Call for Application – King's College

Call for application for the placement abroad
at King's College London School of Medicine

Dear students of the 4th–5th yea,
we would like to inform you about a possibility of the placement abroad in London.
It concerns a placement abroad in the period from October 2011 to September 2012 for six students.
Duration of the placement abroad is six weeks.
The student will specify in his application clinical subject he would like to complete during the placement (final decision depends on the possibilities of the Faculty GKT).
The competition is opened for those who meet these criteria:

  1. Language skills on B2 level min.
  2. Letter from the department where student does his extracurriculars confirming the period, intensity etc. of his acitivities.
  3. To be a student of 4th or 5th year is a must.
  4. Study average results for all finished years must be on min. 70th percentile of the relevant year. 4th year student have the 70th percentile on average result 1,52, 5th year on 1,43 (included).

Student who meets ALL these criteria is allowed to enter the competition and is then evaluated according the following criteria:
1st cathegory criteria (student can get 0–8 points)

  1. Department activities, considering thespecialisation requested. Period, intensity, nature and outputs will be evaluated.
  2. Student will obtain minus points for every previous stay abroad granted by faculty and/or during theteaching period (–0,015 point per day).

2nd cathegory criteria (in case of equality of points number)

  1. Other extracurricular activities (anatomy, histology lecturing).
  2. Motivation and other acquirements.

After first evaluation of thematerials, students will be selected for oral part of competition held in english.

Application for the placement should be delivered
(Mrs. Hrebcova, dean's office)
by 4th March 2011.

Students can use a form ‘Application for study stay abroad’ at staysabroad.doc or by email to @email.
The application must contain:

  • name, surname, year of the study, contact (address, mobile, e-mail)
  • study average result of the preceding years – copy of the index currently studied year
  • other study activities (e.g. work at the departments, clinics, presentation at Students Scientific Conference etc.)
  • level of language proficiency B2 (document – e.g. certificate)

The competition will take place
on 14th March 2011 at 2 p.m.
in the Competition room (Konkurzní místnost)
of the Dean's office.

Created: 17. 2. 2011 / Modified: 20. 9. 2018 / Bc. Kateřina Hřebcová