Accreditation valid until: 31. 10. 2028
Chairman of the Subject Area Board:
prof. MUDr. Alena KOBESOVÁ, Ph.D.
Contact person:
Department for PhD Study
Second Faculty of Medicine
Charles University
V Úvalu 84
150 06 Prague 5
Characteristics of the study programme
The study programme is focused on scientific and research activities in the field of human movement. Those interested in this study programme may be graduates of master's degree programmes in physiotherapy, graduates of medical or health and social faculties and other faculties with biomedical study programmes with an interest in scientific activities. The study programme follows mainly on the master's study of medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and possibly other master's or engineering fields, the scientific knowledge of which is used in rehabilitation practice (e.g. biomedical and clinical technology, biomedical engineering, prosthetics, biocybernetics, robotics and information technology). Study programme focuses on the objectification of physiological parameters of human motor skills, identification of the causes of motor disorders and the possibilities of therapeutic influence. The methodology of individual research projects will be adapted to the specific objectives of the work, the equipment of the training workplace and the research and professional orientation of the supervisor and student.
Admission procedure requirements specific to the study programme
The conditions and course of the admission procedure for the part-time of study are the same as the conditions for the full-time form.
We recommend to contact your potential supervisor in advance and consult the suitable form of preparation for the interview. Each study programme has its own specifics, so the supervisor can help you to prepare for the specialized entrance examination (the interview).
Topics of dissertation thesis
The candidate chooses the preliminary topic and contacts a potential supervisor. They consult on the chosen topic and agree on its more precise specifications. In case of any ambiguity, we recommend contacting the chairman of the SAB. If necessary, she can recommend a consultation on the topic with another specialist according to the focus of the intended project. The list of topics and supervisors can be found below.
Supervisors of the study programme
Each supervisor must be approved by the SAB. The criteria for admitting new supervisors are determined by the SAB. If the proposed supervisor has not yet been approved by the SAB, this must be done no later than the enrollment of the applicant in the study (provided that the applicant is accepted).
If the candidate does not know which topic/supervisor to choose, he/she will contact the chairman of the SAB, with whom he/she will consult on a suitable topic and a potential supervisor.
This choice is preliminary, the admissions board may, after consultation with the candidate, nominate another supervisor.
Dissertation topics offered
doc. MUDr. Yvona Angerová, Ph.D., MBA, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and General University Hospital
- Diagnosis and therapy of cognitive functions in patients after brain injury
- Determination of Czech standards of selected standardized tests usable in occupational therapy for the diagnosis of upper limb function
doc. Mgr. Ladislav Baťalík, Ph.D., Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University
- The needs of patients entering cardiovascular rehabilitation
doc. PhDr. Ondřej Čakrt, Ph.D., Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital
- Evaluation of the dynamics of vestibular compensation in rehabilitated patients after resection of vestibular schwannoma
Diagnosis and treatment of patients with positional vertigo
Influence of cochlear implantation on the function of the vestibular system
MUDr. Rudolf Černý, CSc., Department of Neurology, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital
- The use of caloric stimulation of the labyrinth for the treatment of central neuropathic pain
- Evaluation of the nociceptive flexion reflex in patients with chronic
- Quality of life in patients with Complex reg
prof. MUDr. Vojtěch Havlas, Ph.D., Department of Orthopaedics, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital
- Strategies for the treatment of soft structure pathologies in the shoulder girdle
- Sports traumatology of children's knee joint
- Minimally invasive treatment of intra-articular injuries
MUDr. Lucie Hájková Hympánová, Ph.D., Institute for the Care of Mother and Child
- Diastasis recti abdominis in pregnancy and after childbirth, novel physiotherapeutical approaches
- Severe pelvic floor dysfunction and physiotherapy
- The physical fitness state and the course of childbirth
MUDr. Martina Hoskovcová, Ph.D., Department of Neurology, First Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and General University Hospital in Prague
Evaluation of gait patterns and upper limb function in patients with spastic paresis
Gait and balance impairment in patients with Parkinson's disease
Assessment and treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease
doc. MUDr. Lukáš Hruban, Ph.D., MBA., Clinic of gynecology and obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University and University Hospital Brno
- Influence of pelvic floor and anterior abdominal wall musculature on the course of vaginal delivery
MUDr. Markéta Hušáková, Ph.D., Institute of Rheumatology
- The effect of physiotherapy including postural modification and respiratory rehabilitation on disease activity, inflammatory pathogenetic pathways and mobility in patients with axial spondyloarthritis
- Rehabilitation interventions in patients with systemic inflammatory diseases suffering from temporomandibular joint dysfunction
- The role of regular physical activity in response to therapy and progression of systemic rheumatic disorders.
