Student Survey on the SIS

Rather than on the faculty websites where the student assessment had previously been held, we will run the Student Survey on the Study Information System (SIS) beginning on November 30, 2017.

Launching of the survey was already planned for the beginning of the academic year but unfortunately, unexpected complications appeared and thus the assessment of teaching is starting up now. Hereby we apologize for the delay and we would like to thank you for your patience.

So what is new in Student's survey? We have simplified the evaluation process and reduced the number of questions so you can complete the survey more easily and quickly. You will now be able to complete it during the entire academic year, regardless if you are registered for the exam. The survey is the same for all degrees currently taught.

Please fill in the survey only once for each course. Once the evaluation of the given course is saved, you will not be able to change it. Within each course, you will also be able to evaluate specific teachers.

We are launching the Student Survey on the SIS for the first time this year. It will be more specific to individual subjects and teachers. The survey is an important source of feedback to the faculty and can help improve the quality of teaching and learning. We hope you adjust to this format and that you will participate in the surveys as you have before.

You can find the survey in SIS system within an icon ‘Inquiry’ and only after logging in, you can fill it in. All fulfilled data are saved anonymously, there is only a record whether student has already evaluated the individual subject or not yet. This is in order to avoid re-evaluation.

If you encounter any problems while filling in the survey, please contact Mgr. Jana Procházková (@email).

Created: 1. 12. 2017 / Modified: 1. 12. 2017 / Mgr. Jana Čechová