Statement of the Faculty Management and Academic Senate, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University on the Events in Ukraine

In connection with the development of the situation and following our previous statement, we would like to once again express our full support to the people of Ukraine and we emphasize our willingness and readiness to provide maximum assistance and support to our Ukrainian colleagues and students – please do not hesitate to contact us if necessary through the ombudsman (@email) or directly through the management of the faculty (@email) or representatives of the Academic Senate (@email).

We sincerely hope that the political representatives of democratic countries will find a way to effectively enforce respect for the moral principles that are inherent in our civilization and in which we deeply believe.

Our faculty will try to contribute to the best of our ability – by showing solidarity to the people of Ukraine (contributions can be made, for example, through the Red Cross, People in Need, or Post Bellum), by effectively helping our Ukrainian students, by possibly helping medical students from Ukraine and other students who will be threatened by the conflict, but also by consistently respecting the principles of democracy throughout our faculty community.

Faculty Management and Academic Senate, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University

Created: 25. 2. 2022 / Modified: 14. 5. 2022 / Mgr. Juan Zamora