Mobility Fund

Guidelines 2024 Mobility Fund – Call for Applications 2024-2

Charles University announces call for submitting applications for the autumn round of Mobility Fund 2024-2. Applications are submitted via a Charles University web application. Deadline is 17 October 2024 at 9:00 a.m.

Further information: Mrs Pavla Byrne at the Department for Foreign Affairs.

Mobility Fund

The Mobility Fund of Charles University (“MF CU”) supports, initiates and expands the University’s international relations and cooperation.

Financial support from the CU Mobility Fund may be granted for:

  1. study abroad based on inter-university agreement or cotutelle and free movers;
  2. students´scientific and research internships abroad;
  3. IFMSA internships – new category b-2;
  4. stays of foreign university staff or researchers at the Charles University;
  5. study of foreign students at the Charles University;
  6. stays abroad of four weeks and longer;
  7. support only for future mobilities.

The Mobility Fund generally announces two calls for submitting applications per year, one with a deadline in March, and one in October.

Applicants should:

  1. have a clearly written motivation letter, i.e. program of your stay;
  2. submit invitation / acceptance letter from the hosting foreign institution;
  3. obtain recommendation of your home faculty;
  4. read up the priorities – Rectors’s Measure and the documents in the attachement.

Every outgoing student and doctoral student is obliged to register his / her stay in the SIS application before departure.

Contact person at our faculty: Mrs Pavla Byrne at the Department for Foreign Affairs.


Last update: 3. 3. 2025 / Ing. Pavla Byrne
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