International Student Medical Congress Košice (ISMCK'09)

Dear Colleagues and Friends!

What do you think about visiting Košice, Slovakia in June 23rd–25th 2009? Have you ever been in the heart of Europe? Depends what you like, but in this small country we can offer you a bit of everything.
Beautiful city, beautiful nature, nice people, history, good beers, good wine, hot night clubs – and the most important –
1st International Student Medical Congress Košice (ISMCK'09) devoted not only to undergraduate, but also to postgraduate students. ISMCK'09 is going to be one of the largest biomedical conferences in Slovakia and one of the main events of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine.
The aim of ISMCK'09 is to strengthen the international network for scientific collaboration. All young scientists working in the fields of medicine and related sciences are invited to participate as active or passive visitors. Accompanying persons of the students are invited as well.
ISMCK'09 offers students and PhD students an opportunity to present their research and to exchange ideas on topics through oral or poster presentations in categories: Basic Science, Clinical Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Public Health and PhD Students' Works. PhD Students' Works Session will be divided into sub-sessions similarly to those for undergraduate students. In case of enough good quality abstracts more sub-sessions will be organized. The list of many awards will be available soon.
ISMCK'09 Abstract Book will be published in Folia Medica Cassoviensia. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by an international committee and only best scored abstracts will be advanced to the oral presentation stage. Other abstracts awarded sufficient points will have a poster presentation; the rest will be excluded. However, we are sure your abstract will be one of the best.
In preparation for ISMCK'09, workshops on How to write an abstract (February 2009) and later How to prepare a poster/presentation (May 2009) will be organized for all potential applicants. Other interesting workshops will be organized during the congress (Inequality in Health, How to write a scientific paper, Chronic disease and quality of life, Pharmacoeconomics). Keynote speakers – reputable scientists from all fields have also been invited (USA, Canada, Israel, The Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia; etc). More information will be available soon.
For all ISMCK'09 participants we offer nice accommodation covered by acceptable registration fees. One of its big advantages is 5 minutes walk from the conference centre. Moreover, all students will be housed together and can start new friendships and find new contacts. We offer a full board (food) during the whole conference – covered by registration fees as well. Public transport for free! Great social program is prepared during all three days of ISMCK'09. Finally you are all welcome to attend a breathtaking Postcongress Tour and visit the most beautiful features of Slovakia.
You are kindly invited to send your abstracts to ISMCK'09! Please, do keep in mind that ISMCK' 09 is prepared for you all – is there still any reason not to attend?! We are looking forward to meet you in June!
Organizing Committee ISMCK'09

1st International Student Medical Congress Košice, ISMCK'09,
June 23rd–25th 2009, deadline for abstract submission – March 8th 2009
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Faculty of Medicine in Košice, Slovakia
Why? Present and discuss your research, attend interesting workshops, visit excellent lectures, win one of many awards, meet nice people, explore new country, have fun during an unforgettable social program... and come back next year!!
Submit your abstract or just visit ISMCK'09!
Slovakia is much closer than you think!

Are you on Facebook? Find more news and people at ISMCK'09 group here:

ResearchGATE ISMCK'09 group will keep you up to date with all important information concerning ISMCK'09!

Would you like to be honored to become a REGIONAL CHAIRPERSON for ISMCK'09 in your own country? Send us your CV to: @email

Are you interested in Partnership or Sponsorship of ISMCK'09? More info: @email

Partners and Supporters:
Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice (
Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Faculty of Medicine (
Association of Medical Students in Košice (
Kosice Institute for Society and Health (
World Health Organization – Country Office in Slovakia (
European Dental Students' Association (
Indian Medical Students' Association (
Indian Forum for Medical Students' Research (
International Medical Students' Congress Novi Sad (
The Second Asian and Third National Medical Students' Research
Conference – Medicon 2009 (
ResearchGATE (

Organizing Commitee ISMCK'09
1st International Student Medical Congress Kosice ISMCK'09

Vytvořeno: 18. 2. 2009 / Upraveno: 5. 6. 2023 / MUDr. Jana Djakow