Long Term Residence Permit

If you are a non-EU citizen and need a visa, you will have to arrange a long-term residence permit once your long-term student visa expires. 

You can file an application for a long-term residence permit for study purposes at the Czech Ministry of the Interior office. You must apply no sooner than 120 days and no later than 1 day before the period of your permitted stay expires. 
Download the application form.

Along with your application for a long-term residence permit you should submit the following:

  • A travel document – your passport (only its simple copy when sending by post)
  • A document confirming the purpose of your stay in the territory (issued by the Study Department or Petra Fabingerová)
  • Proof of accommodation
  • Proof of funds, if it concerns university studies or unpaid professional work experience. The amount needed for one year is approx. 125 000 CZK.
  • document on travel medical insurance for the period of your stay in the Czech Republic, complex health insurance which covers not only emergency hospital visits, but also other outpatient medical expences such as vaccinations, routine hospital visits, blood test and forth. You can choose the health insurance company, e.g.: Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna (VZP; General Health Insurance Company), Uniqua, Maxima or Slavia. The amount of the insurance benefit (the agreed insurance benefit limit for one insurance event must be at least EUR 400 000, that being without an insurance retention on the amount of the given costs).
  • 2 500 CZK worth of State Marks (kolek in Czech). They are available at any post office at the ‘pokladna’ window. Buy two worth 1 000 CZK and one worth 500 CZK.
  • A photo (3,5 × 4,5 cm)
  • Upon request, a document similar to an extract from the Penal Register record

All of these documents should be originals, not copies, and must be less than six months old.

In case you have to submit  some missing document to OAMP office later you can use Česká pošta.

How to send the documents to OAMP office: You have to send the letter as a “doporučený dopis”. Doporučený dopis means a registered letter, which will guarantee its arrival at the destination. It is necessary to fill out the podací lístek (filling form, pdf, 209 kB). I filled in the Hladkov address, so you have to add just your address in Prague and your e-mail address to “Odesílatel” (sender) part. Only a quarter of the page is needed, the rest it just a copy. Don't print the back page, it is not necessary. Go to the post office, say “doporučeně, prosím” and “můžete mi poslat potvrzení o doručení na e-mail?”. It means that they will send you a confirmation email when the letter is delivered to its destination.

The Ministry of the Interior student office (‘studentské pracoviště’) is located at Hládkov 682/9, Praha 6 – Střešovice.

Opening hours (appointments only) are Monday to Thursday 8.00–16.00; Friday 8.00–12.00.

To make an appointment, register on the Foreigners reservation system website or call (+420) 974 801 801 (they speak English), or contact Mgr. Petra Fabingerová at @email for help.

The office should process your application within 30 days. If this limit is approaching or has passed you can check whether your application has been approved on the Ministry of the Interior website.

Last update: 1. 7. 2024 / Mgr. Petra Fabingerová
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