Academic Medical Doctor
Conducting medical research and teaching medical students.
2020 – American Association of Clinical Anatomists (AACA)
2020 – American Association for Anatomy (AAA)
2020 – Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (SEBM)
2020 – Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)
2019 – Czech League Against Epilepsy
2019 – International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE)
2019 – Czech Neuroradiological Society
2019 – Czech Neuroscience Society
2019 – Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)
2019 – Society for Neuroscience (SfN)
2019 – International Brain Research Organization (IBR)
2019 – Czech Society for Ultrasound in Medicine
2019 – European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB)
2019 – World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB)
2019 – Czech Medical Association J. E. Purkyně
2018 – Czech Anatomical Society
2018 – European Federation for Experimental Morphology (EFEM)
2018 – International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA)
Lead Author-
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Benes, Michal; Aimilia, Theodorakioglou; Syed, Mehdi, Sadat; Martin, Modrak; Kunc, Vojtech; Kachlik David. Muscles variations with topographical relationship to the suprascapular notch and its potential arthroscopic feasibility. Surgical and radiologic anatomy, 2025 Feb 26 (in-press): 47(1), 84. DOI: 10.1007/s00276-025-03595-y. IF 1.4/2023 (Q3)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Dudin, Alexander; Urbanek, Abbygale Jirina.; Olsson, Ebba; Kachlik David. Visible Human Project Based Applications Can Prompt Integrating Cross-Sectional Anatomy into the Medical School Curriculum When Combined with Radiological Modalities: A Three-Year Cross-Sectional Observational Study. Annals of Anatomy, 2024;257:152357. DOI: 10.1016/j.aanat.2024.152357. IF 2.00/2023 (Q2)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Salaj, Martin; Hana Kubova; Druga, Rastislav. Compartmental Neuronal Degeneration in the Ventral Striatum Induced by Status Epilepticus in Young Rats Brain in Comparison to Adults. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 2024;84(4):328-341. DOI: 10.1002/jdn.10331. IF 1.800/2022 (Q3)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Benes, Michal; Abbaspour, Ehsan; Kunc, Vojtech; Kachlik, David. Prevalence and anatomy of the anomalous subclavius posticus muscle and its clinical implications with emphasis in neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome: Scoping review and meta-analysis. Annals of Anatomy. 2023;247:152046. ISSN 0940-9602. DOI: 10.1016/j.aanat.2023.152046. IF 2.976/2021 (Q1)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Kachlik, David. Suprascapular notch cross-sectional area by MRI do not yield accuracy in the diagnosis of suprascapular nerve entrapment - counter point of view. Korean Journal of Anesthesiology. 2022; [Epub ahead of print]. ISSN:2005-7563. DOI: 10.4097/kja.22413. IF 5.167/2021 (Q2)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Salavova, Sarka; Cvrček, Jan; Velemínská, Jana; Velemínský, Petr; Kachlik, David. Osseous suprascapular canal: rare variant that would hinder suprascapular nerve block and posterior surgical approach. Surgical and Radiological Anatomy. 2022; 44(12), 1507–1511. ISSN: 1279-8517. DOI: 10.1007/s00276-022-03045-z. IF 1.3547/2021 (Q3)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Kachlik, David. Scapula revisited: new features identified and denoted by terms using consensus method of Delphi and taxonomy panel to be implemented in radiological and surgical practice. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2022;31(2):e68-e81. ISSN: 1058-2746. DOI: 10.1016/j.jse.2021.07.020. IF 3.507/2021 (Q2)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Holding, Keiv; Kachlik, David. “Suprascapular canal”: Anatomical and topographical description and its clinical implication in entrapment syndrome. Annals of Anatomy. 2021;233:151593. ISSN 0940-9602. DOI: 10.1016/j.aanat.2020.151593. IF 2.976/2021 (Q1)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Hudak, Radovan; Nanka, Ondrej; Kachlik, David. The morphological stenosis pattern of the suprascapular notch is revealed yielding higher incidence in the discrete type and elucidating the inevitability of osteoplasty in horizontally oriented stenosis. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2021;29(7):2272-2280. ISSN 0942-2056. DOI:10.1007/s00167-020-06168-1. IF 4.342/2020 (Q1)
Senior Author-
Olson, V.L. Carl;, Kachlík, David; Al-Redouan, Azzat. Calculating curvature through gradient descent and nonlinear regression: A novel mathematical approach to digital anatomical morphometry. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked. 2023 Nov 6 [in press] 43:101383. doi:10.1016/j.imu.2023.101383.
