Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University

Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University


Under section 27 (1) (b) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (“the Higher Education Act”), as amended, the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University has adopted the following Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University (“the Constitution”) as its internal regulation:


The Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, developing the historical traditions of the study of medicine and research in medical sciences at Charles University, being aware of its responsibility and the aim of the Faculty to teach medicine and to protect the health of the nation, has adopted this Constitution.


General Provisions*

Article 1

Status of the Faculty

  1. The Second Faculty of Medicine (“the Faculty”) constitutes a basic unit of Charles University (“the University”) in compliance with the internal regulations of the University.[2]
  2. The relationship between the Faculty and the University is governed by the Higher Education Act and the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty.
  3. Bodies of the Faculty have the power to act and make decisions on behalf of the University to the extent provided in the Higher Education Act in the following matters:
    1. the establishment of self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty;
    2. internal structure of the Faculty;
    3. procedure to attain associate professorship and professorship;
    4. disposition of allocated funds;
    5. employment relationships.
  4. Bodies of the Faculty have the power to act and make decisions on behalf of the University to the extent provided in the Charles University Constitution (“the CU Constitution”) in the following matters:
    1. the creation and implementation of programmes of study;
    2. strategic aims of creative activities;
    3. international relations and activities;
    4. supplementary activities and the disposition of funds acquired from them.
  5. Acts performed by the bodies of the Faculty on behalf of the University while deciding on the disposition of the University property are governed by the CU Constitution.[3]

Article 2

Name of the Faculty

  1. The name of the Faculty is “Univerzita Karlova, 2. lékařská fakulta” in Czech. The name of the faculty in English is “Charles University, Second Faculty of Medicine”.[4]
  2. The registered office of the Faculty is Praha 5, V Úvalu 84.
  3. The Faculty uses the coat of arms with a pelican and a fledgling. The coat of arms is shown in Appendix No. 1 to this Constitution. The rules for the use of the coat of arms are provided by the Dean in a Dean’s directive.

Article 3

Activities of the Faculty and its Aim

  1. The main aim of the Faculty is to implement educational activities and scientific, research, development, innovative, and other creative activities (“creative activities”) in medicine, medical sciences, and related academic fields and areas of study.
  2. The Faculty prepares universally educated doctors and other experts in health care and bio-medicine. In its educational and creative activities, it emphasises developmental aspects in health and illness.
  3. In the achievement of its aims the Faculty cooperates in particular with other units of the University, healthcare centres, other higher education institutions, and with scholarly, research, and other institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad. The Faculty creates favourable conditions for the involvement of the members of the academic community in this cooperation.
  4. In order to achieve its aims the Faculty drafts a Strategic Plan of educational and creative activities (“Strategic Plan”) and annual implementation plans.

Article 4

Academic Community of the Faculty

  1. The academic community of the Faculty consists of students enrolled in the faculty and the academic staff working at the Faculty.
  2. Academic staff consists of those professors, associate professors, special professors,[5] assistant professors, lecturers and scholars, research and development staff employed by the University and assigned to the Faculty where they perform educational and creative activities as employees.[6]
  3. The position of visiting professors is regulated by the CU Constitution.[7]


Bodies of the Faculty

Article 5

Bodies of the Faculty

  1. The self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty are:
    1. the Academic Senate of the Faculty,
    2. the Dean,
    3. the Research Board of the Faculty,
    4. the Disciplinary Board of the Faculty.
  2. Another body of the Faculty is the Secretary to the Faculty.
  3. Bodies of the Faculty may establish advisory bodies. The Dean’s Board, an advisory body of the Dean, is always established.

Article 6

Academic Senate of the Faculty

  1. The Academic Senate of the Faculty (“the Senate”) is a self-governing representative academic body of the Faculty.
  2. The Senate is composed of 24 members; 12 members are students and 12 are academic staff.
  3. The Rector, Vice-Rectors, the Bursar, the Dean, Vice-Deans, the Secretary, the Director of a higher education institute[8] and a member of the Research Board of the Faculty may not serve as members of the Senate.
  4. The term of office of the Senate is two years.
  5. Members of the Senate execute their duties independently and are only bound by their conscience.
  6. The details of the activities of the Senate are provided in the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
  7. Senate elections and the termination of membership in the Senate are governed by the Code of Electoral Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.

Article 7

Powers of the Academic Senate of the Faculty

  1. In particular, the Senate:
    1. makes decisions on the establishment, integration, fusion, division, or dissolution of the units of the Faculty upon the proposal of the Dean;
    2. approves the draft of the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University upon the proposal of a member of the Academic Senate;
    3. approves drafts of other internal regulations of the Faculty upon the proposal of the Dean;
    4. approves the allocation of funds proposed by the Dean and supervises their utilization;
    5. approves the annual report on activities and the annual report on Faculty financial management proposed by the Dean;
    6. approves the conditions for admission to study on the study programmes organized at the Faculty;
    7. approves the Dean’s nomination for the appointment and removal of the members of the Research Board the Faculty;
    8. approves the Dean’s nomination for the appointment and removal of the members of the Disciplinary Board of the Faculty;
    9. makes a resolution on the appointment of the Dean;
    10. proposes to the Rector the removal of the Dean from her/his office;
    11. approves the long-term Strategic Plan for educational and creative activities of the Faculty and the annual implementation plans upon the proposal of the Dean;
    12. expresses its opinion on proposals of programmes of study implemented at the Faculty;
    13. expresses its opinion on the Dean’s intention to appoint or remove Vice-Deans;
    14. proposes candidates for the position of Rector to the Academic Senate of the University;
    15. expresses its opinion on other matters relating to the Faculty.
  2. The Senate exercises its powers in other matters if an internal regulation of the Faculty or of the University so provides.
  3. The Senate may request that a member of another body of the Faculty or a member of the Academic Senate of the University elected at the Faculty be present at its session. The Dean, Vice-Deans, and the Secretary have a duty to answer questions posed by the Senate or a member of the Senate.
  4. Members of the Senate may request access to records kept by the Faculty which relate to the activities of the Senate unless otherwise provided by law. They have a duty to protect the rights and privacy of persons whose records they inspect in accordance with law.

Article 8


  1. The Dean is the head of the Faculty and manages its activities. The Dean acts in and makes decisions on all matters relating to the Faculty unless they are reserved for other bodies of the Faculty or University.
  2. The term of office of the Dean is four years. The same person cannot perform the function of the Dean at the same Faculty for longer than for two successive periods.
  3. The method of approving the resolution on the nomination for appointment of the Dean or the motion to remove the Dean is governed by the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
  4. If the position of the Dean is vacant or the Dean cannot perform his office, the oldest Vice-Dean will act as his deputy to the necessary extent, unless otherwise decided by the Dean. 

Article 9


  1. Vice-Deans are appointed and removed by the Dean upon an opinion issued by the Senate.
  2. The Dean determines the powers of Vice-Deans and the extent to which they act as his deputies. The Vice-Deans may act as each other’s deputies to the extent determined by the Dean.
  3. The Dean may authorize a Vice-Dean to act fully as his deputy for a certain period of time. 
  4. The term of office of a Vice-Dean is usually the same as that of the Dean.

Article 10

Dean’s Board

  1. The Dean’s Board is a permanent advisory board of the Dean.
  2. The members of the Dean’s Board are the Dean, Vice-Dean, the Secretary, and other persons appointed by the Dean.
  3. A representative delegated by the Senate may be present at the session of the Dean’s Board upon agreement with the Dean. The Dean may invite other persons to be present at the session.
  4. The sessions of the Dean’s Board are closed.

Article 11

Research Board of the Faculty

  1. The Research Board of the Faculty (“the Research Board”) discusses the principal issues of educational and creative activities of the Faculty.
  2. The Research Board is presided over by the Dean.[9]
  3. The details of the activities of the Research Board are provided in the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.

Article 12

Disciplinary Board of the Faculty

  1. The Disciplinary Board of the Faculty (“Disciplinary Board”) hears infringements of discipline by students enrolled in the Faculty and it submits proposals for decisions to the Dean.
  2. The number of members of the Disciplinary Board, its term of office, and the details of its activities are provided in the Disciplinary Code for Students of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.

Article 13


  1. The Secretary is selected through a competitive hiring process. The Secretary is appointed and removed by the Dean upon an opinion issued by the Senate; the appointment is usually for a definite period of time.
  2. The Secretary supervises the financial management and internal administration of the Faculty as determined by a Dean’s directive.
  3. The Secretary is responsible for his activities to the Dean and has a duty to follow the latter’s instructions.


Organisational Structure of the Faculty

Article 14

  1. The organisational structure of the Faculty consists of units providing in particular pedagogical, scholarly, and research activities; special-purpose facilities; and the Dean’s Office. Faculty units may either belong exclusively to the Faculty or be shared with healthcare centres.
  2. Units providing pedagogical, scholarly, and research activities are clinics and institutes.
  3. The detailed organisational structure and the list of units are determined by a Dean’s directive.

