Report on Activities of the Academic Senate

Report on activities of the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University for the term of office 2001–2003

In the name of the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, I am submitting the report on activities for the term of office 2001 to January 2003. The past two-year term of office at the Faculty can be described as consolidated and creative one in all the main fields of the Faculty´s activities. The cooperation of the senate with the Faculty´s management, headed by the Dean prof. MUDr. J. Koutecký, DrSc., was reciprocally of fair and partnership character. This cannot be changed by the fact, that from time to time, the exchange of opinions aroused a bit of excitement. It was always for the sake of the matter being discussed and not to make unnecessary problems. These debates on the grounds of the academic senates concerned, among others, the modification of the present system of the entrance procedure, changes or preparation of the new syllabus for the basic accredited study programmes, the amendment of some internal regulations of the Faculty or the intensions to introduce new study programmes to the Faculty.
The life of the academic community at this Faculty was certainly more enlivened in the autumn of 2002. During two months, several events, important both for the whole University and this Faculty, took place. These events undoubtedly were the elections of the new Rector of Charles University and the new Dean of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine who was repeatedly elected prof. MUDr. J. Koutecký, DrSc., and finally the election of the new academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine for the term of office 2003–2004. An important news for this Faculty is also the fact that the member of our academic community, prof. RNDr. V. Hampl, DrSc., was elected the Chairman of the academic senate of Charles University.
During its term of office, the academic senate worked, headed by the board composed of doc. MUDr. P. Zoban, CSc. – Chairman of the academic senate, medical student M. Pelíšek – Vice-chairman, prof. MUDr. M. Vízek, CSc. and medical student Z. Chvojková.
For the purposes of its activities, the senate established four standing working commissions with the following members:

  • Legislative commission
    doc. MUDr. J. Starý, DrSc., Chairman, doc. MUDr. P. Zoban, CSc., MUDr. R. Matlach and N. Mikešová for the students.
  • Pedagogic commission
    doc. PhDr. J. Kocourková, Chairman, doc. PaedDr. J. Kolář, students J. Kratochvíl and Z. Francová
  • Economic commission
    as. RNDr. P. Blanický, CSc., Chairman, prof. MUDr. M. Vízek, CSc., students D. Hodyc and L. Koudelová
  • Disciplinary commission
    doc. MUDr. V. Marešová, CSc., Chairman, doc. MUDr. K. Dohnal, CSc., students Z. Chvojková and D. Major.

