
Photograph: Sandra Kollmansperger (title portrait); the rest of page: archive of M. W.

We Use Noise to Bring People Back to Balance. I Can Tell Your Mood by the Way You Walk, Says Dr Max Wühr

We Use Noise to Bring People Back to Balance. I Can Tell Your Mood by the Way You Walk, Says Dr Max Wühr

Dr Max Wühr, the keynote guest at the Fifth Motol Neurotology Day, is a physicist and neuroscientist with a background in philosophy, based at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. He specialises in researching balance and gait disorders. By integrating neurophysiological methods such as gait analysis, posturography and sensory stimulation with advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, he develops innovative diagnostic and therapeutic tools. We asked him about his and his team‘s showcase research project, a balance prosthesis, gait research and balance disorders in modern society. A conversation.

Max Wühr, PhD, MSc, BA is a physicist and neuroscientist; graduated from philosophy, physics and neuroscience. Leads a research group at the German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

When did you lose your balance last time?

Just a few days ago, on a walk with my son. It was a wet and freezing weather here in Munich, with hidden icy spots on the sidewalks. I slipped but, thankfully, managed to grab onto the pram and avoid a fall.

How many people have troubles with keeping balance?

Balance problems and dizziness are very common and one of the main reasons people visit their general practitioner or neurologist – especially in our aging society. As we get older, our sensory systems and musculoskeletal system gradually lose efficiency, and since these systems work together to maintain balance, this decline can make it harder to stay steady.

For many, this limits mobility and can stop them from taking part in social activities, which often leads to loneliness and even an increased risk of dementia. Also falls can result in serious injuries reducing mobility and even shortening life expectancy.


Physical activity is crucial for maintaining a healthy postural system, and challenges such as stress and mental health issues can further exacerbate the problem. Our increasingly sedentary lifestyle is risky.

Is modern industrial society contributing to a loss of balance? For example, risky jobs in construction, vibrations in heavy industry or transport, the use of headphones or too much screen time?

All these factors can certainly play a role in impairing postural control. Prolonged exposure to intense sensory demands, whether at work or during personal time using entertainment technology, can lead to gradual, chronic impairments in sensory function. Fortunately, our sensory systems can compensate for each other until a critical threshold is reached.

The more apparent risk factor, however, is our increasingly sedentary lifestyle. Physical activity is crucial for maintaining a healthy postural system, and challenges such as stress and mental health issues can further exacerbate the problem. In our specialized outpatient clinic in Munich, the second most common postural disorder we see is a functional balance disorder. In such cases, the individual sensory and musculoskeletal components of the postural system remain intact, but their interaction is disrupted, often due to psychological factors.

You came to your field in a rather unusual way. How do your multiple backgrounds connect to the clinical research on balance and dizziness?

I got a first touch on the issues of balance studying philosophy, namely the German phenomenologists Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. They were interested in how the body interacts with tools during movement and internal senses of bodily movements. After my bachelor's, I turned into neuroscience and joined a new master programme, which brought together clinical neurologists, biologists, psychologists, medical students and physicists, all studying the brain. There I first got to know the topics of my current research and realised I wanted to go into the clinical direction of neuroscience research.

Does phenomenology help you in your research?

Particularly Husserl brought me to kinesthesis. Now we measure proprioception and kinesthesis in the clinical sense and I specifically study how the senses interact with internal motor programmes. There are interesting links.

What is so fascinating about gait?

Even though it is such an everyday activity, you can learn much from it. How someone walks can reveal a lot about their current condition, mood or emotional state. Gait patterns are so unique that they are even being considered as a biometric feature for identification – just like fingerprints or facial recognition.

On top of that, and this is especially relevant to my research, signs of certain diseases are often clearly reflected in the way people walk. We usually call these phenotypes of gait disorders, and some, like the Parkinsonian gait, are so distinctive that even non-experts can recognize them easily. Walking therefore provides a remarkable opportunity for clinical observation – often with just a trained eye or some sensor support – without needing more invasive diagnostic methods.


Signs of certain diseases are often clearly reflected in the way people walk. Some, like the Parkinsonian gait, are so distinctive that even non-experts can recognize them easily.

And sometimes, research on gait can be also quite fun, particularly when we work with virtual reality. Our otherwise perfectly healthy helpers, walking on solid ground while wearing the goggles, behave uneasily and struggle as they are virtually placed in a mountainous environment.