MUDr. Jakub Jačisko, Ph.D., Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital
- Assessment of the Effectiveness of Memory Strategies Among Students Studying Sonoanatomy
- Sonographic Assessment of Muscle Architecture in Patients with Cerebral Palsy
- Sonographic Assessment of the Architecture of Trunk Musculature
- Sonographic Assessment of the Musculoskeletal Pathologies in Growing Skeleton
doc. PedDr. Karel Jelen, CSc., Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and General University Hospital
- Quantification of mechanical properties of the human axial system
- Energy balance of the heart muscle by CVS method
- Biomechanical reflections of the neuromusculoskeletal system in conditions of occupational discomfort in musicians
Mgr. Jitka Klugarová, Ph.D., Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University
- Prevention of acquired flatfoot in children: a meta-research
prof. MUDr. Alena Kobesová Ph.D., Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital
- Influence of intra-abdominal pressure regulation on torso stabilization function
- Relationship between the ability to regulate intra-abdominal pressure and chronic back pain
- Relationship between the ability to regulate intra-abdominal pressure and gastrointestinal dysfunction
- Objectification of vertebro-visceral functional relations
- Objectification of postural functions in patients with chronic algic vertebrogenic syndrome
- Standardization of functional postural tests
- Influence of rehabilitation therapy on subjective difficulties of patients with hereditary neuropathy
prof. PaedDr. Pavel Kolář, Ph.D., Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital
- Relationship between postural and visceral functional pathology
- Postural function in the aetiology of morphological disorders of the musculoskeletal system
- Perceptual-gnostic functions and their relation to practical functions
doc. MUDr. Petr Konečný, Ph.D., MBA, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University and University Hospital Brno
- Robotic and virtual therapy in rehabilitation
- Functional electrical stimulation in neurorehabilitation
- Evaluation of therapeutic effects of air splints in patients after stroke
doc. MUDr. Jiří Kozák, Ph.D., Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital
- Complex painful regional syndrome
MUDr. Tomáš Krejčí, Ph.,D., Department of Surgery, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital
- Analysis of motor disorders and their impact on diagnosis and treatment in patients with hydrocephalus
doc. MUDr. Jiří Kříž, Ph.D., Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital
- Correlation between the ability of acral segmental momentum, the degree of spasticity and the degree of locomotion achieved
- Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system after spinal cord injury
- Monitoring the development of spastic motor behaviour in spinal patients
- Monitoring of metabolic disorders after spinal cord injury
Ing. František Lopot, Ph.D., Czech Technical University in Prague
- Collision (accident) issues – effects and their impact on structures of locomotor system
- Mechanical properties and rheology of tissues and their artificial substitutes - detection and description of mechanical properties and their changes under various influences (mechanical loading, time - age, temperature, ...)
