
Do you want to find out what a Czech hospital in Kenya looks like and attend a launch of the new Crewtones CD? Come to Dr. Voják music club to ItiboFest, a charity event in support of the Czech humanitarian hospital in Itibo, Kenya. Doctors and students will share their experience from the humanitarian missions and you will see what such a trip involves and how to become a participant. Czech documentarist Olga Špátová will also present her documentary about the Itibo Clinic ‘Far Beyond the Sun’. As a part of the festival the band Crewtones will launch their debut album. Other performers: Zelená konev, Zpět and Ondřej Galuška.

The benefit from the festival will be spent on new equipment for the intensive care unit of the Itibo Clinic.

This event is supported by student associations Motolák and IFMSA CZ 2. LF.




Created: 27. 4. 2015 / Modified: 4. 2. 2019 / Mgr. Petr Andreas, Ph.D.