

Studies abroad will be implemented in the form of an individual study plan.

Postgraduate students are expected to use this stay for working on their thesis.

Postgraduate students are offered 3 contract places (University in Graz and Karolinska Institute) i.e. these places cannot be offered to undergraduate students, and on the contrary it is possible to arrange and finance – when agreed – other study places on one condition and that is confirmation that the student will be admitted to work on a prepared programme during his stay. It is possible to assign the Erasmus grant just once during the studies.

Language capability must be supported by a corresponding certificate which can be substituted by an examination at the Department of Languages at our Faculty where you can receive a certificate for English, German and French. English is sufficient also for studies in Italy, Sweden and Norway but candidates who master the teaching language will be given a proirity. Other students have to get through an intensive language course (IPLC) before the start of their studies. The terms of examinations at the Department of Languages will be announced in time at the Department of Studies and on the web sites.



Country University Students of full-time study (2.–6. year) Postgraduate students Length of stay (months) Months altogether Teaching language
Italy Univerzita degli Studi di Padova 2   6 12 Italian
France Université Montpellier I 2   3 6 French
Austria Universität Wien 1   12 12 German
Austria Universität Graz 1 1 6 12 German
Germany Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf 3   6 18 German
Germany Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 2   12 24 German
Sweden Karolinska Institutet Stockholm 1 2 6 18 Swedish
Norway University of Trondheim 2   6 12 Norwegian
  Altogether: 14 3   114  


Applications for the competition can be handed in at the Department of Studies of 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University until 18th April 2003 and you can get there the necessary forms.

The application must include: comleted application form for the studies abroad, study results included, structured CV, study aim (briefly which subjects will the studies abroad replace), language certificate (see above), contact information (address, e-mail, phone numbers – mobile phone preferably).

Further information is available on the web sites of the European office of the Chancellor of the Charles University:

You will be able to find there references to the web sites of associate faculties, time-tables and the Information pack with the Erasmus programme included, which is the basis for creating a study aim.

You can also contact the Faculty co-ordinator of the Erasmus programme, via booking on the e-mail address: @email or @email

The terms of the contest will be announced by the advisory board of the Dean probably in the first half of April. It is necessary to read the notice board at the Department of Studies and the web sites carefully.

The financial contibution for students of Charles University going abroad for one month are:

Country Town Amount in Euro Group
  430,– 0
France Vienna 450,– 3
Great Britain
  470,– 2
the Netherlands
490,– 1
Vytvořeno: 28. 3. 2003 / Upraveno: 2. 11. 2018 / MUDr. Rudolf Černý, CSc.