Congratulations on your admission! You have successfully passed the entrance examination and you have been admitted to the Second Faculty of Medicine.
This short guide will help you take your first steps as you prepare to join our faculty.
After successful admission to the faculty
We will require from you necessary documents for the assessment process of the Secondary School Education.
- You should submit an English or Czech certified copy of your secondary school diploma or certificate within the online application before the date of the entrance exam. If you do not have this certificate by the time of the entrance exam you will have to provide the certificate to the date of enrolment at the latest (the deadline for providing necessary documents to the Faculty is 31 August 2025). The certificates must be assessed by the faculty. Keep in mind that if you need legalization (super-legalization or apostille) of your diploma or certificate then this process can be done only in the country which issued the document. The faculty needs to receive a notarized copy of your documents. We do not accept basic copies or PDFs for the process. A fee for the assessment process is established in the amount of 960 CZK.
- We do not require a doctor's certificate.
Before you arrive
- Health insurance. All international students are required to have health insurance to help cover unexpected medical expenses. While EU citizens' medical expenses are fully or partly covered by their domestic insurance, US and other citizens need individually to arrange student health insurance with local or other insurance companies. We suggest Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna (VZP; General Health Insurance Company). Having health insurance is also a prerequisite to get a visa.
- Visa. If you need a visa, please apply to a Czech Embassy or Consulate well in advance, i.e., three months prior to your departure. Your Letter of Admission from the Dean of the Second Faculty of Medicine, which you will obtain as a successful applicant, will allow you to get one for the initial period of your study in the Czech Republic.
- Accommodation. If you are interested in accommodation at the university student halls of residence, make sure that you don't apply too long after you’ve been admitted. We process all freshman applications at; please state your planned date of arrival. Parents of underage students must submit a "power of attorney" with the accommodation application. Note that arranging accommodation at the student halls is an excellent way to get your confirmation of residence in advance, which many students need to declare when applying for a visa.
After you arrive
Enrolment for new students
Enrolment is the process by which you become a student of the Second Faculty and after which you begin your studies. It takes place at the beginning of the new academic year (at the end of September or the beginning of October) at our Faculty. You will be notified about the exact date and place after you have passed your entrance exams; you can also follow the Schedule for the Academic Year page and student news.
On your arrival, you should go to the room indicated in the instructions you will receive. Please bring all the documents listed below so we can check your identity and evidence of qualifications as quickly as possible:
- A passport or another proof of identity
- Medical check-up confirmation (if you have managed to have a check-up with your own GP at home, otherwise you can arrange this later at the faculty students’ GP)
During enrolment you will obtain a folder with:
- A guide to tuition fee payments (also on the tuition fee payment web page)
- The entire curriculum and the study plan for the first year of study
- The contracts to be signed by you and the Dean of the Second Faculty of Medicine
- Instructions about your ISIC or student card
- Any other necessary documents
‘Reporting requirement’
If you are a citizen of the EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein or Switzerland, you are required to report any stay of longer than 30 days in the Czech Republic to the local Foreign Police Department. See details on the Czech Ministry of the Interior website.