Webinář na téma European funding and Proof of Concept projects – latest insights

Centrum pro přenos poznatků a technologií Univerzity Karlovy zve na otevřený webinář s Kateřinou Borunskou z Evropské komise na téma European funding and Proof of Concept projects – latest insights. Seminář se ve středu 13. 11. od 16.00 do 17.30 hod.

Are you interested in the latest news about European funding and PoC projects? This and more you will find out during the webinar led by Kateřina Borunská from the European Commission. Just register

The webinar is conducted in English.

Kateřina Borunská: European funding and Proof of Concept projects (webinar)

13. 11. 2019, 4 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.

Annotation: Do you want to learn more about the plans of the European Commission how to support proof of concept projects and how to secure the following funding for bringing the idea from academic environment into market as a real product? We are offering a unique opportunity to get the latest insights from Katerina Borunska (Policy Officer, Investments and SMEs) who works at the source at the European Commission. Interested? Just join the webinar.

Register here. (Registered participants will receive instructions on how to join the webinar via email.)

You can find more info at CPPT website.

Vytvořeno: 12. 11. 2019 / Upraveno: 12. 11. 2019 / Mgr. Juan Zamora