Plzenska: reconstructed!

Many students and some teachers have noticed that teaching has begun in the new building in Plzenska. Courses have started in the classrooms downstairs. Meanwhile, all the other areas are being arranged so that we can start using the building in full operation.
The official inauguration of the building will take place on 17. 6. 2011.
The official representatives of 2nd Faculty of Charles University including the Rector Professor RNDr. Vaclav Hampl, DrSc., and other distinguished guests have all promised their participation at the opening ceremony. After the ceremony, you can enjoy the evening and join the crowds at MotoLFest, the annual music festival.
A web series outlining the reconstruction is being prepared where you can look through images of the past and the present site at Plzenska as well as the details of the construction of new buildings.

Jana Djakow

Created: 14. 3. 2011 / Modified: 15. 1. 2025 / MUDr. Jana Djakow