Become a Prominent Medical Specialist and Enjoy Life in the Heart of Europe – Study with Us!

The 2nd Faculty of Medicine offers new students a high standard of education in an enchanting locale.
If you choose us, you

  • become a member of a smaller competitive medical faculty and at the same time of the oldest university in Central Europe;
  • benefit from individual attention and assistance;
  • spend a wonderful time in the picturesque and historic city of Prague;
  • meet colleagues from countries all over the world;
  • may study a unique pediatric specialization;
  • gain clinical experience at the largest public hospital in the Czech Republic;
  • pay reasonable tuition fees that are lowered depending on your grades;
  • can continue to have a career anywhere in the world.

Just register for entrance exams and study with us!
Conditions for enrollment
We offer two straightforward tracks of enrollment to our school. The ‘Track A’ option involves passing the standardized SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test). You do not need to travel abroad, just take the test and see if you satisfy our criteria.
Should you choose ‘Track B’, we will welcome you at our Faculty and you will take our written and oral exams in one day. The dates of the entrance exams are:

May 28, 2014 (the deadline for registration is May 5, 2014),
July 2, 2014 (the deadline for registration is June 9, 2014),
and September 18, 2014 (the deadline for registration is August 25, 2014).

Created: 16. 1. 2014 / Modified: 23. 11. 2018 / Mgr. Petr Andreas, Ph.D.