Article 15

Establishment, Change or Dissolution of a Faculty Unit

  1. Faculty units are established, merged, consolidated, divided, or dissolved by the Senate upon the motion of the Dean.
  2. Units shared with a healthcare centre are established, changed, and dissolved by the Director of the healthcare centre upon agreement with the Dean of the Faculty.8 The Dean will request approval of the Senate prior to the making of such contract.

Article 16

Faculty Clinic

  1. The Faculty Clinic (“the Clinic”) is an educational, scholarly, and research unit. The Clinic is a unit shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre.
  2. The Clinic provides instruction to students and higher education institutions’ graduates and develops independent creative activities.
  3. The Head of the Clinic is appointed or removed by the director of the healthcare centre upon agreement with the Dean of the Faculty.[10] The Head manages the activities of the Clinic in compliance with the relevant legislation, this Constitution, and the rules for the internal governance of the Clinic. If there is a disagreement regarding the appointment or removal of the Head, he is appointed or removed by the healthcare minister upon agreement with the Rector of Charles University. A competitive hiring process for the position of a Clinic Head is called jointly by the Dean and the director of the relevant healthcare centre.

Article 17

Faculty Institute

  1. The Faculty Institute (“the Institute”) is an educational, scholarly, and research unit. Depending on the nature of its activities, the Institute may be a unit shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre or an exclusive Faculty unit.
  2. The institute provides instruction in theoretical, pre-clinical, and clinical fields and develops independent creative.
  3. Where the Institute is a unit shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre, its activities are managed by the Head of the Institute in compliance with the relevant legislation,[11] this Constitution and the rules for the internal governance of the Institute. Where the Institute is an exclusive Faculty unit its activities are managed by the Institute manager in compliance with this Constitution and the rules for the internal governance of the Institute.
  4. The Head of the Institute shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre is appointed or removed by the director of the healthcare centre upon agreement with the Dean of the Faculty.  If there is a disagreement regarding the appointment or removal of the Head of the Institute, he is appointed or removed by the healthcare minister upon agreement with the Rector of Charles University. The manager of the Institute that is an exclusive Faculty unit is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty.
  5. A competitive hiring process for the position of a Head of an Institute shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre is called jointly by the Dean and the director of the relevant healthcare centre; a competitive hiring process for the position of a Head of an Institute which is an exclusive Faculty unit is called by the Dean.

Article 18

Special-Purpose Facility of the Faculty

  1. A Special-Purpose Facility of the Faculty (“Special-Purpose Facility”) is a Faculty unit which performs support activities ensuring the main activities of the Faculty.
  2. The Head of the Special-Purpose Facility is appointed through a competitive hiring process by the Dean and removed by him/her.
  3. The activities and organisation of the Special-Purpose Facility may be regulated by its rules for the internal governance.
  4. The Head of the Special-Purpose Facility informs the academic community about the scope of services provided by the Facility at least once a year. If new services are introduced, the Head informs the academic community without delay.

Article 19

Dean’s Office

  1. The Dean’s Office is the executive body of the Faculty.
  2. The Dean’s Office is subdivided into offices; their heads are appointed and removed by the Faculty Secretary upon the Dean’s approval.
  3. The details of the organisation and activities are provided in the rules for the internal governance of the Dean’s Office.


Rights and Duties of the Members of the Academic Community

Article 20

Rights and Duties

  1. Members of the academic community of the Faculty are guaranteed the free performance of their educational and creative activities.
  2. Academic rights and freedoms must be asserted and exercised[12] in compliance with the principles of democracy, humanity, the legal order, and the internal regulations of the University, and may not contravene the achieved degree of knowledge in medicine and the principles of medical ethics.
  3. Members of the academic community are entitled to participate in the sessions of the self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty unless otherwise provided by an internal regulation of the Faculty or University; submit motions to the self-governing academic bodies; elect and be elected as members of self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty; nominate candidates; and otherwise participate in the governance at the Faculty or University.
  4. Members of the academic community and other University staff assigned to the Faculty have a duty to abstain from all activities which may cause damage to the good name of the University or the Faculty or its independence, or otherwise endanger its mission. Members of the academic community and other University staff assigned to the Faculty follow the legal order of the Czech Republic, the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty, Rector’s directives, directives, and other regulations in force and effect at the Faculty.  


General Provisions on Study and Academic Staff

Article 21

General Provisions on Academic Staff

  1. Academic staff is selected by the Dean through a competitive hiring process under the internal regulation of the University. [13]
  2. Professors and associate professors are usually employed under an open-ended contract of employment. Academic staff have a duty to create conditions for the scholarly and professional work of students of the Faculty.
  3. The job descriptions of academic staff are provided by an internal regulation of the University.[14]

Article 22

General Provisions on Students

  1. Students study according to the curriculum of the program of study to which they were admitted and in compliance with the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty.[15]
  2. Students have a duty to respect the rights, dignity, and individuality of patients and protect their rights and privacy. Students have a duty to follow the rules of medical ethics and maintain confidentiality of facts they learned in the course of instruction which are related to patients.[16]
  3. In the course of instruction, students have a duty to follow the rules and instructions of the head of the relevant unit or a person designated by him/her.
  4. Provisions on students apply with the necessary modifications to persons who participate in instruction on the basis of an international contract or agreement made by the University or the Faculty.

Article 23

Powers to Handle Other Filings by Students

The respective Vice-Dean for Study has the power to handle other filings made by students in the admissions procedure under the internal regulation of the University.[17] The respective Dean has the power to review the handling of such filings.


Academic Insignia and Ceremonies

Article 24

Graduates’ Solemn Oath

The solemn oath of the graduate of the Faculty[18] is provided in Appendix No. 2 to this Constitution.

Article 25


The sceptre of the faculties of medicine is used during matriculation of students and graduation ceremonies of graduates of the Faculty in compliance with the internal regulations of the University.[19]


Financial Management of the Faculty

Article 26

Financial Management Rules

The financial management rules of the Faculty and administration of property are provided by the internal regulations of the University[20] and Rector’s, Bursar’s, and Dean’s directives.

Article 27

Balance Sheet of Revenues and Expenditures

  1. The Faculty prepares a balance sheet of revenues,[21] into which it includes funds allocated in the breakdown of institutional contributions and subsidies and the other expected revenues of the Faculty, and expenditures. This balance sheet may not be prepared as a deficit one.
  2. The rules for the distribution of financial means among individual Faculty units, including the general principles of financial management for the Faculty units, are approved by the Senate upon the motion of the Dean.


Other Provisions

Article 28

Internal Regulations of the Faculty

  1. The internal regulations of the Faculty are:
    1. Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    2. Code of Electoral Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    3. Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    4. Code of Procedure for the Research Board of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    5. Disciplinary Code for Students of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    6. Rules of Study at the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    7. Rules for Awarding Scholarships and Bursaries at the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
  2. Draft internal regulations of the Faculty are approved by the Senate and referred for approval to the Academic Senate of the University.[22]

Article 29

Strategic Plan

  1. The Strategic Plan of educational and creative activities of the Faculty is the basic progamme document of the Faculty.
  2. The Strategic Plan of educational and creative activities at the Faculty is prepared in accordance with the Strategic Plan of the University.
  3. The Strategic Plan of the University and Faculty is the basis for the preparation of changes to the internal structure of the Faculty, new programmes of study, and the objective of creative activities.

The Strategic Plan of the Faculty is specified annually in an implementation plan.

Article 30

Annual Reports

The Faculty prepares an annual report on activities and an annual report on financial management. The findings of the annual reports are implemented in managerial activities and for the specification of strategic plans and internal evaluation of the quality of the educational, creative, and related activities of the Faculty.

Article 31

Evaluation Report

The rules for the evaluation and quality assurance of activities of the Faculty are provided in the internal regulations of the University.[23] The details are provided in a Dean’s directive.[24]

Article 32

Memorial Medal

The Dean may award a memorial medal of the Faculty to persons who have contributed to the prestige of the University, Faculty, or have played an important role in the development of science, learning, or academic freedoms.

Article 33


  1. The Faculty uses an official round stamp with the small national emblem of the Czech Republic and the text “Univerzita Karlova 2. lékařská fakulta”.
  2. The details of the form of the official round stamp are provided in a Dean’s directive.
  3. The rules for the use of the official round stamp are provided in a special regulation.[25]
  4. The form and rules for the use of other stamps are provided in a Dean’s directive within the scope given by a Rector’s directive.

