Motol University Hospital premises (areál Fakultní nemocnice v Motole)
- 84 V Úvalu Street, Prague 5 – Motol
The faculty's Dean's Office (děkanát), lecture halls, joint workplaces of the faculty and Motol University Hospital and some faculty departments are located here.
Public transport
- The Nemocnice Motol final station on Metro Line A (the ‘green’ line) is very close.
- Metro Line B: from the Anděl metro station, take bus no. 167 to the Nemocnice Motol bus stop.
- Metro Line B: from the Nové Butovice metro station, take bus no. 184 or 168 to the Nemocnice Motol bus stop.
- Metro Line B: from the Luka metro station, take bus no. 174 to the Nemocnice Motol bus stop.
- From Václav Havel Airport: take bus no. 119 to the Nádraží Veleslavín metro station, then change and take Metro Line A to the Nemocnice Motol station.
If you are coming by car, there is a car park available at Motol University Hospital (info on FNM website).
Plzeňská Campus
- 311 Plzeňská Street, Prague 5 – Motol
- Virtual tour
Most of the theoretical and preclinical departments of the Second Faculty of Medicine are located here, including lecture halls and seminar rooms.
Public transport
The Motol stop is nearby:
- Tram lines 9, 10
- Bus lines (city transport or MHD) 168, 174, 180
- Bus lines (suburban transport or PID) 304, 365, 380
Access and parking
Car parks are available:
- P1–P4 – free for employees; public first hour free of charge, each additional hour 100 CZK
- P5 – free public parking
Access on foot and by car