Instructions for entering the hours of physical education in the academic year 2010/2011

Physical Education Schedule for english speaking students

Students who participate in summer sports courses in Dobronice can get the credits from TV and sport courses directly in Dobronice.

Missing attendance in PE lessons, you can also add in continuous training during June and September, according to the schedule.

PhDr. Vera Svobodova CSc.
Representative for intrernational students sport and physical education programme.
Phone number: 272 082 504, 724 766 838

There are 2 summer courses in Dobronice, you can take part in and get credit. You have to apply at @email.

Offer of sport courses organized in cooperation  with the Department of PE and VSK Medik:
For more information contact the person organizing the course.
For all 7days courses you will get 3 credits.

Created: 23. 5. 2011 / Modified: 10. 8. 2015 / Mgr. Petr Klein