Article 34

Official Notice Board

  1. An official notice board is clearly designated and located in a publicly accessible place in the Faculty building.
  2. The official notice board serves for posting documents in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Code, the Higher Education Act, and other legal regulations or internal regulations of the University and the Faculty.
  3. Documents posted on the official notice board are also made public on the publicly accessible section of the website of the Faculty.

Article 35

Publishing of Information

In accordance with the Higher Education Act and the internal regulations of the University,[26] the publicly accessible section of the website of the Faculty serves for publishing the following:

  1. minutes of the meetings of self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty and of the Dean’s permanent advisory bodies and the schedule of meetings of these bodies including information on the date and location where the next meeting will be held;
  2. notice to nominate candidates for the Senate election, report of the results of the Senate election, notice to nominate candidates for the Dean, the Senate’s resolution on the proposal to nominate the Dean, and the Rector’s decision on the appointment or removal of a Dean;
  3. Dean’s directives;
  4. the full text of the internal regulations of the Faculty, details of the period of their legal power and effect;
  5. reference to the internal regulations of the University;
  6. annual reports on the activities, annual reports on financial management, strategic plans of faculties and their specification;
  7. lists of programmes of study implemented at the Faculty; their types and profiles; types of instruction; standard length of study, and information on their availability to persons with disabilities;
  8. the deadline for submission of applications for study and the form of their submission, requirements for admission, date and method of verification of their fulfilment, the form and general content of the entrance examination and the criteria for its assessment, and the highest number of students admitted for study in the relevant programme of study;
  9.  requirements for physical fitness for study in the relevant programme of study if they are set for the programme of study;
  10. information on the procedure for the granting of associate professorship and the appointment of full professorship, dates of the relevant sessions of Research Boards, and information on the completion of these procedures;
  11. publishing a competitive hiring procedure for academic staff;
  12. other information as provided by the Higher Education Act, other legal regulations, internal regulations of the University, Faculty, or information decided by the Dean, Secretary, or a designated employee.


Transitional and Final Provisions

Article 36

Transitional Provision

The term of office of the current members of self-governing academic bodies is not affected by this Constitution.

Article 37

Final Provision

1. The Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University approved by the Academic Senate of the University on 10 October 2008 is hereby repealed.

2. This Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University comes into force on the date of its approval by the Academic Senate of the University.[27]

3. This Constitution becomes effective on 1 October 2017.


The Academic Senate of the Faculty approved this code on ………………………………

The Academic Senate of the University approved this code on ……………………………


Doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D.
President of the Academic Senate

of the Second Faculty of Medicine of CU

  Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Komárek, CSc.
of the Second Faculty of Medicine of CU
PhDr. Tomáš Nigrin, Ph.D.
President of the Academic Senate of CU

* Translator’s note: Words importing the masculine include the feminine, and unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular.

[2] Appendix No. 1 to the Constitution of Charles University.

[3] In particular Articles 15 (2) and 50 (1) of the CU Constitution.

[4] Appendix No. 1 to the CU Constitution.

[5] If the Rector creates the position of a special professor under Article 39 (1) of the CU Constitution.

[6] S. 70 (1) of the Higher Education Act.

[7] Article 40 of the CU Constitution.

[8] S. 26 (2) of the Higher Education Act.

[9] S. 29 (1) of the Higher Education Act.

[10] Act No. 372/2011 Sb., on health services and the conditions for their providing (Health Services Act), as amended.

[11] Act No. 372/2011 Sb., on health services and the conditions for their providing (Health Services Act), as amended.

[12] S. 4 of the Higher Education Act.

[13] The Competitive Hiring Process Code of Charles University.

[14] Internal Wages Regulation of Charles University.

[15] Particularly the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University and the Rules of Study at the Second Faculty of Medicine.

[16] S. 51 (5) (c) Act No. 372/2011 Sb., on health services and the conditions for their providing (Health Services Act), as amended.

[17] Article 14 (2) of the Code of Admissions Procedure of Charles University.

[18] Article 59 (3) (a) of the CU Constitution.

[19] The Matriculation and Graduation Code of Charles University and Appendix No. 3 to the CU Constitution.

[20] Particularly the Financial Management Rules of Charles University.

[21] Article 49 (4) of the CU Constitution.

[22] Under s. 9 (1) (b) (2) of the Higher Education Act.

[23] Rules for the System of Internal Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Charles University.

[24] Article 10 (4) of the Rules for the System of Internal Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Charles University.

[25] Act No. 352/2001 Sb., on the use of state symbols of the Czech Republic and changes in some laws, as amended.

[26] Article 6 (2) of the CU Constitution.

[27] S. 9 (1) (b) of the Higher Education Act.

Changes in the Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University (11 May 2020)


Under section 27 (1) (b) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (“the Higher Education Act”), as amended, the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University has adopted the following changes in the Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University as its internal regulation:

Article I

The Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University of 2 June 2017 is changed as follows:

  1. In Article 17 (3) first sentence, the words “of the Institute” are put behind the word “Head”.
  2. In Article 17 (3) second sentence, the word “Head” (in Czech “přednosta”) is substituted for the word “Head” (in Czech “vedoucí”).
  3. In Article (17) (4) last sentence, the words “Head of the Institute” (in Czech “Přednostu ústavu”)  are substituted for the words “Head of the Institute” (in Czech “Vedoucího ústavu”) and the words “or removed” are put behind the word “appointed”.
  4. In Article 17 (5), the word “Head” (in Czech “přednosty”) is substituted for the word “Head” (in Czech “vedoucího”).

Article II

Final provisions

1. These changes in the Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University were approved by the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine on 19 February 2020.

2. These changes in the Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University come into force on the date of their approval by the Academic Senate of Charles University.[1]

3. These changes in the Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University become effective on the first day of the calendar month following the date of its legal force.  


MUDr. Milan Trojánek, Ph.D.
President of the Academic Senate

of the Second Faculty of Medicine of CU

  Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Komárek, CSc.
of the Second Faculty of Medicine of CU

Prof. Ing. František Zahálka, Ph.D.
President of the Academic Senate of CU


[1] Academic Senate of Charles University approved this change on 11 May 2020.

The First Consolidated Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University of 11 May 2020


Under section 27 (1) (b) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (“the Higher Education Act”), as amended, the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University has adopted the following Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University (“the Constitution”) as its internal regulation:


The Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, developing the historical traditions of the study of medicine and research in medical sciences at Charles University, being aware of its responsibility and the aim of the Faculty to teach medicine and to protect the health of the nation, has adopted this Constitution.


General Provisions*

Article 1

Status of the Faculty

  1. The Second Faculty of Medicine (“the Faculty”) constitutes a basic unit of Charles University (“the University”) in compliance with the internal regulations of the University.[2]
  2. The relationship between the Faculty and the University is governed by the Higher Education Act and the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty.
  3. Bodies of the Faculty have the power to act and make decisions on behalf of the University to the extent provided in the Higher Education Act in the following matters:
    1. the establishment of self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty;
    2. internal structure of the Faculty;
    3. procedure to attain associate professorship and professorship;
    4. disposition of allocated funds;
    5. employment relationships.
  4. Bodies of the Faculty have the power to act and make decisions on behalf of the University to the extent provided in the Charles University Constitution (“the CU Constitution”) in the following matters:
    1. the creation and implementation of programmes of study;
    2. strategic aims of creative activities;
    3. international relations and activities;
    4. supplementary activities and the disposition of funds acquired from them.
  5. Acts performed by the bodies of the Faculty on behalf of the University while deciding on the disposition of the University property are governed by the CU Constitution.[3]

Article 2

Name of the Faculty

  1. The name of the Faculty is “Univerzita Karlova, 2. lékařská fakulta” in Czech. The name of the faculty in English is “Charles University, Second Faculty of Medicine”.[4]
  2. The registered office of the Faculty is Praha 5, V Úvalu 84.
  3. The Faculty uses the coat of arms with a pelican and a fledgling. The coat of arms is shown in Appendix No. 1 to this Constitution. The rules for the use of the coat of arms are provided by the Dean in a Dean’s directive.

Article 3

Activities of the Faculty and its Aim

  1. The main aim of the Faculty is to implement educational activities and scientific, research, development, innovative, and other creative activities (“creative activities”) in medicine, medical sciences, and related academic fields and areas of study.
  2. The Faculty prepares universally educated doctors and other experts in health care and bio-medicine. In its educational and creative activities, it emphasises developmental aspects in health and illness.
  3. In the achievement of its aims the Faculty cooperates in particular with other units of the University, healthcare centres, other higher education institutions, and with scholarly, research, and other institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad. The Faculty creates favourable conditions for the involvement of the members of the academic community in this cooperation.
  4. In order to achieve its aims the Faculty drafts a Strategic Plan of educational and creative activities (“Strategic Plan”) and annual implementation plans.

