Call for Erasmus + Programme 2020/2021

The applications for Erasmus+ programme must be submitted in writing in the period from February 1 to February 28, 2020 to the Study Department of the Dean's Office, Ms. Stanislava Palowska. The selection procedure will take place in the first half of March.

Opportunities to go abroad are available to both full-time and part-time students of bachelor, master levels and doctoral candidates. Students who meet the qualification criteria set by the Rectorate of Charles University may apply. A commission, appointed by the Dean of the Faculty, decides on students' enrolment abroad. The selection criteria for inclusion in the programme are set by the Faculty Academic Senate and can be found on the Faculty website.

Studying abroad is an integrated part of the academic plan at your home university. This means that it should not lead to an extension of the total length of your studies. Study abroad is usually done through the creation of an individual study plan (this, however, is not compulsory).

Erasmus + scholarships can be awarded once for a study stay and once for an internship abroad during the entire period of studying at the Second Faculty of Medicine.

An application must include:

  • Application for the Erasmus+ study/internship. The form can be found HERE.
  • Study plan (explain which subjects will be replaced by the subjects you will take while studying abroad). If you are applying for internship abroad, describe the intended content of your internship. Please, also mention the sources about the foreign university/institution you used while researching required university.
  • Concise Curriculum Vitae (it is helpful to emphasize if you helped Erasmus+ students and if applicable, your practical and research work as a student, all activities listed must be accompanied by written confirmation);
  • Language certificate (minimum B2 level is required);
  • Copy of your index of your current academic year;
  • It is also necessary to submit an electronic application in the RUK Erasmus web application HERE. The internet application will be opened from 15 February.

You can apply to a maximum three foreign universities, in order of your preference. Our faculty sends students only to affiliated faculties, with whom we have signed a bilateral agreement.

Practical internships can also be held at another professional institution which you find yourself. You need to submit their written consent as a part of the application. The dates of your foreign stay, which you enter in the application, are only indicative. Exact dates/term will be confirmed after the nomination.

You can prove your linguistic competence ( apart from English) through presenting your graduation certificate (e.g. graduation from a German, French, or Spanish) or an equivalent certificate, which you earn by passing a language test at the Department of Language at our Faculty (in German, Spanish or French).

 Exam dates at the Language Department:

  • German: 4 February 2020, 3 p.m.
  • French: 6 February 2020, 3:30 p.m.
  • Spanish: 3 February 2020, 3 p.m.

The deadline for paying the fee and submitting application for language test is 27 January 2020. Students who do not pay the fee in advance will not be able to take the test.
Apply for the tests by e-mail to @email, by phone at 224 435 806 or in person at the Secretary of the Department of Languages. The fee for the test is CZK 300 and is paid by transfer to the faculty account no. 37530021/0100, variable symbol 1821, the student's name must be entered as a note for the beneficiary.

Created: 27. 1. 2020 / Modified: 28. 5. 2021 / Stanislava Palowska