ISMCK 2010

Dovolte, abych vás, jako Regional Chairperson of ISMCK'10 pro Českou republiku, pozval k účasti na 2. ročníku Vědecké konference v Košicích.
Pro více informací přikládám článek o loňské úspěšné konferenci ISMCK'09, další informace najdete také na stránkách studentského spolku Motolák.
Radovan Hudák
Dear Colleagues and Friends
Do you remember ISMCK'09 in Košice? Do you want to come back to meet your research friends? Or maybe you never heard about it? What would you say about beautiful city, beautiful nature, nice people, history, good beers, good wine, hot night clubs – and the most important – 2nd International Student Medical Congress in Košice (ISMCK'10) devoted not only to undergraduate, but also to postgraduate students and young doctors, are waiting for you from 21st to 24th June 2010!
The aim of ISMCK'10 is to strengthen the international network for scientific collaboration. All young scientists working in the fields of medicine, public health, dentistry, pharmacology and biomedical sciences are invited. ISMCK`10 offers students, PhD students and young doctors an opportunity to present their research and to exchange ideas on topics through oral or poster presentations in categories: Basic Science, Clinical Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacology, Public Health and PhD students' works. In case of enough good quality abstracts more sub-sessions will be organized!
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by an international committee and only the best scored abstracts will be advanced to the oral presentation stage. Other abstracts awarded sufficient points will have a poster presentation; the rest will be excluded. Do not worry, we are sure your abstract will be the best one!
Registration for actives is opened from 14th December 2009, for passives from 1st February 2010 on
Deadline for abstracts submission is 1st March 2010.
Another one great news for you, ISMCK'10 will be longer than ISMCK'09!!! Do you know any reason why not to come?
If not, you are kindly invited to attend ISMCK'10 and we are looking forward to meet you in June again!
Best regards
Organizing Committee ISMCK'10
Lenka Kaskova, MD
Foreign Affairs Manager and IT Manager of ISMCK

Vytvořeno: 17. 1. 2010 / Upraveno: 21. 6. 2018 / MUDr. Jana Djakow