Our Course

Course: General Medicine

Years: Six

Degree achieved: Medical doctor (MD)

Mode of study: Full-time

Language: English

City: Prague

Accreditation: Medical Board of California

Entry requirements: Secondary school graduation certificate & entrance exams

Start: October

General Medicine Course


The Second Faculty of Medicine provides secondary school graduates with a six-year full-time course of general medicine. The course in English has been running since 1992 and, besides the standard national accreditation, it is accredited by the Medical Board of California, which makes it easier for the students to apply for jobs in the United States of America.

The teaching occurs mainly in theoretical departments at our campus on Plzeňská Street and departments at Motol University Hospital. You will complete clinical internships in other medical facilities in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Theoretical and Preclinical Teaching (first to third year)

From the very first year, you will learn a number of practical skills and meet patients.

In the first three years of study, the leading medical line is where you will learn about the structure and functioning of the human organism (subjects Cell, Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Biology, Physiology and Biochemistry) as well as the pathogenesis and manifestations of diseases (Pathology, Pathophysiology, Microbiology and Immunology).

Our curriculum resembles a tree it has broad roots, a solid common trunk in the first three years, and a richly branched and colourful crown of clinical study in years 4 to 6.

In addition to learning first aid in the subject of Nursing, you will also learn to perform basic nursing procedures (application of injections, cannulation, bladder catheterization, etc.) and provide information to patients and their loved ones. You will develop these skills during internships and in a GP's office. In the subject of Professional Communication, you will practice strategies of communication with patients in a modern and entertaining way.

In the subject of Bioethics and Psychology, you will learn to formulate opinions, learn the basics of psychology and psychosomatics and solve ethically controversial topics. Informatics and Biostatistics will get you acquainted with information sources and databases, Methodology of Science and Bioinformatics will introduce the principles of scientific work to you, and in the course of Epidemiology and EBM (evidence-based medicine), you will focus on the principles of evidence-based medicine, epidemiology and biostatistics (bioinformatics line).

Clinical teaching (fourth to sixth year)

The last three years of your studies will comprehensively prepare you for clinical practice. The teaching will transform into a block-schedule teaching: you will gradually work as an intern in all the basic clinical and diagnostic disciplines and you will focus mainly on specific clinical situations (problem-based learning) and specific patients (case-based learning) with an emphasis on team learning. The lessons will also involve modern procedures of simulation medicine.

Why Study Czech?

Although the structure of the Czech language is quite different from that of English or other non-Slavic languages, a foreigner normally only needs about a year's study to understand basic Czech.

Read a message from our former student, Doctor Frank Trollman

The teaching is practical in character and allows early specialization during the studies: In the fourth year, you will choose a two-week internship according to your preference (subject P10). Also, the four mandatory summer two-week internships are, for the most part, chosen according to your own interests. In the sixth year, even an eight-week internship is optional (subject K40). Gradual specialization and individual development of students are also offered by dozens of optional subjects.

In the sixth year, you will finish your studies with Advanced Master's state examinations in Public Health, Internal Medicine, Surgery and Pediatrics.

As a graduate, you are entitled to using the degree 'Doctor of General Medicine' (abbreviated as 'MUDr.' or MD), recognised in the EU and the United States.


Want to ask?

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 General Medicine Curriculum

How to Apply?

Video Chats with Students

Study Plans and Accreditations

Living & Housing in Prague

Pediatric Specialization – Our Unique Added Bonus to Standard Education

Motol University Hospital – the largest in the country

Modern theoretical and preclinical departments

Culture, entertainment and sport

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