Instructions for Payment of Tuition in External Objects

Make a payment to 28. 2. 2015 bank transfer to the following account (see Fig. instructions payment)

Students must contribute financially to the costs associated with rent sports that are not UK property. For this purpose, make a payment for the following amounts, according to your registered sport.

At first lessons hand over a copy of proof of payment of the relevant amount to the teacher.

The amount is no longer possible to pay in cash.

Is possible to participate the lessons only after the submission of proof of payment of the amount due.

Instructions for payment:

Account number: 37530021/0100
Variable symbol: 55103
Constant symbol: 558
Specific symbol: according to the table
Message to recipient: surname, first name, faculty, vintage, sport (example: Smith, Charles, LF2,3, squash)

Sport Price KČ specific symbol
Kick box 700 232015
Box 700 242015
Squash 550 252015
Golf Lahovice 700 262015
Golf Hostivař 700 272015
TRX – FTVS 300 282015
Climbing Juliska 450 292015
Running – Šárka 200 302015
Beach volleyball – Tatran 450 312015
Condition training – SUN studio 450 322015
Aerobic / zumba – SUN studio 450 332015
Created: 21. 1. 2015 / Modified: 21. 8. 2015 / Mgr. Petr Klein