- Work, sport and rehabilitation aids - development, monitoring and evaluation of their properties and effectiveness
- Biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system as a mean for monitoring of medical and rehabilitation interventions impact
- Biomechanical aspects of diseases in musculoskeletal system and diseases affecting operation of locomotor system
- Biomechanics of joints
- Biomechanics of the respiratory system and its use in diagnosis and monitoring of the treatment course and effect
Mgr. Stanislav Machač, Ph.D., Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital
- Use of sonography for targeted approaches in rehabilitation
- Possibilities of sonography in determining the risk of developing dysfunctions of the locomotor system
Ing. Kristýna Machová, Ph.D., Department of Ethology and Companion Animal Science, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- The effect of hippotherapy on the stability of children with DMO
- The use of clinical stability tests to assess the effect of hippotherapy in children
- Effect of hippotherapy on autochthonous muscle activity
prof. MUDr. Jaromír Mašata, CSc., Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, First Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and General University Hospital
- New Physioterapeutic approaches for women with pundenal neuralgie
- Physiotherapy in women with chronic pelvic pain
prof. MUDr. Martin Matoulek, 3rd Department of Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and General University Hospital
Musculoskeletal pain after bariatric surgery with the help of modern technologies
Physiofitness - the role of the physiotherapist/physician in the prescription of physical activities using modern technologies in fitness and rehabilitation
doc. MUDr. Kamal Mezian, Ph.D., Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and General University Hospital
- Musculoskeletal ultrasonography in rehabilitation medicine
Mgr. Jakub Novák, Ph.D., Pavel Kolář Centre for Movement Medicine
- Clinical Evaluatin of Postural Stabilization
MUDr. Tomáš Novotný, Ph.D., Department of Histology and Embryology, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI
- Comparison of changes in gait movement patterns after different types of spondylo-surgery
- Comparison of changes in gait movement patterns after implantation of fixed and rotational tibial component of knee joint TEP
- Comparison of changes in gait movement patterns after implantation of conventional and metaphyseal uncemented shaft TEP of the hip joint
prof. MUDr. Jakub Otáhal, Ph.D., Department of Pathophysiology, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI
- Surface EMG signal decomposition in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders
- Principles of neurocognitive (perceptual - cognitive) training
- Use of functional imaging methods in kinesiology and rehabilitation
MUDr. David Pánek, Ph.D., Department of Cognitive Systems and Neurosciences, Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague
- Electroencephalographic correlates of movement behaviour and performance load – motivation, fatigue, flow state
- Kinesiological aspects of movement in electromyographic image
- Virtual telerehabilitation
doc. MUDr. Jiří Radvanský CSc., Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital
- Movement regime and bone density in former competitive gymnasts
prof. PhDr. Kamila Řasová, Ph.D., Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Královské Vinohrady University Hospital
- Possibilities of using virtual reality in physiotherapy of patients with multiple sclerosis
- Komplexní rehabilitace u lidí po cévní mozkové příhodě
MUDr. Michal Říha, Ph.D., MBA, Department of Neurosurgery and Neurooncology, First Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Military University Hospital Prague
- Epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of vertebrogenic diseases
- Epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of spastic paresis
- Use of robotically assisted rehabilitation, functional electrical stimulation, dynamic splints and static progressive orthoses in the treatment of orthopedic and neurological patients
doc. MUDr. Tereza Serranová, Ph.D., Department of Neurology, First Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and General University Hospital
- Functional motor disorders: diagnostic clinical tests using distraction cognitive techniques and competitive motor tasks as behavioral predictive markers of physiotherapy effectiveness
- Functional motor disorders: neurophysiological correlates of attentional processes (e.g. the degree of prepulse inhibition and its attentional modulation) as neurophysiological predictive markers of physiotherapy effectiveness
- Functional motor disorders: the use of attentional mechanism manipulation in a virtual reality environment in the treatment of functional motor disorders
- Chest dynamics in patients with COPD, its influencing by means of inspiratory and expiratory trainers and aids
- Respiratory muscle training as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with cystic fibrosis
Mgr. Martin Srp, Ph.D., Department of Neurology, First Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and General University Hospital in Prague
- Respiratory physiotherapy in neurology
PhDr. Marcela Šafářová, Ph.D., Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital
doc. MUDr. MDDr. Jiří Šedý, MBA, Ph.D., Department of Anatomy, Second Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and Motol University Hospital in Prague
- Clinical anatomy of the temporomandibular joint
- Anatomical basis for the diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders
- Anatomical basis of cervicogenic headache
doc. MUDr. Vladimír Tuka, Ph.D., Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, CUNI and General University Hospital in Prague
Physical activity in patients after myocardial infarction
Physical activity in patients with atrial fibrillation
Physical activity in patients with arterial hypertension
Requirements during the study
Study obligations for full-time and part-time form of study are the same.
