Lékařská fakulta Humboldtovy Univerzity v Berlíně nabízí našim studentům možnost účasti na dvou prázdninových kurzech, které pořádá univerzitní nemocnice Charité.
Bližší podrobnosti jsou uvedeny v následujícím textu a na internetových stránkách Charité.
Informace nám byla postoupena Evropskou kanceláří Rektorátu UK.
Dr. Černý
Dear colleagues:
The ECTS Application documents for our ERASMUS students are on the way. Enclosed herewith you will find two posters that announce two of our most interesting current activities:
The first is a Summer School for Medical Students on the subject of ‘Pain and Pain Relief’ to be held in Berlin from July 24 to August 03, 2002. The BBEO organizes that event in cooperation with our partner universities in Poznan/Poland and Shanghai/China. The topics will include Diagnosis and History taking as well as intercultural approaches for Pain Relief, e.g. Traditional Chinese Medicine. The 10 day program consists of lectures, practical exercises, case presentations, topical discussions and social activities. See http://www.charite.de/bbeo/english/intpro.htm
The second is an International Surgery Course at the Charité, Berlin, starting in October 2002. Special features of this course, which is offered for the second time now, are a different approach to medical education as well as the opportunity to study in English and therefore in an international group (10 German and 10 International students). Emphasis is on practical education. In this venture Charité is supported by affiliated teaching hospitals, where the students are instructed and supervised in small groups. See http://www.charite.de/iisc
We would appreciate very much if you could inform as many of your students as possible of those events.
Thank you in advance,
with kind regards
Birgit Heller