Do you know anything you study from your own experience?

We do research on height vertigo and I am susceptible to it myself. I feel really uneasy in heights and also have problems watching people being exposed to heights like in tightrope walk.

I was going to ask you about watching films, like The Walk, where an equilibrist walks between the World Trade Center towers...

That I could never watch! (smile)

Did you get vertigo naturally, congenially, or later in life?

I developed that later, when we were hiking in the mountains here near Munich. I went regularly with my grandmother and parents, but later, after that, and maybe also because I studied and read a lot about this phenomenon, I became more sensitive. I can hike, but I do not feel good on the peaks – that is the mild end of the phenomenon. There are of course some who feel particularly uneasy and have a phobic avoidance behaviour.

You work on a development of a prosthesis that would help people who lose balance. How did you get to that topic?

On a conference on gait and posture I saw a poster on stochastic resonance in the vestibular system – a topic I knew from my physics studies. The phenomenon of stochastic resonance can be observed in solid-state physics and it is also relevant in sensory physiology. The authors indicated that vestibular stochastic resonance can improve static balance in patients that we see regularly in our clinic. I figured we were quite good at measuring gait. So we decided to test if this could also improve gait. That was the starting point.


Noise can actually help to amplify weak signals and make them noticeable.

How is it possible that stochastic resonance, actually random noise, helps to keep balance? It sounds rather unlikely.

Usually, we think of noise as something that interferes with signal detection, but in some cases, it can actually help by amplifying weak signals just enough to make them noticeable. This happens because noise enables weak signals to cross a sensory threshold they could not otherwise reach. This phenomenon, known as stochastic resonance, is the principle behind our non-invasive balance prosthesis. By applying a low-intensity noise stimulus to the vestibular hair cells and nerve endings in the inner ear, we aim to amplify weak inputs and compensate for disease- or age-related impairments in vestibular signal transmission needed for maintaining balance.

Sensory prosthesis prototype
Do you already have a prototype of your prosthesis? How to imagine it?

We had been working for years on a non-invasive balance prosthesis, with the goal of compensating for disease- or age-related impairments of balance performance. The prosthetic device targets the vestibular periphery in the inner ear and aims to improve signal transmission there by introducing a weak electrical stimulus. We achieved this with larger electrodes placed behind both ears, connected by cables to a larger electrical stimulator.

Three years ago we received funding with an industry partner specialised in non-invasive brain stimulation, which allowed us and the partner to develop a prototype. It looks like a small box or smartphone that fits into the pocket and just recently allowed us to publish first results.

However, our goal is to miniaturize both the electrodes and the stimulation unit to the point where everything can be worn directly on the ear, roughly the size of a hearing aid.

When do you expect your prosthesis could get into clinical and daily use?

Tricky question! (smile) Hopefully within the next two to three years, as soon as we succeed getting it smaller and test it in real-life scenarios.

Which involves?

The idea is to have it on the patient for one week and simultaneously monitor how they are active, how they walk, whether they fall or not. And then we will have to deal with the long and laborious process of obtaining medical approval for such a therapeutic device.

How are artificial intelligence and machine learning integrated into your work on diagnosing and treating balance disorders?

We use AI approaches in two main ways. First, to develop new intelligent sensing methods for the clinical and real-life characterization of balance and gait disorders. For example, this includes novel methods to measure gait in clinical settings using a single 3D camera and AI-based pose tracking techniques, or approaches to monitor daily activities and gait quality in everyday life with a miniaturized motion sensor worn on the ear.

Secondly, we use AI to provide automated support for diagnosis or risk assessment based on measured gait patterns, such as estimating an individual’s fall risk. In this context, we often refer to computer-aided diagnosis. While these approaches are unlikely to replace the final medical decision, I believe they can be extremely helpful in managing complex clinical scenarios, such as gait disorders, across multiple levels of healthcare.


Adéla a její da Vinci

7. 1. 2025

Dr. Adéla Štekrtová z Urologické kliniky 2. LF UK a FNM o své cestě k tomu stát se nejmladší českou operatérkou na robotickém chirurgickém systému.

Vytvořeno: 23. 1. 2025 / Upraveno: 18. 2. 2025 / Mgr. Petr Andreas, Ph.D.