Submit an ISP to the SAB, elaborated with regard to the topic of the dissertation and approved by the supervisor during the first year according to the study regulations.
During 1st year, the student must complete the compulsory course of “Fundamentals of Scientific Activity” (DS001).
In the 2nd year of study, the student must complete the compulsory course of “Procedures and results of recent research in the fields of kinesiology and rehabilitation” (DS015).
For the entire period of study, the student must complete at least two other subjects from the group of compulsory elective subjects of their choice and after consultation with the supervisor. The list of subjects is given below. To complete the course and obtain credit, the student contacts the course guarantor. After approval by the SAB, it is also possible to include subjects from the offer of other doctoral study programmes at universities in the Czech Republic or abroad.
Passing the examination in the subject English for doctoral students in the first two years of study. If a student submits an internationally valid certificate of passing the English language examiation, this certificate will be accepted instead of the examination. You can find more information about the exam at the Department of Languages' website. The Dean's Provisions no. 2/2024 states that all students should attend the faculty Scientific conference in the 4th year of study (and also again in the 6th and 8th year of study in case the student extends their studies).
The SAB recommends that the supervisor ensure that the international student actively cooperates with one of the student in the doctoral study programme in Kinesiology and Rehabilitation in the Czech Republic. Cooperation between students from the Czech Republic and abroad on
joint or thematically close research projects is desirable.
Joint research, publication and teaching efforts and exchange placements at home institutions students from the Czech Republic and abroad can be beneficial for students, supervisors and the entire doctoral study programme.
Students must provide evidence of teaching experience at their home institution or elsewhere.
Every six months, the international student writes a report on the progress of his/her doctoral studies, or research. This report is submitted to the supervisor, who archives the reports and provides them on request to the SAB for assessment
Additional study obligations
Part of the ISP is also involvement in scientific research activities on the basis of an agreement with the supervisor. For full-time students, pedagogical practice is part of the ISP. Participation in the teaching of subjects related to the focus of study is preferred. Exceptions to this pedagogical practice are permitted by the head of the training workplace in agreement with the supervisor.
Compulsory subjects
1st year of study: Course of basics of scientific activities (DS001)
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Jiří Bronský, Ph.D.
Compulsory course “Course of basics of scientific activities” – the student shall provide a certificate of completion a certificate of completion of a program focused on research methodology and biostatistics (which is with Czech course comparable in scope and content) in their native language or in English.
2nd year of study: Procedures and results of recent research in kinesiology and rehabilitation (DS015)
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Alena Kobesová, Ph.D.
Compulsory course “Procedures and results of recent research in kinesiology and rehabilitation” will be replaced by self-study based on the materials in and which will provide the student with provided. Credit for this course will be earned by passing a written test, thereby demonstrating the necessary theoretical knowledge.
During the study, the student must obtain credit from at least two of the following subjects of their choice with regard to the focus of the dissertation topic.
Listed courses
DS001 Basics of scientific methodology
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Jiří Bronský, Ph.D.
DS005 Functional examination and therapy of patients with musculoskeletal pain
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Alena Kobesová, Ph.D.
DS006 Physiological bases of functional examination and movement therapy in patients with civilization diseases
Guarantor: doc. MUDr. Jiří Radvanský, CSc.
DS007 Individual orthotic prosthetic aids
Guarantor: Ing. Pavel Černý, Ph.D.
