Summer Undergraduate Reasearch Programe at University of Lausanne

The Summer Undergraduate Programme (SUR) 2022 in Biology and Medicine will take place from 4 July till 26 August 2022 in Lausanne, Switzerland. It will host 15 undergraduate students from all around the world to pursue an independent lab-based research project. At the end students will present the results of their research on a poster during a symposium and prepare a written report.

The programme is for students from the second and third year of their medical studies. It is highly competitive and participants are chosen based upon their academic results (typically GPA >3.75 or equivalent, and/or top 5% class ranking), personal statements, and letters of recommendation.

Deadline for applications is 31 January 2022. A scholarship is awarded to all selected participants.

More information at this link.

Created: 10. 1. 2022 / Modified: 11. 1. 2022 / Ing. Pavla Byrne