Research Summer School – Angers (France)

Dear colleagues,
We have the great pleasure to present you the Research Summer School of Angers (France). Please do transfer the information to your students!

Intensive training for earlier exposure to research
From 1st to 13th July 2013

Seize the opportunity to come to France and to benefit from a unique mix of workshops conducted entirely in English!
Angers Medical School is launching this summer the 4th edition of an exciting Research Summer School for undergraduate students from 2nd year to 4th year of medicine, biological sciences, pharmacy, veterinary and midwifery studies.
This 2-week program will introduce the students to major medical research issues and raise their interest to get involved in research activities. International researchers from different European countries will be teaching on different topics: From animal experiment to human medicine, gene therapy, microbiology, experimental surgery, nanomedicine, immunology, neurogeriatrics, from physiology to integrative spatial medicine, cardiovascular research and metabolism and cancer.
Visits of international research institutes will be organised during the stay such as VIVALIS and ONIRIS in Nantes and Généthon in Paris.
An attractive social program is also included (sport sessions, seacoast day, theatre event, etc.) to help the students to get to know each other! 
The cost of 650 Euros includes tuition, accommodation, lunches, scheduled excursions and extracurricular activities.
For more information, please visit:
Applications should be sent to @email
Deadline: 30th April 2013. Enrolment is limited.
Attached you will find the flyer and the poster.
Please do transfer the information to your students. They will be more than welcome in Angers!
Pr Isabelle Richard
Dean of the Medical School of the University of Angers
Pr Guillaume Podevin
Scientific coordinator
Dr Marie Kempf
Scientific coordinator

International Relations Office
Angers Medical School
Rue Haute de Reculée
49045 Angers Cedex 01 – FRANCE

Tel.: +33 (0)
+33 (0)
Fax.: +33 (0)

Vytvořeno: 20. 2. 2013 / Upraveno: 20. 12. 2018 / MUDr. Jana Djakow