Dean’s Measure No. 23/2021

Dean’s Measure No. 23/2021

Professor Koutecký Award

Art. I

Introductory Provisions

This Dean’s Measure establishes the rules for awarding the Professor Koutecký Award for undergraduate students of the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, for scientific achievement. The award is named after the Dean Emeritus of the 2nd Medical Faculty, the founder of paediatric oncology.

Art. II

Award Rules

1. Professor Koutecký Award may be awarded to a student of a master's or bachelor's degree programme at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University ("2nd Faculty of Medicine"), who is the first author of a scientific article published or accepted for publication in the previous calendar year in a journal with an IF above 1.0 in Q1 - Q3.

2. Applications for the award must be submitted in writing and in electronic form by 31 January of the relevant year to the Dean’ assistant.

3.  The award is decided by the Dean after a review by the award committee.

4. The committee consists of the Dean and two other members appointed by the Dean.

5.  The award is given in the form of a diploma and is associated with a financial reward of CZK 10,000.

6.  The award may be bestowed on an individual or on several students at the same time.

7.  The award will be granted at the Scientific Conference of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, where the receiving student will give a short presentation about his/her work.

Art. III

Final Provisions

1. The award does not have to be granted in any given year.

2.  There is no legal entitlement to the award.

3.  This Measure comes into force and effect on the date of the Dean's signature.


In Prague, on 22 December 2021

prof. MUDr. Vladimír Komárek, CSc.

Dean of the Faculty



Application form for the Professor Koutecký Award competition


Validity and effectiveness
Validity: 22 December 2021
Effective from: 22 December 2021
Gestor: Secretariat of the Dean´s Office
Created: 12. 1. 2022 / Modified: 12. 1. 2022 / Responsible person: Mgr. Marie Hejlová