PhD Essentials

The purpose of the doctoral study is education for independent scientific work and obtaining the corresponding qualification. Study at the Second Faculty of Medicine CU is governed by The Higher Educational Act No. 111/1998 Coll., Code of Study and Examination of Charles University and the Dean’s Provision No. 2/2024. Basic information for doctoral students is provided in this manual

  • An applicant becomes a student on the day of enrolment in the university.
  • The issue of faculty vouchers will be abolished from the academic year 2020/2021.
  • Enrolment in doctoral studies takes place only in the 1st year, i.e. 2nd and higher year students no longer enrol.
  • The student is obliged to keep personal data current and valid (surname, address, telephone, e-mail, bank details, etc.).  Any change must be reported immediately to the Department for PhD Study (see Notification of change form).
  • A standard period of study is at most four years, depending on the accreditation of the respective programme. 
  • The maximum duration of a doctoral study programme is eight years. For students admitted to study no later than the academic year 2016/2017, the maximum lenght of study is the standard length of study of this study programme prolonged by five years.
  • Study in doctoral study programmes is not divided into individual sections of study and does not take place in the credit system.
  • Credits are not assigned to subjects intended only for doctoral students.
  • Registering for courses, examinations, state doctoral examination or dissertation defence via SIS is not possible. 
  • Doctoral study programmes are realised in the full-time or part-time (combined) form. During the full-time study, the doctoral student fully participates in the work at the supervisoring workplace. During his studies, he uses all the social benefits and rights of a full-time CU student. In combined study, the doctoral student is usually in a regular employment relationship and is not entitled to the benefits provided by the university to full-time students, such as a scholarship, dormitory accommodation, a discount on meals in the canteen, etc.
  • Students of study programmes in Czech and English do not pay any tuition fees.
  • The student is entitled to a doctoral bursary, if studying in full-time studies for a standard period of study.
  • The doctoral student is a student with all the rights and obligations arising from it. The doctoral student studies, works on his research project, publishes, participates in teaching, research projects of his tutor and the entire workplace, meetings, seminars, etc.
  • The study is organised according to an individual study plan (ISP) under the supervision of a supervisor and possibly also with the participation of an advisor.
  • Study obligations for full-time and part-time form of study are the same. 
  • The ISP in particular includes a list of study obligations, scientific, research or other creative obligations and planned or recommended foreign stays or other research internships or pedagogical activities.
  • An approved ISP is binding. The request for change must be submitted for proper approval to the subject area board (SAB), otherwise the non-fulfilment of the prescribed obligations is classified as “without serious reasons failed to fulfil some parts of the individual study plan”.
  • The study in the doctoral study programme is monitored and evaluated by the SAB established as per Section 47 (6) of the Higher Education Act and according to Article 22 (13) and (14) of the Constitution.
  • A student who has been accepted to study in a English study programme should write a dissertation in English. The elaboration of the dissertation in other languages is not automatic. The student must submit a Request for dissertation in a foreign language, which will be assessed by the SAB.
  • The student cannot change the topic or title of his/her dissertation. If the title / topic does not suit him for any reason, it is necessary to submit a Request for change in the name/topic of dissertation, which must be recommended by the supervisor and will be submitted to the SAB for assessment. For a change of topic it is necessary to attach an annotation of the new topic to the application. If the application is approved, the name / topic in the SIS will be changed by the Department for PhD Study.
  • If a student wants to have an advisor in addition to the supervisor, he / she must ask for one. See the Request for advisor appointment form. The request must be duly substantiated, signed by the supervisor and the proposed advisor. It will then be referred to the SAB for discussion. Some SABs apply the same rules to advisors as to supervisors.
  • A doctoral student may take an exam in a registered subject no more than twice, i.e. they are entitled to one substitute date. The results of exams are classified as “pass” – “fail”.
  • Study may be interrupted more than once upon request from a student or by virtue of office. With the exception of cases where the reasons for termination of study apply, the Dean interrupts the study of a student upon his request. The longest total length of study interruption (Article 54 (1) of The Higher Educational Act No. 111/1998 Coll.) is the longest period, which, together with the actual time of study, does not exceed the maximum period of study
Health insurance

Since 1st January 2018, the state pays insurance for persons over 26 years of age studying for the first time in a doctoral study programme carried out by a university in the Czech Republic in the standard time in the full-time form of study. The specific reimbursement conditions will be communicated to you by the health insurance company.

Dormitories and refectories

Information on accommodation at CU dormitories can be found on the Dormitories and refectories website on the Dorms tab. Information on catering in the canteens of the CU at the same address on the Catering tab.

Long-term stay of foreigners for the purpose of study

Current information is published on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. The survey of changes made by the amendment to the Act on the Residence of Foreigners with effect from  September 2, 2022.

Charles University Student Cards

The card is required for access to the SIS. Instructions for introducing and using student passes at CU can be found on the Charles University website.

Doctoral Study Hub – Education of PhD Students

Doctoral study platform aims to introduce doctoral students to a comprehensive range of skills courses that will help them in the further development of their beginning scientific career and provide them with information support in fulfilling the topic of their dissertation.

Practical information for foreign students
Last update: 2. 7. 2024 / ThDr. Jitka Sýkorová, Ph.D.
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