Article 4

Academic Community of the Faculty

  1. The academic community of the Faculty consists of students enrolled in the faculty and the academic staff working at the Faculty.
  2. Academic staff consists of those professors, associate professors, special professors,[5] assistant professors, lecturers and scholars, research and development staff employed by the University and assigned to the Faculty where they perform educational and creative activities as employees.[6]
  3. The position of visiting professors is regulated by the CU Constitution.[7]


Bodies of the Faculty

Article 5

Bodies of the Faculty

  1. The self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty are:
    1. the Academic Senate of the Faculty,
    2. the Dean,
    3. the Research Board of the Faculty,
    4. the Disciplinary Board of the Faculty.
  2. Another body of the Faculty is the Secretary to the Faculty.
  3. Bodies of the Faculty may establish advisory bodies. The Dean’s Board, an advisory body of the Dean, is always established.

Article 6

Academic Senate of the Faculty

  1. The Academic Senate of the Faculty (“the Senate”) is a self-governing representative academic body of the Faculty.
  2. The Senate is composed of 24 members; 12 members are students and 12 are academic staff.
  3. The Rector, Vice-Rectors, the Bursar, the Dean, Vice-Deans, the Secretary, the Director of a higher education institute[8] and a member of the Research Board of the Faculty may not serve as members of the Senate.
  4. The term of office of the Senate is two years.
  5. Members of the Senate execute their duties independently and are only bound by their conscience.
  6. The details of the activities of the Senate are provided in the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
  7. Senate elections and the termination of membership in the Senate are governed by the Code of Electoral Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.

Article 7

Powers of the Academic Senate of the Faculty

  1. In particular, the Senate:
    1. makes decisions on the establishment, integration, fusion, division, or dissolution of the units of the Faculty upon the proposal of the Dean;
    2. approves the draft of the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University upon the proposal of a member of the Academic Senate;
    3. approves drafts of other internal regulations of the Faculty upon the proposal of the Dean;
    4. approves the allocation of funds proposed by the Dean and supervises their utilization;
    5. approves the annual report on activities and the annual report on Faculty financial management proposed by the Dean;
    6. approves the conditions for admission to study on the study programmes organized at the Faculty;
    7. approves the Dean’s nomination for the appointment and removal of the members of the Research Board the Faculty;
    8. approves the Dean’s nomination for the appointment and removal of the members of the Disciplinary Board of the Faculty;
    9. makes a resolution on the appointment of the Dean;
    10. proposes to the Rector the removal of the Dean from her/his office;
    11. approves the long-term Strategic Plan for educational and creative activities of the Faculty and the annual implementation plans upon the proposal of the Dean;
    12. expresses its opinion on proposals of programmes of study implemented at the Faculty;
    13. expresses its opinion on the Dean’s intention to appoint or remove Vice-Deans;
    14. proposes candidates for the position of Rector to the Academic Senate of the University;
    15. expresses its opinion on other matters relating to the Faculty.
  2. The Senate exercises its powers in other matters if an internal regulation of the Faculty or of the University so provides.
  3. The Senate may request that a member of another body of the Faculty or a member of the Academic Senate of the University elected at the Faculty be present at its session. The Dean, Vice-Deans, and the Secretary have a duty to answer questions posed by the Senate or a member of the Senate.
  4. Members of the Senate may request access to records kept by the Faculty which relate to the activities of the Senate unless otherwise provided by law. They have a duty to protect the rights and privacy of persons whose records they inspect in accordance with law.

Article 8


  1. The Dean is the head of the Faculty and manages its activities. The Dean acts in and makes decisions on all matters relating to the Faculty unless they are reserved for other bodies of the Faculty or University.
  2. The term of office of the Dean is four years. The same person cannot perform the function of the Dean at the same Faculty for longer than for two successive periods.
  3. The method of approving the resolution on the nomination for appointment of the Dean or the motion to remove the Dean is governed by the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
  4. If the position of the Dean is vacant or the Dean cannot perform his office, the oldest Vice-Dean will act as his deputy to the necessary extent, unless otherwise decided by the Dean. 

Article 9


  1. Vice-Deans are appointed and removed by the Dean upon an opinion issued by the Senate.
  2. The Dean determines the powers of Vice-Deans and the extent to which they act as his deputies. The Vice-Deans may act as each other’s deputies to the extent determined by the Dean.
  3. The Dean may authorize a Vice-Dean to act fully as his deputy for a certain period of time. 
  4. The term of office of a Vice-Dean is usually the same as that of the Dean.

Article 10

Dean’s Board

  1. The Dean’s Board is a permanent advisory board of the Dean.
  2. The members of the Dean’s Board are the Dean, Vice-Dean, the Secretary, and other persons appointed by the Dean.
  3. A representative delegated by the Senate may be present at the session of the Dean’s Board upon agreement with the Dean. The Dean may invite other persons to be present at the session.
  4. The sessions of the Dean’s Board are closed.

Article 11

Research Board of the Faculty

  1. The Research Board of the Faculty (“the Research Board”) discusses the principal issues of educational and creative activities of the Faculty.
  2. The Research Board is presided over by the Dean.[9]
  3. The details of the activities of the Research Board are provided in the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.

Article 12

Disciplinary Board of the Faculty

  1. The Disciplinary Board of the Faculty (“Disciplinary Board”) hears infringements of discipline by students enrolled in the Faculty and it submits proposals for decisions to the Dean.
  2. The number of members of the Disciplinary Board, its term of office, and the details of its activities are provided in the Disciplinary Code for Students of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.

Article 13


  1. The Secretary is selected through a competitive hiring process. The Secretary is appointed and removed by the Dean upon an opinion issued by the Senate; the appointment is usually for a definite period of time.
  2. The Secretary supervises the financial management and internal administration of the Faculty as determined by a Dean’s directive.
  3. The Secretary is responsible for his activities to the Dean and has a duty to follow the latter’s instructions.


Organisational Structure of the Faculty

Article 14

  1. The organisational structure of the Faculty consists of units providing in particular pedagogical, scholarly, and research activities; special-purpose facilities; and the Dean’s Office. Faculty units may either belong exclusively to the Faculty or be shared with healthcare centres.
  2. Units providing pedagogical, scholarly, and research activities are clinics and institutes.
  3. The detailed organisational structure and the list of units are determined by a Dean’s directive.

Article 15

Establishment, Change or Dissolution of a Faculty Unit

  1. Faculty units are established, merged, consolidated, divided, or dissolved by the Senate upon the motion of the Dean.
  2. Units shared with a healthcare centre are established, changed, and dissolved by the Director of the healthcare centre upon agreement with the Dean of the Faculty.8 The Dean will request approval of the Senate prior to the making of such contract.

Article 16

Faculty Clinic

  1. The Faculty Clinic (“the Clinic”) is an educational, scholarly, and research unit. The Clinic is a unit shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre.
  2. The Clinic provides instruction to students and higher education institutions’ graduates and develops independent creative activities.
  3. The Head of the Clinic is appointed or removed by the director of the healthcare centre upon agreement with the Dean of the Faculty.[10] The Head manages the activities of the Clinic in compliance with the relevant legislation, this Constitution, and the rules for the internal governance of the Clinic. If there is a disagreement regarding the appointment or removal of the Head, he is appointed or removed by the healthcare minister upon agreement with the Rector of Charles University. A competitive hiring process for the position of a Clinic Head is called jointly by the Dean and the director of the relevant healthcare centre.

Article 17

Faculty Institute

  1. The Faculty Institute (“the Institute”) is an educational, scholarly, and research unit. Depending on the nature of its activities, the Institute may be a unit shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre or an exclusive Faculty unit.
  2. The institute provides instruction in theoretical, pre-clinical, and clinical fields and develops independent creative.
  3. Where the Institute is a unit shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre, its activities are managed by the Head of the Institute in compliance with the relevant legislation,[11] this Constitution and the rules for the internal governance of the Institute. Where the Institute is an exclusive Faculty unit its activities are managed by the Head of the Institute in compliance with this Constitution and the rules for the internal governance of the Institute.
  4. The Head of the Institute shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre is appointed or removed by the director of the healthcare centre upon agreement with the Dean of the Faculty.  If there is a disagreement regarding the appointment or removal of the Head of the Institute, he is appointed or removed by the healthcare minister upon agreement with the Rector of Charles University. The Head of the Institute that is an exclusive Faculty unit is appointed or removed by the Dean of the Faculty.
  5. A competitive hiring process for the position of a Head of an Institute shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre is called jointly by the Dean and the director of the relevant healthcare centre; a competitive hiring process for the position of a Head of an Institute which is an exclusive Faculty unit is called by the Dean.

