The Admission Exams Are in Full Swing!

Although the first of the three admission exam deadlines has already passed the others still lie ahead, and the faculty will once again be choosing the best and brightest applicants. The exams will take place on 2 July and 18 September (the deadline is 25 August). Take a look at the comments of some of the students who have already applied to study at the 2nd Faculty.

Raisa (Kyrgyzstan)

Prague is my favourite city. Charles University is good, the culture is good and everything is good. Since I don´t speak Czech I appreciate the study is in English. I found the 2nd Faculty when I was searching on the Internet and I heard about it, of course. Nobody helped me, no companies or so. Besides that, however, I chose to apply at all the faculties in Prague – to have bigger chances.


Fatima (Iran and Dubai)

The universities in Dubai are not as good as the European and US ones so I was looking elsewhere. I wanted to study in Europe so I just searched universities here and found Charles University, which has got good ranking.


Mona (Germany)

I decided to study in Prague because it is an amazing city and near Germany. A friend of mine, who is studying here already, gave me a tip. I love English and also the 2nd Faculty with its huge hospital, which gives me lots of opportunities to work. As my first goal is to study medicine, I´m trying even other faculties in Hungary and Germany. If I were to choose out of Hungary and the Czech Republic, I would choose Prague.


Timo (Germany)

I chose the 2nd Faculty first of all because I´m not getting accepted in Germany. My second reason is that Prague is a beautiful, fascinating and great city and I heard the hospital here is a great hospital. I found it on the Internet, then I emailed with a student from Prague. He told me: The university is great, the city is great, are you going to study with me? I applied even in Pilsen and Hradec Králové, but also in Holland and in Szczecin. But it´s just a backup, my first choice will be Prague. However, the difference in price is not that big. I need to get a credit to finance my study anyway, so it doesn´t really matter whether it´s one pound more or less.


Lukas (Germany)

When I looked at the Internet where it´s possible to study medicine, the study programme at the 2nd Faculty was very appealing, and I liked the programme was in English. People told me Prague is a very nice city and that it´s nice to study here. I applied also at Hradec Králové and in Germany, Austria and Latvia. To be honest I´d prefer Germany because it´s free – but then Prague seems like a nice option.


Mohammed (Denmark)

The 2nd Faculty is linked to the Motol University Hospital, the biggest hospital in the Czech Republic, I think we´ll gain very good experience here. I also applied at Hradec Hrálové and Brno and at the 1st Faculty and the 3rd Faculty in Prague as well. A friend of mine knows people from here who recommended us to study here.


Abdulhalim (Saudi Arabia)

2nd Faculty is one of the best faculties, Charles University is older than four hundred years and the Motol University Hospital is one of the best hospitals in Europe. Nevertheless I applied at all medical faculties in the Czech Republic, but when I succeed, I´ll go to the 2nd Faculty.


Created: 18. 8. 2014 / Modified: 13. 6. 2022 / Mgr. Petr Andreas, Ph.D.