Time Schedule of Entrance Examination

Entrance Examination 10 July 2013

Registration: 8.00–8.30 (Big lecture Hall)
Invitation: 8.45–9.00
Instructions to the written test: 9.00–9.15
Written test: 9.15–10.30 (in total 75 minutes)
Break: 10.30–12.30 (computerized processing of the tests)
Allocation to committees: 12.30 (Big lecture Hall)
Interviewing: 12.45–15.00
Announcement of final results: around 15.30 (Big lecture Hall)
Instruction for admitted applicants and Closing of Entrance examination: 15.30–16.00

Created: 9. 7. 2013 / Modified: 18. 9. 2018 / Renata Habětínová