When we started creating the book in 2011, there were eight students in the eleven-member author and graphic team. We were young, naive, but above all brave. We didn't know if we could write a quality textbook and at the same time manage the demanding medical exams. But we decided to take the risk.
Now, ten years after the baptism of the first edition, Memorix Anatomy already has more than 20,000 proud owners, and all eight students have since successfully become doctors. Maybe we just got lucky, but maybe we went to meet that luck. We are very pleased that after the publication of the English book of Memorix Anatomy, translations into other languages started and now thousands of students are learning anatomy from the Polish, Italian or Hungarian versions of our work.
For lovers of the microscopic world, we have written Memorix histology, which can be considered a comprehensive textbook and a high-quality histological atlas in one. We didn't have enough and we moved from books to creating applications. Memorix Anatomy QUIZ and Memorix Histology QUIZ are mobile apps for practicing anatomy and histology. Using thousands of questions, they will perfectly test the knowledge of novice medical students as well as experienced doctors.
Through the Anatom.cz application and the Online anatomical dictionary, we worked our way up to the creation of the most detailed and graphically sophisticated 3D anatomical atlas in the world, Anatomyka. In the Anatomyka application, we transform Memorix content into three-dimensional form to help students understand even the most complex parts of the human body.
We see it as another challenge that not even the corona virus will stop us from, as we are still young, naive, but above all, courageous.
Video-interview in Czech with Dr. Rado Hudák, Dr. Jan Balko and Prof. David Kachlík, with commentary by the authors and a photo gallery.