Druga, Rastislav; Salaj, Martin; Al-Redouan, Azzat. Parvalbumin - Positive Neurons in the Neocortex: A Review. Physiological Research. 2023;72. ISSN 0862-8408. IF 2.100/2022 (Q3)
Benes M., Fulin P., Kachlik D., Al-Redouan A., Tomaides J., Kysilko M., Salavova S., Kunc V. Osseous variations associated with physiological thinning of the glenoid articular cartilage: an osteological study with CT, MRI and arthroscopic correlations. Skeletal Radiology. 2023 [in press]. DOI: 10.1007/s00256-023-04358-9. IF 2.100/2022 (Q3)
Khadanovich A., Herma T., Al-Redouan A., Kaiser R., Kachlík D. The communication patterns between the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve and the superficial branch of the radial nerve. Annals of Anatomy, 2023;249. ISSN 0940-9602. DOI: 10.1016/j.aanat.2023.152110. IF 2.976/2021 (Q1)
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Kachlik, David. Letter to the Editor: Commentary to “Morphometry and Contents of the Suprascapular Notch with Potential Clinical Implications: A Cadaveric Study”. Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury. 2022;17(01): e10-e11. ISSN: 1749-7221. DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1747960.
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Kachlik, David. Letter to the Editor: Commentary to “Anatomical Variations of the Suprascapular Notch and its Importance in Suprascapular Entrapment Neuropathy”. MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021;16(2):332-333. ISSN: 1841-9038. DOI: 10.26574/maedica.2021.16.2.332.
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Kachlik, David. In regard to “Unusual case of absence of suprascapular notch and foramen”. European Journal of Anatomy. 2021;25(2):253-254. ISSN: 2340-311X.
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Kachlik, David. Letter to the Editor: Regarding "An Unusual Bilateral Duplication of the Suprascapular Vein and Its Relation to the Superior Transverse Scapular Ligament Revealed by Anatomage Table". Acta Medica Academica. 2020;49(3):297-298. ISSN: 1840-2879. DOI: 10.5644/ama2006-124.320.
Al-Redouan, Azzat; Hudak, Radovan; Kachlik; David. Morphological stenosis pattern of suprascapular notch in human concerning suprascapular nerve anatomical entrapment. In: Proceedings of the 19th Congress of the International Federation of Anatomists (IFAA); 2019 Aug 9-11. London, UK. Journal of Anatomy. 2020, 236(1):295-296. ISSN: 0021-8782. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19149.79844. IF 2.638/2018 (Q1)
- Basal ganglia.
- Neuronal degenerative changes in post status epilepticus.
- Neuroimaging in epilepsy.
- Scapula morphometry.
- Peripheral nerves anatomical entrapments.
- Vascular variations, Arterial tortuosity.
- Vertebrobasilar artery.
- Eye vasculature.
- Sonography of musculoskeletal system.
- Skull base.
- Basic anatomy/physiology based ultrasound training.
- Cross-sectional and imaging anatomy.
- Ultrasound education.
Principal Researcher
- Degenerative neuronal changes in the rat basal ganglia induced by status epilepticus at different developmental stages.
- Scapular region topography concerning peripheral nerves and anatomical implication of nerve entrapment (supported by Grants Agency Charles Univ. GAUK no.1720119, 2019-2021).
- Clinical anatomy and pathophysiology of the vertebrobasilar complex and eye vasculature and their implication on blood flow.
- Generalization of Anatomical Structure through Curvature Modeling for Disease Severity Indexing (supported by Grants Agency Charles Univ. GAUK no.266222, 2022-2024).
Present – Research Doctorate- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Neuroscience. Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University. Prague
2024 – Research Doctorate- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Experimental Surgery - [State Doctoral Examination: Anatomy, Pathophysiology of Pain, Neurosurgery]. Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University. Prague
2017 – Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) General Medicine. First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University. Prague
2007 – Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Biomedical Sciences. Western Michigan University. MI, USA
2020-Present – Assistant Professor. Department of Anatomy, Second Faculty of Medicine-Charles University. Prague
2018-2020 – Teaching & Research Faculty Assistant. Department of Anatomy, Second Faculty of Medicine-Charles University. Prague
2015-2018 – External Assistant. Department of Anatomy, Second Faculty of Medicine-Charles University. Prague