Forms and Patterns

Request for scholarship increasePlease use only the forms that are located on the website of the Second Faculty of Medicine CU.

Most requests have to be signed by your supervisor; please follow the info for each request type. The Department of PhD Studies will get the decision of the Subject Advisory Board.

In accordance with the Dean’s Provision No. 2/2024, you can submit all requests, including requests for dissertation defence and state doctoral exam, either electronically or in paper form. You can bring the hard copies of the documents to our office, drop them through our letterbox (near our office), or send them via post.

Please consult this manual if you want to submit the materials electronically via SIS. In case of electronic submission, make sure that the scanned documents are of high quality (i.e., please avoid uploading photos taken with your mobile phone, etc., as the quality is usually too low). Ideally, drop us a line in the email that you sent the request.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us in case of any questions or queries:

Mgr. Pavla Zídková


Charles University – Second Faculty of Medicine
Dean’s Office – Department for PhD Study

V Úvalu 84
150 06  Prague 5 
Czech Republic


Last update: 27. 2. 2025 / ThDr. Jitka Sýkorová, Ph.D.
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