The 2nd Faculty of Medicine Annual Spring Ball

The 2nd Faculty of Medicine Annual Spring ball took place at Narodni Dum, Vinohrady, 27. 02. 10. As usual it was a splendid affair, well-attended by both students and faculty staff.
The organisers can consider themselves proud as quite a show was laid on for all. That is Radovan Hudak and the Motolak gang. After the introductory speech by the Dean, Ass. Prof. Hrusak, festivities commenced in earnest! In the main Majakovski hall, Ladislav Benes and his Orchestra set the upbeat tone of the night with a mixture of music genres – swing, dance – very much in the style of Karel Gott. Czechs, as we know, take dancing lessons in school and it very much showed when compared to the flat-footed international students. Couples sashayed around the hall, effortlessly switching between tango, foxtrot and Viennese waltz. In the smaller Rais hall, the more contemporary Atares group and Krocan Orchestra also attracted those with itchy feet with a mixture of folk and funk. Sadly, the much anticipated StarDancers failed to appear. Perhaps next year? To round off the music, a spontaneous classical performance by an unidentified student was listened to avidly by a small but enthusiastic group.

Perhaps on account of the warmth, wine, beer, mojitos et al were consumed copiously; the chlebicek weren't as popular, though. Any chance of a meal next year? Foreign students were camped out, for the most part, in the hall way, with only the bravest daring to shake a leg. Shame!

In the middle of the ball, awards ‘Teacher of the Year 2009’ for best teachers/lecturers were handed out. And the winners are: Daniel Groh, M.D., Martin Hložánek, M.D., Prof. František Kölbel, M.D., Ph.D., Jiří Lisý, M.D., Ph.D., Kateřina Bartoníčková, M.D., Dita Smíšková, M.D., Zuzana Blechová, M.D., Helena Ambrožová, M.D., Ph.D., Prof. Jana Hercogová, M.D., Ph.D. and Ass. Prof. Dr. Pavel Kolář, Ph.D. A raffle shortly followed with a multitude of prizes given out, including: various medical books, book vouchers, as well as a travel ticket for two up to the value CZK 8000 anywhere in Europe. Particular thanks to sponsors Student Agency and Grada, Galen and Marxdorf, and Neoluxor Palac for their genereous donations.

As the evening progressed, a special performance by our faculty's very own dance group, Prdly Kosti, was received rapturously. Great stuff! For the final part of the night, DJ PatriK did his utmost to revitalise the students with Europop. Mission a success: students danced away till almost 3 am.

A big thank you to all involved with the ball, particularly the organisers who managed to get such fantastic prizes. For all those who gave it a miss, make sure you attend next year!


Created: 12. 3. 2010 / Modified: 3. 1. 2019 / MUDr. Jana Djakow