Special needs (learning disorders, psychiatric problems, etc.)
The Second Faculty of Medicine supports students with special needs, e.g. physical disabilities and sensory impairments, learning disorders, psychological and psychiatric problems.
How to obtain support and adjustments during your studies
Based on a medical report and functional diagnostics, performed by Centrum Paluba (based at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University), you obtain study and examination adjustments.
Take the five steps below:
- Make an appointment for a diagnostic interview by choosing and contacting your Centrum Paluba specialist from the following list:
Special diagnosticians – Centrum Paluba
How to register (for English, use translator)
Celetná 597/13 (room 113), 110 00, Old Town
- students with psychological problems
- students with visual impairments
- students with physical impairments
Mgr. Veronika Šporclová, Ph.D.
- students with specific learning disorders
- students with psychological problems
- students with autism spectrum disorder
- students with hearing impairments
- students with physical impairments
- students with visual impairments
2. Have a medical documentation proving your disability from your doctor ready before you meet Centrum Paluba specialist who will be making the diagnostic interview with you.
3. Undergo the diagnostic interview with Centrum Paluba specialist at the agreed day. The specialist will identify your special needs.
4. Fill and sign an informed consent received during the diagnostic interview from your specialist, in order to be registered as a student with special needs at Charles University.
5. Submit your documentation (medical documentation, diagnostic interview report and signed informed consent) to the faculty and register as a student with special needs before 31 October of the given academic year.
However, you can also register or update your registration at any time of the year.
Contact person for support during your studies
Ms. Anna Pecharová, Guidance Counselor
Psychological Counselling
Your well-being is a priority, and we want to make you aware that our faculty offers psychological support services for students in need.
Whether you're dealing with stress, anxiety, or any other personal challenges, professionals are here to help you navigate these experiences. We encourage you to take advantage of these resources, as prioritizing your mental health is essential for both your personal and academic success.
Please, feel free to reach out to the counseling office at Carolina Centre of Charles University in Celetná 13, Prague 1.
Another option at the Second Medical Faculty is contacting
Clinical neurologist
The Carolina Centre provides
- Psychological Counselling for all CU students and employees, who are, free of charge, more than willing to help you.
- Weekly Open support group for English-speaking students at Charles University
- Support group for students with ADHD and similar difficulties
Carolina Centre is also provides help in following:
- Emergency Services Outside of CU
- Socioeconomic Counseling
- Spiritual Support
- Sexual and Gender Based Violence
- Coaching
- Legal Counseling
- Mindfulness Training
- Diagnostics of Personality and Career Preconditions
Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and you don’t have to go through this alone.