Annual Meeting of the Dean with International Students

Annual Meeting of the Dean with International Students will take place on Thursday February 25, 2016 at 2pm in Kinosal of Motol University Hospital (located in the Dean's Office building, 2nd floor). Students of General Medicine in English will be able to discuss issues of their concern with the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Vladimir Komarek, MD, Ph.D., Vice-Dean for Study in English Prof. Kveta Blahova, MD, Ph.D., former Dean and Study in English Coordinator Prof. Ondrej Hrusak, MD, Ph.D., as well as the Coordinator for International Students Petra Fabingerova.

All students are welcome, please mark your calendars!

Created: 18. 2. 2016 / Modified: 15. 12. 2017 / Mgr. Petr Andreas, Ph.D.