About Us

M.D. Degree Study Programme
International Students and Language
Social Background, Library, Access to Information Sources
Postgraduate Course in Biomedicine
The Motol University Hospital


The 2nd Faculty of Medicine (2nd Medical School) has taken on the history of Charles University in Prague, which was established in 1348, and continues the nearly fifty-year-old tradition of the former Faculty of Paediatrics of this University. The Motol-based 2nd Faculty of Medicine offers both pregraduate and postgraduate education to students, doctors and other professional staff working in all fields of medicine. A total of about 1,000 students are presently studying at the Faculty.

M.D. Degree Study Programme

Theoretical and preclinical disciplines are taught in the first to fourth years. Education in clinical disciplines (in the third to sixth years), is organized in the form of blocks, and is concentrated at the Motol University Hospital, which is one of the most developed and largest hospitals in Europe, providing total health care for both adult and paediatric patients. Students see patients already at 1st year – visits to GP´s offices are included in curriculum. The study programme of subsequent years also includes practical training in special health institutes both in Prague and other cities. Courses in all disciplines finish with credits and examinations.
The students take the final state exams in the following subjects: Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Surgery, Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Public Health.
All the theoretical, preclinical and clinical subjects are taught with the substantial use of audiovisual aids and computer equipment. Special attention is paid to teaching basic clinical and communication skills in connection with common clinical practice. During their studies students must prove their ability in independent scientific research. Students receive practical training in nursing care (second year) and in internal medicine, surgery, gynaecology and obstetrics and paediatrics (fourth to sixth years). Students can apply for grants and spend their placements in renowned international clinical institutes via the framework of mutual cooperation between universities or using the IFMSA programmes.
There is also the possibility of spending a term or more studying in UK, Sweden, France, Slovakia and other countries, following an individual study programme. The 2nd Faculty of Medicine's students have the chance to gain and enhance knowledge in subjects and fields they are particularly interested in by attending optional subjects and specialised courses. Specialization in particular medical disciplines is offered in the form of postgraduate courses.
The course in General Medicine provided at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine is exclusively a full-time course, taking six years. The standard course is completed after passing the state final exams, and culminates in a graduation ceremony in Charles University's Great Hall, where graduates are granted the degree ‘Doctor of Medicine’ – abbreviated as ‘MUDr.’

International Students and Language

The medical course for international students is conducted in English. English is also mostly sufficient for communication in everyday life. However, students do need to study Czech so that they can communicate with Czech patients and medical staff during their practical courses in the hospital departments. Basic Czech is therefore required in the fourth to sixth years. Although the structure of the Czech language is quite different from that of English or other non-Slavic languages, a foreigner normally only needs about a year's study to understand basic Czech.

Social Base, Library, Access to Information Sources

For individual study, the Faculty Library is available with its study room and reading room with numerous scientific journals. The students also have at their disposal computer study rooms allowing access to the Internet and to bibliographical network databases. A social base for the students who do not have their permanent residence in Prague is provided by standard student dormitories located near to the grounds of the School and the Motol University Hospital. The School and the Motol University Hospital are located in the residential district on the outskirts of Prague but within easy reach of several underground stations (Anděl, Hradčanská, Nové Butovice).

Postgraduate Course in Biomedicine

The 2nd Faculty of Medicine provides postgraduate scientific training. Its purpose is the preparation of Faculty graduates for independent work in the field of basic and clinical research. The programme is intended for both Czech and international graduates who pass the entrance procedure. It can take the form of either internal studies or distance learning (external). Internal studies take three years while distance learning lasts five years. The internal postgraduate student has the status of a regular student in all legal and social aspects. Successful completion of the course requires the passing of the Ph.D. examination and the defence of a thesis written on the basis of published scientific reports.

The Motol University Hospital

The clinical base of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine is the Motol University Hospital (http://www.fnmotol.cz), which is one of the largest hospitals in Europe. The total number of beds is approximately 2300, of which 690 are in the paediatric section, while the section for adults has 1230 beds.
The Motol-based hospital provides medical care in all medical fields for inhabitants of Prague or of the whole of the Czech Republic.
Annually, over 750,000 outpatients are treated in our hospital, and over 70,000 patients are admitted.
A total of 800 medical doctors work in the hospital, part of a medical staff of 3000, as well as another 900 employees who contribute to the running of the hospital. All departments of the paediatric section are highly specialized, and some of their activities are unique in the Czech Republic (oncology, haemodialysis, epileptology etc.).

Last update: 24. 10. 2018 / Administrátor
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