Dr. Martina Laczó Has Been Awarded the Martina Roesel Memorial Grant for 2025


Recipients of the Martina Roeselová Memorial Grant 2025 with the organizers | Photograph: Tomáš Belloň / Nadační fond IOCB Tech

The Martina Roesel Memorial Grant supports young scientists who are trying to combine scientific activity with quality childcare at pre-school age. It is awarded to female and male postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows who are working in the field of natural sciences at universities and non-university research institutes in the Czech Republic while caring for a preschool child. The financial support is intended to cover childcare services so that scientists and early career scientists can continue their studies or research and not lose touch with world science.

The grant is awarded from 2022 by the IOCB Tech Endowment Fund, established by IOCB Tech, which is affiliated to the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS.

MUDr. Martina Laczó, Ph.D. works at the Department of Neurology, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and Motol University Hospital in Spatial Cognition Laboratory. She graduated in General Medicine at the Second Faculty of Medicine, she is researching Alzheimer's disease, specifically focusing on the possibilities of early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases using experimental cognitive tests, especially spatial orientation tests. She is a mother of two sons aged 18 and 5 months.

Created: 17. 12. 2024 / Modified: 17. 12. 2024 / Mgr. Petr Andreas, Ph.D.