Article 18

Special-Purpose Facility of the Faculty

  1. A Special-Purpose Facility of the Faculty (“Special-Purpose Facility”) is a Faculty unit which performs support activities ensuring the main activities of the Faculty.
  2. The Head of the Special-Purpose Facility is appointed through a competitive hiring process by the Dean and removed by him/her.
  3. The activities and organisation of the Special-Purpose Facility may be regulated by its rules for the internal governance.
  4. The Head of the Special-Purpose Facility informs the academic community about the scope of services provided by the Facility at least once a year. If new services are introduced, the Head informs the academic community without delay.

Article 19

Dean’s Office

  1. The Dean’s Office is the executive body of the Faculty.
  2. The Dean’s Office is subdivided into offices; their heads are appointed and removed by the Faculty Secretary upon the Dean’s approval.
  3. The details of the organisation and activities are provided in the rules for the internal governance of the Dean’s Office.


Rights and Duties of the Members of the Academic Community

Article 20

Rights and Duties

  1. Members of the academic community of the Faculty are guaranteed the free performance of their educational and creative activities.
  2. Academic rights and freedoms must be asserted and exercised[12] in compliance with the principles of democracy, humanity, the legal order, and the internal regulations of the University, and may not contravene the achieved degree of knowledge in medicine and the principles of medical ethics.
  3. Members of the academic community are entitled to participate in the sessions of the self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty unless otherwise provided by an internal regulation of the Faculty or University; submit motions to the self-governing academic bodies; elect and be elected as members of self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty; nominate candidates; and otherwise participate in the governance at the Faculty or University.
  4. Members of the academic community and other University staff assigned to the Faculty have a duty to abstain from all activities which may cause damage to the good name of the University or the Faculty or its independence, or otherwise endanger its mission. Members of the academic community and other University staff assigned to the Faculty follow the legal order of the Czech Republic, the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty, Rector’s directives, directives, and other regulations in force and effect at the Faculty.  


General Provisions on Study and Academic Staff

Article 21

General Provisions on Academic Staff

  1. Academic staff is selected by the Dean through a competitive hiring process under the internal regulation of the University. [13]
  2. Professors and associate professors are usually employed under an open-ended contract of employment. Academic staff have a duty to create conditions for the scholarly and professional work of students of the Faculty.
  3. The job descriptions of academic staff are provided by an internal regulation of the University.[14]

Article 22

General Provisions on Students

  1. Students study according to the curriculum of the program of study to which they were admitted and in compliance with the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty.[15]
  2. Students have a duty to respect the rights, dignity, and individuality of patients and protect their rights and privacy. Students have a duty to follow the rules of medical ethics and maintain confidentiality of facts they learned in the course of instruction which are related to patients.[16]
  3. In the course of instruction, students have a duty to follow the rules and instructions of the head of the relevant unit or a person designated by him/her.
  4. Provisions on students apply with the necessary modifications to persons who participate in instruction on the basis of an international contract or agreement made by the University or the Faculty.

Article 23

Powers to Handle Other Filings by Students

The respective Vice-Dean for Study has the power to handle other filings made by students in the admissions procedure under the internal regulation of the University.[17] The respective Dean has the power to review the handling of such filings.


Academic Insignia and Ceremonies

Article 24

Graduates’ Solemn Oath

The solemn oath of the graduate of the Faculty[18] is provided in Appendix No. 2 to this Constitution.

Article 25


The sceptre of the faculties of medicine is used during matriculation of students and graduation ceremonies of graduates of the Faculty in compliance with the internal regulations of the University.[19]


Financial Management of the Faculty

Article 26

Financial Management Rules

The financial management rules of the Faculty and administration of property are provided by the internal regulations of the University[20] and Rector’s, Bursar’s, and Dean’s directives.

Article 27

Balance Sheet of Revenues and Expenditures

  1. The Faculty prepares a balance sheet of revenues,[21] into which it includes funds allocated in the breakdown of institutional contributions and subsidies and the other expected revenues of the Faculty, and expenditures. This balance sheet may not be prepared as a deficit one.
  2. The rules for the distribution of financial means among individual Faculty units, including the general principles of financial management for the Faculty units, are approved by the Senate upon the motion of the Dean.


Other Provisions

Article 28

Internal Regulations of the Faculty

  1. The internal regulations of the Faculty are:
    1. Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    2. Code of Electoral Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    3. Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    4. Code of Procedure for the Research Board of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    5. Disciplinary Code for Students of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    6. Rules of Study at the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    7. Rules for Awarding Scholarships and Bursaries at the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
  2. Draft internal regulations of the Faculty are approved by the Senate and referred for approval to the Academic Senate of the University.[22]

Article 29

Strategic Plan

  1. The Strategic Plan of educational and creative activities of the Faculty is the basic progamme document of the Faculty.
  2. The Strategic Plan of educational and creative activities at the Faculty is prepared in accordance with the Strategic Plan of the University.
  3. The Strategic Plan of the University and Faculty is the basis for the preparation of changes to the internal structure of the Faculty, new programmes of study, and the objective of creative activities.

The Strategic Plan of the Faculty is specified annually in an implementation plan.

Article 30

Annual Reports

The Faculty prepares an annual report on activities and an annual report on financial management. The findings of the annual reports are implemented in managerial activities and for the specification of strategic plans and internal evaluation of the quality of the educational, creative, and related activities of the Faculty.

Article 31

Evaluation Report

The rules for the evaluation and quality assurance of activities of the Faculty are provided in the internal regulations of the University.[23] The details are provided in a Dean’s directive.[24]

Article 32

Memorial Medal

The Dean may award a memorial medal of the Faculty to persons who have contributed to the prestige of the University, Faculty, or have played an important role in the development of science, learning, or academic freedoms.

Article 33


  1. The Faculty uses an official round stamp with the small national emblem of the Czech Republic and the text “Univerzita Karlova 2. lékařská fakulta”.
  2. The details of the form of the official round stamp are provided in a Dean’s directive.
  3. The rules for the use of the official round stamp are provided in a special regulation.[25]
  4. The form and rules for the use of other stamps are provided in a Dean’s directive within the scope given by a Rector’s directive.

Article 34

Official Notice Board

  1. An official notice board is clearly designated and located in a publicly accessible place in the Faculty building.
  2. The official notice board serves for posting documents in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Code, the Higher Education Act, and other legal regulations or internal regulations of the University and the Faculty.
  3. Documents posted on the official notice board are also made public on the publicly accessible section of the website of the Faculty.

Article 35

Publishing of Information

In accordance with the Higher Education Act and the internal regulations of the University,[26] the publicly accessible section of the website of the Faculty serves for publishing the following:

  1. minutes of the meetings of self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty and of the Dean’s permanent advisory bodies and the schedule of meetings of these bodies including information on the date and location where the next meeting will be held;
  2. notice to nominate candidates for the Senate election, report of the results of the Senate election, notice to nominate candidates for the Dean, the Senate’s resolution on the proposal to nominate the Dean, and the Rector’s decision on the appointment or removal of a Dean;
  3. Dean’s directives;
  4. the full text of the internal regulations of the Faculty, details of the period of their legal power and effect;
  5. reference to the internal regulations of the University;
  6. annual reports on the activities, annual reports on financial management, strategic plans of faculties and their specification;
  7. lists of programmes of study implemented at the Faculty; their types and profiles; types of instruction; standard length of study, and information on their availability to persons with disabilities;
  8. the deadline for submission of applications for study and the form of their submission, requirements for admission, date and method of verification of their fulfilment, the form and general content of the entrance examination and the criteria for its assessment, and the highest number of students admitted for study in the relevant programme of study;
  9.  requirements for physical fitness for study in the relevant programme of study if they are set for the programme of study;
  10. information on the procedure for the granting of associate professorship and the appointment of full professorship, dates of the relevant sessions of Research Boards, and information on the completion of these procedures;
  11. publishing a competitive hiring procedure for academic staff;
  12. other information as provided by the Higher Education Act, other legal regulations, internal regulations of the University, Faculty, or information decided by the Dean, Secretary, or a designated employee.


Transitional and Final Provisions

Article 36

Transitional Provision

The term of office of the current members of self-governing academic bodies is not affected by this Constitution.

Article 37

Final Provision

1. The Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University approved by the Academic Senate of the University on 10 October 2008 is hereby repealed.

2. This Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University comes into force on the date of its approval by the Academic Senate of the University.[27]

3. This Constitution becomes effective on 1 October 2017.


The Academic Senate of the Faculty approved this code on 24 May 2017.

The Academic Senate of the University approved this code on 2 June 2017.


Doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D.
President of the Academic Senate

of the Second Faculty of Medicine of CU

  Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Komárek, CSc.
of the Second Faculty of Medicine of CU
PhDr. Tomáš Nigrin, Ph.D.
President of the Academic Senate of CU



The change in the Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University (the first change) was approved by the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University on 19 February 2020. This change came into force on the date of approval by the Academic Senate of Charles University, which was carried out on 11 May 2020. The change in the regulation became effective on the first day of the calendar month following the date of its legal force.


