The Adam Awards for 2023 Go to Adéla Mišove and Zuzana Paračková

The Scientific Advisory Board of the Second Faculty of Medicine had an unusual opening on the day of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Faculty's independence. The Vlasta and Ervin Adam Awards were presented.

"Professor Adam knows about these award-winning works. At the age of 101, he continues to communicate by e-mail and he appreciated both authors," Prof. Jan Starý revealed during the award ceremony. 

The Vlasta Adamová Award for outstanding work in the field of oncology and haematology was awarded to Adéla Mišove, MD, from the Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, for her work on genomic analysis looking for targetable therapeutic lesions in paediatric spinal cord tumours of low-grade gliomas. The paper was published in Acta Nueropathologica and boasts an IF of 7.1.

MUDr. Adéla Mišove při přebírání Ceny Vlasty Adamové za vynikající práci v oboru onkologie a hematologie. Předával prof. Jan Starý (vlevo) a děkan 2. LF prof. Marek Babjuk. Foto: Matouš Vokatý

"I believe that the study underlines the importance of integrated diagnosis both for the initial stratification of the disease and opens up further possibilities for subsequent therapy," said Adéla Mišove, MD, when accepting the award.

Mišove A, Vícha A, Brož P, Váňová K, Sumerauer D, Štolová L, Šrámková L, Koblížek M, Zámečník J, Kynčl M, Holubová Z, Libý P, Táborský J, Beneš V, Perníková l, Jones DTW, Sill M, Stančoková T, Krsková L, Zápotocký M. lntegrated genomic analysis reveals actionable targets in pediatric spinal cord low-grade gliomas, Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2022 Sep 26;10(1):143. doi: 10.1186/s40478-022-01446-0.10. IF 7,1.

The Ervín Adam Prize for outstanding work of preventive importance for the health of the population was awarded to Zuzana Paračková, Ph.D. from the Institute of Immunology, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and Motol University Hospital. The key paper was published in Clinical Immunology with an IF of 10.19. The paper is devoted to the function of neutrophils and platelets during treatment with TNF blockers in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

RNDr. Zuzana Paračková, PhD., při přebírání Ceny Ervína Adama za vynikající práci preventivního významu pro zdraví populace. Předával prof. Jan Starý (vlevo) a děkan 2. LF prof. Marek Babjuk. Foto:Matouš Vokatý

"In collaboration with Department of Pediatric and Adult Rheumatology, we are looking for factors that could help us predict the success of biological therapy in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The sooner the correct treatment is administered to these patients, the more likely we are to be able to preserve some functionality of their musculoskeletal system," said Dr Zuzana Parackova, who introduced the project she is working on.

1. Paračková Z., Zentsová l., Horváth R., Malcová H., Cebecauerová D., Šedivá A., Klocperk A. lmmunomodulation of neutrophils and platelets by TNF bIockage in patients with juveniIe idiopathic arthritis. Clinical lmmunology 245 (2022|, doi.orgl10.10L6/|clim.2022.1O9L70 lF: 10,19
2. Paračková Z., Zentsová l., Malcová H., Cebecauerová D., Šedivá A., Horváth R. lncreased histone citrullination in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Frontiers in Medicine, 19 August 2022, DOl: 10. 3389/f m ed.2022.97 LL2L. lF: 5,057

"As a faculty, we try to support scientific teams, to look for a systematic approach that will enable their existence, development and thus the fact that young energy is coming into them," said the Dean of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Marek Babjuk, during the award ceremony. 

Since 2013, the Vlasta Adamová Award for outstanding work in the field of oncology and haematology and the Erwin Adam Award for outstanding work of preventive importance for the health of the population (in the areas of aetiology, pathophysiology, diagnostics and therapy) have been awarded by the 2nd Faculty of Medicine to two students or staff members of the faculty under the age of 35. A diploma and a financial amount of CZK 20,000 or CZK 30,000 for exceptional work may be awarded for publications published or accepted for publication in the previous calendar year in a foreign journal with an IF higher than 2.0 and not yet otherwise appreciated; the proposed candidate must be the first author. The proposal for the award may be submitted by the candidate, the head of the institute or clinic, or a researcher in the relevant field.

Prof. MUDr. Ervín Adam, CSc., was born in Rachov, Subcarpathian Rus on 7 November 1922. He was one of the few relatives to survive the Holocaust, survived several concentration camps, and moved to Prague in 1945. He studied medicine and led a medical team at the Na Bulovka Hospital that eradicated polio in the late 1950s. After August 1968, he emigrated with his family to Canada and then to the USA, where he worked at Baylor University Medical School in Houston. He became a professor of molecular virology and microbiology and, among other things, identified the role of herpes simplex virus 2 in the development of cervical cancer. In 2012, he received the Czech Head Award. He retired in 2017. He is the author of numerous scientific studies and the autobiographical book Everything is Different (2018). He lives in Houston, is a widower, has two daughters and three grandchildren.

Created: 30. 11. 2023 / Modified: 12. 12. 2024 / PhDr. Mgr. Kateřina Křenová