As the representatives of the Faculty in the academic senate of Charles University were by the academic community of the Faculty elected the following members: – prof. RNDr. V. Hampl, DrSc., after his being elected the Chairman for the academic senate of Charles University, he was replaced by doc. MUDr. V. Benešová, doc. MUDr. R. Škába, CSc., and M. Pelíšek and T. Drbohlav for the students.
As its delegate in the Board of Universities for the term of office 2000–2002, the senate elected doc. MUDr. R. Škába, CSc., who was active in the working committee for the net and structure of colleges. In the coming term of office he will be replaced by doc. MUDr. J. Starý, DrSc.
The activities of the academic senate in the period 2001–2002
The Activities of the academic senate concerned, to a varied extent, fields of legislation, teaching, scientific research, development of the Faculty and activities connected with the current interests of the Faculty.
The field of legislation
Following the recommendation, of the Legislation Commission of the academic senate of Charles University and based on the initiative of the members of the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, respectively, the senate prepared and consequently approved the amendment of some internal regulations of the Faculty (The statute of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine in the article ‘The Faculty Departments’, specifying the department of the Faculty in accordance with a similar regulation of the Charles University Statute, or rather extensive modification of the ‘Study and Examination Code’ of Charles University or the modification of Article No. 15 of the ‘Procedure of Election’) for the Election of the Dean of the Faculty, supplemented with conditions for registration of candidates for the post of the Dean.
The field of teaching
In the field of teaching at the Faculty, there was an extensive discussion on the grounds of the senate, concerning the structure of the system of the entrance procedure. The senate supported to maintain the two-round system including the test which evaluates so called general qualifications of the applicants for the studies at a university.
The senate and the members of the College of the Dean discussed repeatedly the reorganization of the teaching of Propedeutics in the 3rd year and namely preparing of the new syllabus that was presented to the senate in February and consequently approved after its being approved by the scientific council in April 2002.
The senate handled repeatedly the criticism from the part of international students who requested to improve the quality of teaching of subjects in the Master degree course in English. At the same time, the senate supported their requirement to extend the teaching of the Czech language and create conditions for the accelerated integration of international students into the everyday life at the Faculty.
The senate, as it had repeatedly done in the past, tried to initiate the activity in the case of the permanently unsolved problem – the elaboration of the efficient system to evaluate teaching at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine. It seems, that based on the negotiations of the members of the College of the Dean and the management of the Department of Medical Informatics, it will be finally possible to solve this problem. The senate expressed their concern over the fact that less and less international students apply for the study at this Faculty. It is namely the so far dominating proportion of the students from Greece. The senate unequivocally supported the activities of the College of the Dean intended to improve the presentation of the information on the study programme of general medicine in English as well as make direct contacts with selected European universities.
At its session in July 2002, the senate was informed about the Faculty´s intention, approved by the scientific council, to extend the education at the Faculty with five new study programmes. According to the new Act on Higher Education, the academic senate is not entitled to decide on establishing of new study programmes at the Faculty. In spite of this fact, at its session in November 2002, the senate organized a discussion with professional sponsors of the new study programmes. They assured the members of the senate about preparedness of their departments/clinics to ensure the teaching of new programmes at a relevant level and extent not to interfere with the teaching of the presently accredited programmes. They further stated that the teaching of new programmes will not result in excessive financial costs for their provision. The members of the teachers board of the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine believe, that the basic function of the Faculty pro futuro (=in future) is to provide and develop good quality Master programmes in General Medicine and Physiotherapy, with the accentuation of the specific features of pediatric patients and the defined programmes of postgraduate course for the students qualified for the scientific and research work in the field of Biomedicine.
The field of science and research
Both chambers unequivocally supported the efforts of the Dean to restore the traditon of the Students Scientific Conferences. During the term of office of this senate, there succesfully took place, under the auspices of prof. MUDr. J. Herget, DrSc., Vice-dean for Science and Research, two Students Scientific conferences.
The field of the Faculty development and other activities
In the field of the Faculty development the senate, based on the proposals of relevant Vice-deans, gradually approved the establishment of some new workplaces at the Faculty (‘Centre for Thyreoid Oncology and Endocrine Orbitopathy’ with the Clinic of Nuclear Medicine, ‘Department of General Medicine of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, Clinic of Pneumology, Clinic of Cardiosurgery, Clinic of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine and Motol University Hospital and Department of Epidemiology of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine’).
In connection with the improved information awareness within the Faculty and its external presentation, the senate asked the management of the Faculty to improve both formal and content-related presentation of the departments and clinics on the Faculty web sites.
Similarly as it was in the past, the senate paid the attention to preparation of budgets for the individual years as well as the way of their using. It expressed and consequently approved the annual reports on the Faculty activities and reports on the Faculty economy in the years 2001 and 2002.
At the request of the Dean and the Vice-Dean for Internal Affairs, the senate approved to prolong the term of office of more than 20 heads of clinics and departments of the Faculty.
Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, respected members of the academic community, allow me, in conclusion of the report on the activities of the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, to thank my colleagues, members of both chambers of the senate, for their work, and further, to you, who addressed us with your suggestions what to solve or how to solve some partial problems at the Faculty.
In the very end I would like, in the name of the academic senate, to thank the management of the Faculty headed by the Dean, prof. MUDr. J. Koutecký, DrSc., for the partner and cooperative attitude in all our mutual meetings and sessions.
With greetings and best wishes for the year 2003.

doc. MUDr. Petr Zoban, CSc.
Chairman of the academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine

Last update: 10. 1. 2019 / Administrátor
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