* Translator’s note: Words importing the masculine include the feminine, and unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular.

[2] Appendix No. 1 to the Constitution of Charles University.

[3] In particular Articles 15 (2) and 50 (1) of the CU Constitution.

[4] Appendix No. 1 to the CU Constitution.

[5] If the Rector creates the position of a special professor under Article 39 (1) of the CU Constitution.

[6] S. 70 (1) of the Higher Education Act.

[7] Article 40 of the CU Constitution.

[8] S. 26 (2) of the Higher Education Act.

[9] S. 29 (1) of the Higher Education Act.

[10] Act No. 372/2011 Sb., on health services and the conditions for their providing (Health Services Act), as amended.

[11] Act No. 372/2011 Sb., on health services and the conditions for their providing (Health Services Act), as amended.


[12] S. 4 of the Higher Education Act.

[13] The Competitive Hiring Process Code of Charles University.

[14] Internal Wages Regulation of Charles University.

[15] Particularly the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University and the Rules of Study at the Second Faculty of Medicine.

[16] S. 51 (5) (c) Act No. 372/2011 Sb., on health services and the conditions for their providing (Health Services Act), as amended.

[17] Article 14 (2) of the Code of Admissions Procedure of Charles University.

[18] Article 59 (3) (a) of the CU Constitution.

[19] The Matriculation and Graduation Code of Charles University and Appendix No. 3 to the CU Constitution.

[20] Particularly the Financial Management Rules of Charles University.

[21] Article 49 (4) of the CU Constitution.

[22] Under s. 9 (1) (b) (2) of the Higher Education Act.

[23] Rules for the System of Internal Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Charles University.

[24] Article 10 (4) of the Rules for the System of Internal Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Charles University.

[25] Act No. 352/2001 Sb., on the use of state symbols of the Czech Republic and changes in some laws, as amended.

[26] Article 6 (2) of the CU Constitution.

[27] S. 9 (1) (b) of the Higher Education Act.

II. The full text of the Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University (21 June 2024)


dated 21. 6. 2024

Under section 27 (1) (b) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., to regulate higher education institutions and to change and amend other laws (“the Higher Education Act”), as amended, the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University has adopted the following Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University (“the Constitution”) as its internal regulation:


The Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, developing the historical traditions of the study of medicine and research in medical sciences at Charles University, being aware of its responsibility and the aim of the Faculty to teach medicine and to protect the health of the nation, has adopted this Constitution.


General Provisions*

Article 1

Status of the Faculty

  1. The Second Faculty of Medicine (“the Faculty”) constitutes a basic unit of Charles University (“the University”) in compliance with the internal regulations of the University.[2]
  2. The relationship between the Faculty and the University is governed by the Higher Education Act and the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty.
  3. Bodies of the Faculty have the power to act and make decisions on behalf of the University to the extent provided in the Higher Education Act in the following matters:
    1. the establishment of self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty;
    2. internal structure of the Faculty;
    3. procedure to attain associate professorship and professorship;
    4. disposition of allocated funds;
    5. employment relationships.
  4. Bodies of the Faculty have the power to act and make decisions on behalf of the University to the extent provided in the Charles University Constitution (“the CU Constitution”) in the following matters:
    1. the creation and implementation of programmes of study;
    2. strategic aims of creative activities;
    3. international relations and activities;
    4. supplementary activities and the disposition of funds acquired from them.
  5. Acts performed by the bodies of the Faculty on behalf of the University while deciding on the disposition of the University property are governed by the CU Constitution.[3]


Article 2

Name of the Faculty

  1. The name of the Faculty is “Univerzita Karlova, 2. lékařská fakulta” in Czech. The name of the faculty in English is “Charles University, Second Faculty of Medicine”.[4]
  2. The registered office of the Faculty is Praha 5, V Úvalu 84.
  3. The Faculty uses the coat of arms with a pelican and a fledgling. The coat of arms is shown in Appendix No. 1 to this Constitution. The rules for the use of the coat of arms are provided by the Dean in a Dean’s directive.

Article 3

Activities of the Faculty and its Aim

  1. The main aim of the Faculty is to implement educational activities and scientific, research, development, innovative, and other creative activities (“creative activities”) in medicine, medical sciences, and related academic fields and areas of study.
  2. The Faculty prepares universally educated doctors and other experts in health care and bio-medicine. In its educational and creative activities, it emphasises developmental aspects in health and illness.
  3. In the achievement of its aims the Faculty cooperates in particular with other units of the University, healthcare centres, other higher education institutions, and with scholarly, research, and other institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad. The Faculty creates favourable conditions for the involvement of the members of the academic community in this cooperation.
  4. In order to achieve its aims the Faculty drafts a Strategic Plan of educational and creative activities (“Strategic Plan”) and annual implementation plans.

Article 4

Academic Community of the Faculty

  1. The academic community of the Faculty consists of students enrolled in the faculty and the academic staff working at the Faculty.
  2. Academic staff consists of those professors, associate professors, special professors,[5] assistant professors, lecturers and scholars, research and development staff employed by the University and assigned to the Faculty where they perform educational and creative activities as employees.[6]
  3. The position of visiting professors is regulated by the CU Constitution.[7]


Bodies of the Faculty

Article 5

Bodies of the Faculty

  1. The self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty are:
    1. the Academic Senate of the Faculty,
    2. the Dean,
    3. the Research Board of the Faculty,
    4. the Disciplinary Board of the Faculty.
  2. Another body of the Faculty is the Secretary to the Faculty.
  3. Bodies of the Faculty may establish advisory bodies. The Dean’s Board, an advisory body of the Dean, is always established.

Article 6

Academic Senate of the Faculty

  1. The Academic Senate of the Faculty (“the Senate”) is a self-governing representative academic body of the Faculty.
  2. The Senate is composed of 24 members; 12 members are students and 12 are academic staff.
  3. The Rector, Vice-Rectors, the Bursar, the Dean, Vice-Deans, the Secretary, the Director of a higher education institute[8] and a member of the Research Board of the Faculty may not serve as members of the Senate.
  4. The term of office of the Senate is two years.
  5. Members of the Senate execute their duties independently and are only bound by their conscience.
  6. The details of the activities of the Senate are provided in the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
  7. Senate elections and the termination of membership in the Senate are governed by the Code of Electoral Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.

Article 7

Powers of the Academic Senate of the Faculty

  1. In particular, the Senate:
    1. makes decisions on the establishment, integration, fusion, division, or dissolution of the units of the Faculty upon the proposal of the Dean;
    2. approves the draft of the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University upon the proposal of a member of the Academic Senate;
    3. approves drafts of other internal regulations of the Faculty upon the proposal of the Dean;
    4. approves the allocation of funds proposed by the Dean and supervises their utilization;
    5. approves the annual report on activities and the annual report on Faculty financial management proposed by the Dean;
    6. approves the conditions for admission to study on the study programmes organized at the Faculty;
    7. approves the Dean’s nomination for the appointment and removal of the members of the Research Board the Faculty;
    8. approves the Dean’s nomination for the appointment and removal of the members of the Disciplinary Board of the Faculty;
    9. makes a resolution on the appointment of the Dean;
    10. proposes to the Rector the removal of the Dean from her/his office;
    11. approves the long-term Strategic Plan for educational and creative activities of the Faculty and the annual implementation plans upon the proposal of the Dean;
    12. expresses its opinion on proposals of programmes of study implemented at the Faculty;
    13. expresses its opinion on the Dean’s intention to appoint or remove Vice-Deans;
    14. proposes candidates for the position of Rector to the Academic Senate of the University;
    15. expresses its opinion on other matters relating to the Faculty.
  2. The Senate exercises its powers in other matters if an internal regulation of the Faculty or of the University so provides.
  3. The Senate may request that a member of another body of the Faculty or a member of the Academic Senate of the University elected at the Faculty be present at its session. The Dean, Vice-Deans, and the Secretary have a duty to answer questions posed by the Senate or a member of the Senate.
  4. Members of the Senate may request access to records kept by the Faculty which relate to the activities of the Senate unless otherwise provided by law. They have a duty to protect the rights and privacy of persons whose records they inspect in accordance with law.

Article 8


  1. The Dean is the head of the Faculty and manages its activities. The Dean acts in and makes decisions on all matters relating to the Faculty unless they are reserved for other bodies of the Faculty or University.
  2. The term of office of the Dean is four years. The same person cannot perform the function of the Dean at the same Faculty for longer than for two successive periods.
  3. The method of approving the resolution on the nomination for appointment of the Dean or the motion to remove the Dean is governed by the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
  4. If the position of the Dean is vacant or the Dean cannot perform his office, the oldest Vice-Dean will act as his deputy to the necessary extent, unless otherwise decided by the Dean. 

