Instructions for Students Attending Courses of Anatomical Pathology



THE AIM of the lectures is to open up a given topic for the students, to bring it closer giving examples from the medical practice, and to demonstrate the teacher's attitude to the subject.
Moreover, the lectures:

  1. are to complement modern English-written textbooks of pathology, preferably Robbins' Basic Pathology (8th ed.), and they are to delineate the extent of the topics required to pass the examination;
  2. are to enlighten gross and microscopic findings which may be difficult to comprehend from studying textbooks only;
  3. they bring and explain new facts.

The lectures are considered an indispensable part of the courses. Textbooks and private studies are important parts of the study but lectures can give students an idea about the approach of the teachers. Lectures explain data and findings more difficult to comprehend and/or to imagine.


THE AIM of practical classes is to lead students to see, to analyze and to comprehend, and to think about the pathological processes in a complexity, and to see the links between general and organ pathology.
The course of the practical classes is directed by rules to minimize the biohazard.
The instructions are given in a separate section of this document.

  1. The practical training is divided into two parts. The first part is to demonstrate fresh autopsy findings; students will also discuss the topic of the lectures over fixed gross material with the teacher. The second part is to correlate the gross pathology findings with microscopic observations.
  2. The students´ tasks in discussing post mortem examinations are as follows:
    • to become acquainted with basic techniques of post mortem examinations both in adults and children;
    • to acquire basic skills of describing pathologic processes and of recognizing gross findings;
    • to exercise clinical-pathological correlations, e.g. you will correlate pathology findings with clinical symptoms and with the course of various diseases.
  3. The microscopic part of the practical classes is to learn how to describe pathological findings under the microscope, and to recognize and to interpret basic microscopical changes.


  • Arrival on time for the practical classes is strictly required!
    When late without any reasonable apology, the attendance is liable not be accepted by the teacher.
  • No individual classes are available.
  • Pregnant ladies will be exempt from the courses of anatomic pathology (see the instructions on the biohazard): in such a case, the study of pathology will have to be adjourned for one year: this must be arranged with the supervisor at the dean's office.


 3. You are expected to obtain CREDIT at the end of each term. The conditions for the credit are as follows:

  1. the level of your knowledge as demonstrated during the term and evaluated by your teachers; there will be both written tests and oral examinations, arranged at least twice in each term; CAUTION: a failure to write tests to less than 60% of correct answers (cummulatively, e.g. at least two or more tests in a semester) is evaluated as a failure to fulfill conditions for a credit with all the consequences which will automatically follow;
  2. your attendance:
    maximally two absences are tolerated in each term if there is an appropriate reason stated by the student: those absentees leaving out more than two courses will have to pass an extended individual credit before the end of a term; if there are more than three absences the dean's office will be asked to interrupt the study to such a student.

may be arranged in advance with your teachers before the end of the Summer Term (before your final examination): a consultation with a group of students is preferred to consultations with individual students.

  1. Robbins: Basic Pathology, 8th ed. The extend of each chapter may be specified during the course;
  2. lectures;
  3. theoretical background and skills gained at your classes.

consists of

  • practical part, gross pathology (description of organ findings, interpretation – diagnosis; time – last three weeks of the practicals in the summer semester); microscopic pathology (reading and interpreting two histological slides; time – on the examination day)
  • theoretical part, divided into three topics covering general as well as organ pathology.

Only students with CREDIT may enlist for the final examination.

7. Appendix

Organizational requirements of the courses. Every student will acknowledge his/her understanding of these regulations by signing up.
Prague, September 17th, 2018

prof. MUDr. Roman Kodet, CSc.

Last update: 26. 1. 2021 / Administrátor
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