DS008 Kinesiology of the lower limb and walking
Guarantor: doc. MUDr. Ivan Vařeka, Ph.D.
DS009 WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
Guarantor: MUDr. Yvona Angerová, Ph.D., MBA
DS011 Pathophysiology and treatment of pain
Guarantor: doc. MUDr. Jiří Kozák, Ph.D.
DS012 Physical activity in obese patients
Guarantor: MUDr. Martin Matoulek, Ph.D.
DS013 Advances in an inter-professional approach to the examination and rehabilitation of patients after brain injury
Guarantor: MUDr. Yvona Angerová, Ph.D., MBA
DS014 Advances in examination and multidisciplinary therapy of patients after spinal cord injury
Guarantor: doc. MUDr. Jiří Kříž, Ph.D.
DS015 Procedures and results of recent research in the fields of kinesiology and rehabilitation
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Alena Kobesová, Ph.D.
DS016 Principles of neurorehabilitation
Guarantor: doc. PhDr. Kamila Řasová, Ph.D.
DS017 Respiratory physiotherapy in clinical contexts
Guarantor: doc. PaedDr. Libuše Smolíková, Ph.D.
DS018 Examination and treatment in patients with Parkinson's disease
Guarantor: MUDr. Martina Hoskovcová, Ph.D.
DS019 Examination and rehabilitation of patients with stability disorders
Guarantor: doc. PhDr. Ondřej Čakrt, Ph.D.
DS020 Examination and therapy of patients with spastic paresis
Guarantor: MUDr. Martina Hoskovcová, Ph.D.
DS021 Developmental kinesiology
Guarantor: prof. PaedDr. Pavel Kolář, Ph.D.
DS022 Functional examination and rehabilitation of children
Guarantor: PhDr. Marcela Šafářová, Ph.D.
DS023 Central mechanisms of motor control
Guarantor: MUDr. Jan Vacek, Ph.D.
DS026 Review activity in the fields of kinesiology and rehabilitation
Guarantor: MUDr. Kamal Mezian, Ph.D.
Compulsory optional subjects
Two additional credits from compulsory elective courses will be awarded upon presentation of certificates of completion of professional courses related to the fields of kinesiology and rehabilitation by appointment with the instructor. The supervisor must confirm that he/she agrees to the selection of the courses in order to obtain credit.
Financing of scientific activities within the DSP
During the first or second year of study, the full-time and part-time student will be required to submit an application for a grant to the internal Grant Agency of Charles University, or to the agency for health research of the Czech Republic. Can apply in the Czech Republic together with their supervisor or in their own country.
Requirements for internships
Completing part of the study at a foreign institution is part of the study obligations. The student is obliged to submit a report on the foreign internship, which must last a minimum of one month. In the case of a two-week internship, this obligation can be fulfilled if the next two weeks of international cooperation include the acceptance of a foreign partner for an internship in the Czech Republic at the doctoral student's workplace. Participation in international congresses or co-authorship in international publications does not replace this compulsory internship. International students must spend at least 4 weeks at the workplace of their supervisor in the Czech Republic.
Requirements for the SDE
The aim of the SDE is to verify the breadth and quality of the student's knowledge, his/her ability to acquire new knowledge, evaluate it and use it creatively in relation to the chosen field of the doctoral study programme and the topic of the dissertation, which consists of two parts. The written part, in the form of a multiple choice test, focuses on theoretical knowledge in the study programme of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation and is based on the topics covered in the course "Procedures and results of recent research in the fields of kinesiology and rehabilitation" (DS015). After successfully passing the written part of the examination, the student can proceed to the oral part, which will focus on the actual topic of the thesis that the student is carrying out in the doctoral studies.
To register for the SDE, the student must prove:
- Completion of ISP (two of the compulsory courses and two optional ones).
- Passing the English language examination (D0400003) or proof of an internationally valid certificate of successful passing the English examination.
- Accomplishment of internship abroad.