Article 9


  1. Vice-Deans are appointed and removed by the Dean upon an opinion issued by the Senate.
  2. The Dean determines the powers of Vice-Deans and the extent to which they act as his deputies. The Vice-Deans may act as each other’s deputies to the extent determined by the Dean.
  3. The Dean may authorize a Vice-Dean to act fully as his deputy for a certain period of time. 
  4. The term of office of a Vice-Dean is usually the same as that of the Dean.

Article 10

Dean’s Board

  1. The Dean’s Board is a permanent advisory board of the Dean.
  2. The members of the Dean’s Board are the Dean, Vice-Dean, the Secretary, and other persons appointed by the Dean.
  3. A representative delegated by the Senate may be present at the session of the Dean’s Board upon agreement with the Dean. The Dean may invite other persons to be present at the session.
  4. The sessions of the Dean’s Board are closed.

Article 11

Research Board of the Faculty

  1. The Research Board of the Faculty (“the Research Board”) discusses the principal issues of educational and creative activities of the Faculty.
  2. The Research Board is presided over by the Dean.[9]
  3. The details of the activities of the Research Board are provided in the Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.

Article 12

Disciplinary Board of the Faculty

  1. The Disciplinary Board of the Faculty (“Disciplinary Board”) hears infringements of discipline by students enrolled in the Faculty and it submits proposals for decisions to the Dean.
  2. The number of members of the Disciplinary Board, its term of office, and the details of its activities are provided in the Disciplinary Code for Students of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.

Article 13


  1. The Secretary is selected through a competitive hiring process. The Secretary is appointed and removed by the Dean upon an opinion issued by the Senate; the appointment is usually for a definite period of time.
  2. The Secretary supervises the financial management and internal administration of the Faculty as determined by a Dean’s directive.
  3. The Secretary is responsible for his activities to the Dean and has a duty to follow the latter’s instructions.


Organisational Structure of the Faculty

Article 14

  1. The organisational structure of the Faculty consists of units providing in particular pedagogical, scholarly, and research activities; special-purpose facilities; and the Dean’s Office. Faculty units may either belong exclusively to the Faculty or be shared with healthcare centres.
  2. Units providing pedagogical, scholarly, and research activities are clinics and institutesand centers.
  3. The detailed organisational structure and the list of units are determined by a Dean’s directive.

Article 15

Establishment, Change or Dissolution of a Faculty Unit

  1. Faculty units are established, merged, consolidated, divided, or dissolved by the Senate upon the motion of the Dean.
  2. Units shared with a healthcare centre are established, changed, and dissolved by the Director of the healthcare centre upon agreement with the Dean of the Faculty.8 The Dean will request approval of the Senate prior to the making of such contract.

Article 16

Faculty Clinic

  1. The Faculty Clinic (“the Clinic”) is an educational, scholarly, and research unit. The Clinic is a unit shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre.
  2. The Clinic provides instruction to students and higher education institutions’ graduates and develops independent creative activities.
  3. The Head of the Clinic is appointed or removed by the director of the healthcare centre upon agreement with the Dean of the Faculty.[10] The Head manages the activities of the Clinic in compliance with the relevant legislation, this Constitution, and the rules for the internal governance of the Clinic. If there is a disagreement regarding the appointment or removal of the Head, he is appointed or removed by the healthcare minister upon agreement with the Rector of Charles University. A competitive hiring process for the position of a Clinic Head is called jointly by the Dean and the director of the relevant healthcare centre.

Article 17

Faculty Institute

  1. The Faculty Institute (“the Institute”) is an educational, scholarly, and research unit. Depending on the nature of its activities, the Institute may be a unit shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre or an exclusive Faculty unit.
  2. The institute provides instruction in theoretical, pre-clinical, and clinical fields and develops independent creative.
  3. Where the Institute is a unit shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre, its activities are managed by the Head of the Institute in compliance with the relevant legislation,[11] this Constitution and the rules for the internal governance of the Institute. Where the Institute is an exclusive Faculty unit its activities are managed by the Head of the Institute in compliance with this Constitution and the rules for the internal governance of the Institute.
  4. The Head of the Institute shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre is appointed or removed by the director of the healthcare centre upon agreement with the Dean of the Faculty.  If there is a disagreement regarding the appointment or removal of the Head of the Institute, he is appointed or removed by the healthcare minister upon agreement with the Rector of Charles University. The Head of the Institute that is an exclusive Faculty unit is appointed or removed by the Dean of the Faculty.
  5. A competitive hiring process for the position of a Head of an Institute shared by the Faculty and a healthcare centre is called jointly by the Dean and the director of the relevant healthcare centre; a competitive hiring process for the position of a Head of an Institute which is an exclusive Faculty unit is called by the Dean.

Article 17a

Faculty Centre

1. The Faculty Centre (hereinafter also referred to as "the Centre") is a teaching and scientific research workplace established in particular for the performance of educational activities and research in interdisciplinary areas of common interest to clinics and institutes as well as for the acquisition of practical skills. The Centre is exclusively a faculty department.

2. The Centre may contribute to the provision of pedagogical skills development for academic staff of the Faculty and cooperate in this area with all departments of the Faculty and with similar departments of the University.

3. The Centre may be used by academic and scientific staff of the faculty, lecturers, students and external collaborators for the purposes of research and study.

4. The activities of the Centre are governed by legal regulations, the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty, and the organisational rules of the Centre, which are issued by the Dean of the Faculty.

5. The activities of the Centre are managed by the Head of the Centre, who is appointed and dismissed by the Dean.

6. The Dean of the faculty appoints the head of the Centre, as a rule, from among the academic or scientific staff of the faculty, on the basis of a selection procedure for a period of not more than five years.

Article 18

Special-Purpose Facility of the Faculty

  1. A Special-Purpose Facility of the Faculty (“Special-Purpose Facility”) is a Faculty unit which performs support activities ensuring the main activities of the Faculty.
  2. The Head of the Special-Purpose Facility is appointed through a competitive hiring process by the Dean and removed by him/her.
  3. The activities and organisation of the Special-Purpose Facility may be regulated by its rules for the internal governance.
  4. The Head of the Special-Purpose Facility informs the academic community about the scope of services provided by the Facility at least once a year. If new services are introduced, the Head informs the academic community without delay.

Article 19

Dean’s Office

  1. The Dean’s Office is the executive body of the Faculty.
  2. The Dean’s Office is subdivided into offices; their heads are appointed and removed by the Faculty Secretary upon the Dean’s approval.
  3. The details of the organisation and activities are provided in the rules for the internal governance of the Dean’s Office.


Rights and Duties of the Members of the Academic Community

Article 20

Rights and Duties

  1. Members of the academic community of the Faculty are guaranteed the free performance of their educational and creative activities.
  2. Academic rights and freedoms must be asserted and exercised[12] in compliance with the principles of democracy, humanity, the legal order, and the internal regulations of the University, and may not contravene the achieved degree of knowledge in medicine and the principles of medical ethics.
  3. Members of the academic community are entitled to participate in the sessions of the self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty unless otherwise provided by an internal regulation of the Faculty or University; submit motions to the self-governing academic bodies; elect and be elected as members of self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty; nominate candidates; and otherwise participate in the governance at the Faculty or University.
  4. Members of the academic community and other University staff assigned to the Faculty have a duty to abstain from all activities which may cause damage to the good name of the University or the Faculty or its independence, or otherwise endanger its mission. Members of the academic community and other University staff assigned to the Faculty follow the legal order of the Czech Republic, the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty, Rector’s directives, directives, and other regulations in force and effect at the Faculty.  


General Provisions on Study and Academic Staff

Article 21

General Provisions on Academic Staff

  1. Academic staff is selected by the Dean through a competitive hiring process under the internal regulation of the University. [13]
  2. Professors and associate professors are usually employed under an open-ended contract of employment. Academic staff have a duty to create conditions for the scholarly and professional work of students of the Faculty.
  3. The job descriptions of academic staff are provided by an internal regulation of the University.[14]

Article 22

General Provisions on Students

  1. Students study according to the curriculum of the program of study to which they were admitted and in compliance with the internal regulations of the University and the Faculty.[15]
  2. Students have a duty to respect the rights, dignity, and individuality of patients and protect their rights and privacy. Students have a duty to follow the rules of medical ethics and maintain confidentiality of facts they learned in the course of instruction which are related to patients.[16]
  3. In the course of instruction, students have a duty to follow the rules and instructions of the head of the relevant unit or a person designated by him/her.
  4. Provisions on students apply with the necessary modifications to persons who participate in instruction on the basis of an international contract or agreement made by the University or the Faculty.

Article 23

Powers to Handle Other Filings by Students

The respective Vice-Dean for Study has the power to handle other filings made by students in the admissions procedure under the internal regulation of the University.[17] The respective Dean has the power to review the handling of such filings.


Academic Insignia and Ceremonies

Article 24

Solemn Oaths

The solemn oath of a student or graduate of the Faculty [18] is provided in Appendix No. 2 to this Constitution.

Article 25


The sceptre of the faculties of medicine is used during matriculation of students and graduation ceremonies of graduates of the Faculty in compliance with the internal regulations of the University.[19]


Financial Management of the Faculty

Article 26

Financial Management Rules

The financial management rules of the Faculty and administration of property are provided by the internal regulations of the University[20] and Rector’s, Bursar’s, and Dean’s directives.

Article 27

Balance Sheet of Revenues and Expenditures

  1. The Faculty prepares a balance sheet of revenues,[21] into which it includes funds allocated in the breakdown of institutional contributions and subsidies and the other expected revenues of the Faculty, and expenditures. This balance sheet may not be prepared as a deficit one.
  2. The rules for the distribution of financial means among individual Faculty units, including the general principles of financial management for the Faculty units, are approved by the Senate upon the motion of the Dean.


Other Provisions

Article 28

Internal Regulations of the Faculty

  1. The internal regulations of the Faculty are:
    1. Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    2. Code of Electoral Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    3. Code of Procedure for the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    4. Code of Procedure for the Research Board of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    5. Disciplinary Code for Students of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    6. Rules of Study at the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;
    7. Requirements for the conduct of qualifying theses and rigorous theses,
    8. Rules for awarding scholarships at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.
  1. Draft internal regulations of the Faculty are approved by the Senate and referred for approval to the Academic Senate of the University.[22]

Article 29

Strategic Plan

  1. The Strategic Plan of educational and creative activities of the Faculty is the basic progamme document of the Faculty.
  2. The Strategic Plan of educational and creative activities at the Faculty is prepared in accordance with the Strategic Plan of the University.
  3. The Strategic Plan of the University and Faculty is the basis for the preparation of changes to the internal structure of the Faculty, new programmes of study, and the objective of creative activities.

The Strategic Plan of the Faculty is specified annually in an implementation plan.

Article 30

Annual Reports

The Faculty prepares an annual report on activities and an annual report on financial management. The findings of the annual reports are implemented in managerial activities and for the specification of strategic plans and internal evaluation of the quality of the educational, creative, and related activities of the Faculty.

Article 31

Evaluation Report

The rules for the evaluation and quality assurance of activities of the Faculty are provided in the internal regulations of the University.[23] The details are provided in a Dean’s directive.[24]

Article 32

Memorial Medal

The Dean may award a memorial medal of the Faculty to persons who have contributed to the prestige of the University, Faculty, or have played an important role in the development of science, learning, or academic freedoms.

Article 33


  1. The Faculty uses an official round stamp with the small national emblem of the Czech Republic and the text “Univerzita Karlova 2. lékařská fakulta”.
  2. The details of the form of the official round stamp are provided in a Dean’s directive.
  3. The rules for the use of the official round stamp are provided in a special regulation.[25]
  4. The form and rules for the use of other stamps are provided in a Dean’s directive within the scope given by a Rector’s directive.

Article 34

Official Notice Board

  1. An official notice board is clearly designated and located in a publicly accessible place in the Faculty building.
  2. The official notice board serves for posting documents in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Code, the Higher Education Act, and other legal regulations or internal regulations of the University and the Faculty.
  3. Documents posted on the official notice board are also made public on the publicly accessible section of the website of the Faculty.

Article 35

Publishing of Information

In accordance with the Higher Education Act and the internal regulations of the University,[26] the publicly accessible section of the website of the Faculty serves for publishing the following:

  1. minutes of the meetings of self-governing academic bodies of the Faculty and of the Dean’s permanent advisory bodies and the schedule of meetings of these bodies including information on the date and location where the next meeting will be held;
  2. notice to nominate candidates for the Senate election, report of the results of the Senate election, notice to nominate candidates for the Dean, the Senate’s resolution on the proposal to nominate the Dean, and the Rector’s decision on the appointment or removal of a Dean;
  3. Dean’s directives;
  4. the full text of the internal regulations of the Faculty, details of the period of their legal power and effect;
  5. reference to the internal regulations of the University;
  6. annual reports on the activities, annual reports on financial management, strategic plans of faculties and their specification;
  7. lists of programmes of study implemented at the Faculty; their types and profiles; types of instruction; standard length of study, and information on their availability to persons with disabilities;
  8. the deadline for submission of applications for study and the form of their submission, requirements for admission, date and method of verification of their fulfilment, the form and general content of the entrance examination and the criteria for its assessment, and the highest number of students admitted for study in the relevant programme of study;
  9.  requirements for physical fitness for study in the relevant programme of study if they are set for the programme of study;
  10. information on the procedure for the granting of associate professorship and the appointment of full professorship, dates of the relevant sessions of Research Boards, and information on the completion of these procedures;
  11. publishing a competitive hiring procedure for academic staff;
  12. other information as provided by the Higher Education Act, other legal regulations, internal regulations of the University, Faculty, or information decided by the Dean, Secretary, or a designated employee.

Article 36

Constitution Components

The following appendixes are part of the Constitution of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University:

  1. Appendix No. 1 - Faculty emblem,
  2.  Appendix No. 2 – Solemn Oath.


Transitional and Final Provisions

Article 37

Transitional Provision

The term of office of the current members of self-governing academic bodies is not affected by this Constitution.

Article 38

Final Provision

1. The Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University approved by the Academic Senate of the University on 10 October 2008 is hereby repealed.

2. This Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University comes into force on the date of its approval by the Academic Senate of the University.[27]

3. This Constitution becomes effective on 1 October 2017.

The Academic Senate of the Faculty approved this code on 24 May 2017.

The Academic Senate of the University approved this code on 2 June 2017.


Doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D.
President of the Academic Senate

of the Second Faculty of Medicine of CU


Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Komárek, CSc.
of the Second Faculty of Medicine of CU

PhDr. Tomáš Nigrin, Ph.D.
President of the Academic Senate of CU


The change in the Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University (the first change) was approved by the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University on 19 February 2020. This change came into force on the date of approval by the Academic Senate of Charles University, which was carried out on 11 May 2020. The change in the regulation became effective on the first day of the calendar month following the date of its legal force.


* Translator’s note: Words importing the masculine include the feminine, and unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular.

[2] Appendix No. 1 to the Constitution of Charles University.

[3] In particular Articles 15 (2) and 50 (1) of the CU Constitution.

[4] Appendix No. 1 to the CU Constitution.

[5] If the Rector creates the position of a special professor under Article 39 (1) of the CU Constitution.

[6] S. 70 (1) of the Higher Education Act.

[7] Article 40 of the CU Constitution.

[8] S. 26 (2) of the Higher Education Act.

[9] S. 29 (1) of the Higher Education Act.

[10] Act No. 372/2011 Sb., on health services and the conditions for their providing (Health Services Act), as amended.

[11] Act No. 372/2011 Sb., on health services and the conditions for their providing (Health Services Act), as amended.

[12] S. 4 of the Higher Education Act.

[13] The Competitive Hiring Process Code of Charles University.

[14] Internal Wages Regulation of Charles University.

[15] Particularly the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University and the Rules of Study at the Second Faculty of Medicine.

[16] S. 51 (5) (c) Act No. 372/2011 Sb., on health services and the conditions for their providing (Health Services Act), as amended.

[17] Article 14 (2) of the Code of Admissions Procedure of Charles University.

[18] Article 59 (3) (a) of the CU Constitution.

[19] The Matriculation and Graduation Code of Charles University and Appendix No. 3 to the CU Constitution.

[20] Particularly the Financial Management Rules of Charles University.

[21] Article 49 (4) of the CU Constitution.

[22] Under s. 9 (1) (b) (2) of the Higher Education Act.

[23] Rules for the System of Internal Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Charles University.

[24] Article 10 (4) of the Rules for the System of Internal Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Charles University.

[25] Act No. 352/2001 Sb., on the use of state symbols of the Czech Republic and changes in some laws, as amended.

[26] Article 6 (2) of the CU Constitution.

[27]S. 9 (1) (b) of the Higher Education Act.


The change in the Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University (the first change) was approved by the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University on 19 February 2020. This change came into force on the date of approval by the Academic Senate of Charles University, which was carried out on 11 May 2020. The change in the regulation became effective on the first day of the calendar month following the date of its legal force.

The change in the Constitution of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University (the second change) was approved by the Academic Senate of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University on 15 May 2024. This change came into force on the date of approval by the Academic Senate of Charles University, which was carried out on 21 June 2024. The change in the regulation became effective on the day following the date of its legal force.

Validity and effectiveness
Validity: 2 June 2017
Effective from: 1 October 2017 (continues)


Created: 13. 6. 2017 / Modified: 30. 1. 2025 / Responsible person: Mgr. Petr Andreas, Ph.D.