- Simultaneously with the application for the SDE, the student submits:
- A copy of at least one publication in a peer-reviewed journal in which the student participated as the main author or co-author.
- Overview of his/her pedagogical practice. The student must prove the supervision of at least one diploma or bachelor's thesis
- A report on a completed internship abroad or on participation in an international creative project with results published or presented abroad or another form of direct student participation in international cooperation.
- The student must demonstrate that he/she has submitted a mandatory application for GAUK grant support or other grant support as a proposer or co-proposer. The student must demonstrate that they have actively participated in the preparation and submission of the grant application. Each student must submit an application at least once during the course of their studies; failure to be awarded grant support does not prevent a student from passing the SDE or from defending it.
- A written thesis in the form of a literature search, which will form the introduction of the student's future dissertation. This part must result in a clear and concise statement of the hypotheses (the assumption of what the student wants to prove in the thesis) and the aim of the thesis (how the hypothesis will be proved or rejected). The required length of the literature search is 15 - 20 pages, A4 format, Times New Roman 12 font, 1,5 line spacing.
Publication activity requirements
The student must be the author or co-author of at least two publications published or accepted for printing in an impacted journal before defending the dissertation. The summary of IF from the published papers must be equal to or greater than 1.0. The student's share in each published article must be clearly identified. For at least one article with IF, which presents the original, statistically processed data of the student, the student must be the only first author, not the shared first place. The articles must correspond thematically to the dissertation.
Students are not recommended to publish these original papers, which will become the basis of the future dissertation, in predatory journals according to the current opinion of the Second Faculty of Medicine.
Defence requirements
After the previous passing of the SDE, the doctoral student submits his/her dissertation to the defence for the commencement of the proceedings. The dissertation is the result of solving a specific scientific task; demonstrates the ability of the student to work independently in a creative way and must contain the original results of the scientific work published or accepted for publication or accepted by the author. The dissertation is submitted and defended in English by the foreign student. A set of publications or accepted manuscripts with an integrating text can also be recognized as a dissertation. The dissertation must be submitted no later than seven years after enrolment for the study.
Conditions for admission to the defence
- Before defending the dissertation, the doctoral student must be the author or co-author of at least one publication published or accepted for publication in an impact journal and at the same time at least one other publication published or accepted for publication in a reputable peer-reviewed journal. The IF sum from published works must be equal to or higher than 1,0. The student's share of each published article must be clearly identified. The student must be the first author of at least one article with IF. Articles must thematically correspond to the dissertation.
- The dissertation must meet the requirements for the Final Thesis according to the Provision of the Dean of the Second Faculty of Medicine CU. The dissertation should be written on at least 60–80 standard pages (up to 144,000 characters including spaces) without cited literature and appendices.
- A set of at least four monothematically focused publications or accepted manuscripts with an integrating text can also be recognized as a dissertation. This type of work should contain at least 30-40 standard pages (up to 72 000 characters including spaces) without cited literature and appendices.
- The dissertation is submitted to the SAB through the department of the dean's office. The work must be submitted no later than six months before the end of the study.
- The Subject Area Board requests 6 copies of the printed dissertation summary and 3 copies of the dissertation bound in hardback.
Profile of a graduate of the study programme
The studies graduate possesses a comprehensive understanding, and is well versed in a broad spectrum, of scientific principles within kinesiology and rehabilitation. He/she is familiar with research methodologies and is capable of providing individual and collaborative scientific work with ethical, academic and professional integrity. He/she is capable of critical analysis of current scientific knowledge. The graduate demonstrates competence in communication regarding issues within his/her specialty and also a broad spectrum of allied social links, especially in the application of research findings to clinical practice in rehabilitation.
Information about graduate employment
In interdisciplinary teams focused on the development of new therapeutic methods and procedures at clinical departments, especially at university and regional hospitals. At universities in scientific research and teaching work in the Czech Republic and abroad. In research institutes such as the Czech Academy of Sciences or other research institutes. In development and research teams of international and national medical entities.